How shall I explain this. Using gettok and setting it to a variable gives me the error. While just echo'ing the gettok command works perfectly fine. Here is how my code is set up.
var %temp.dir = %mtm. [ $+ [ $replace(%temp.trig, $chr(32), $chr(46)) ] ]
var %y = $numtok(%temp.dir,127)
while (%y > 0) {
echo -a %temp.dir
echo -a $gettok(%temp.dir,%y,127)
var %temp.odderror $gettok(%temp.dir,%y,127)
I placed the echo right next to the var to make sure, but it still gives the error when trying to set it.
The equal sign is required when setting a local variable with data that evaluates from something containing a comma or for inline variables, i believe this is so mirc can more easily determine where the data for one variable ends and the data for another begine (at least thats my best guess). It is not a required part of the syntax in all circumstances due to the ability to create empty variables
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