this code:
var %t = $lines(read.txt), %ti = 1 | while (%ti <= %t) {
echo @info $gettok($read(read.txt,%ti),2-,32)
inc %ti
Echos the content of the file read.txt to a custom window, starting with the second word.
The Content of the file has this structure:
IP - nick :: <some other text..>
The output looks something like this:
- nick1 :: <some other text..>
- nick2 :: <some other text..>
- nick3 :: <some other text..>
how can I make the output nick to be a link to this command:
/run $findfile($logdir,$replace(<nick>,|,_) $+ .log,1)
so that when I double click on that nick in the window to open the log file?
p.s: I know i have to use HOTLINK, $hotline, but i have no ideea how to do it...
on ^1:HOTLINK:anick:@info:{
if ($1 == anick ) return
on 1:HOTLINK:*anick*:@info { /run $findfile($logdir,$replace(anick,|,_) $+ .log,1) }
this will open the log file named anick.log...
how do I make it work for evey nick outputed by the read of the file?