what happened to sladekraven and collective's codes?
I cant see them; just horizontal scroll bars.
Am i missing something?

Actually I need something to ignore (in the sense the chatter is really ignored in channel c) and not just filtering out as a standard client ignore or "choose not to show it on the screen."
I run a trivia bot on 3 channels. The bot accumulates all the scores of the chatter whether he plays on channel a, b, or c or simultaneously on all channels, hence *cheating* takes place.
So, I want to control... A chatter can only play trivia on one of the three channels, so that he cannot get accumulated scores from the other channels. The trivia bot script doesnt have the option to control this or make separate scoring for the three channels. It only has one scoring system regardless of how many channels it's being run.
So, I have to control using the ignore.
Thanks in advance.