Why do you want to user port $4747 (does the dollarsign has a special meaning?). I think mirc is now trying to use $4747 as the 4747 parameter passed to alias miniscript2 {}. Does $<portnumber> mean anything special in another (script)language which might be your motivation for using that in here? Even with the syntax $chr(36) $+ 4747 i still think it's using it as a parameter. If mirc even supports portnumbers to be used in combination with a dollarsign then u might try this: $eval($4747, 0) . Don't think it will make any difference though.
i cant understand where this port number ur trying to use comes from ..... i dont even think a pc has a port defined with a $ prefixing it ....... infact in a router u cant even forward anything for a port with a $ infront of it ...... so what ur tryin to do is just nonsensical to me and im sure many others ..... basically ur trying to force somethign to work on a port that as far as i know doesnt exist or will never exist ..... but if im wrong id really like an explanation as to where ur getting this port information from