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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I was wondering how hard it would be to grab info from a website that list game news as a .txt file, but the info in the text file changes names at random times.
I would also like to be able to do a trigger like !who #### to display the info in mirc.
example of the txt file:
106 Toast (#106) 100 4717 Clan M 0
## Name ### land Networth Clan Government 0=N 1=Y
The government would change letters and there would be 8 in total, each one has a different letter representing them. The clan would also be different.
Would it also be possible to save the file, then the next time it polls the .txt file be able to compare any differences in them. Like say the land changed, could I trigger with !cpwho ####? Then show what had changed and by what amount?
Thank you for your time.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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All of that is possible, but you will need to give a link to the site/page for someone to help you with it.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, looking at that... If you did !who #### ... what are you going to put as the #### if you were looking at the first line?
!who 76
!who Cirrus Minor
And I assume !cpwho #### would use the same number or name as !who does.
As for having historical data for your !cpwho command, when do you want it to update? Once and hour, once a day, once a week... ?
Finally, how much of that information do you want to store? Everything, or only parts? And do you need both numbers (76 and (#76) )?
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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!who 76 so it looks up by the number not the name, I guess it would be nice if it could do it either way  same for the !cpwho, I would like to be able to compare everything, but if that is to much, I guess Networth and land are the important ones. I guess every hour, but I suppose I would be able to change it if needed? No I don't need both numbers, That is just the way the game does country names, it adds the number after the name.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, here you go:
on *:start: {
if (!$hget(NewGameData)) {
hmake NewGameData 100
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh"))) { hload NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") }
if (!$hget(OldGameData)) {
hmake OldGameData 100
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh"))) { hload OldGameData $+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh") }
.timerGameData 0 3600 GameData
; Socket Stuff
alias GameData {
if ($hget(OldGameData)) { hfree OldGameData }
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh"))) { .remove $+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh") }
if ($hget(NewGameData)) {
hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh")
hfree NewGameData
hmake NewGameData 100
hmake OldGameData 100
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh"))) {
hload OldGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh")
hsave OldGameData $+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh")
sockopen GameData a.swirve.com 80
on *:sockopen:GameData: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /data/ranks.txt HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: a.swirve.com
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Language: en-us
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */* $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | halt }
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) 03§ $1 03§ $2 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4 03§ $5,03§ $3 03§ $4)
; Trigger Stuff
on *:text:!who &:#yourchannel: {
if ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan $2 $+ : $v1
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
on *:text:!cpwho &:#yourchannel: {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) || $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) && $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
elseif ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : N/A
else {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : N/A
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
on *:input:#yourchannel: {
if ($1 == !who && $2) {
if ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan $2 $+ : $v1
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
elseif ($1 == !cpwho && $2) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) || $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) && $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
elseif ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : N/A
else {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : N/A
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
You'll need to change 3 #yourchannel things to your channel name or to # for all channels. Also, you may want to change the formatting of how the text is output to the channel. To change how the pieces of data are output to the channel, look for the line that starts with "hadd". You can adjust the 03§ parts to change the character/color between each piece of data. Right now, only that character is colored, but you can also color the other text if you want to. I'd recommend having it a different color than the dividing character so you can easily see what is what. To change the beginning text on the line, just look for the lines that start with "msg $chan". At the top, you'll find a timer. Change the 3600 to the number of seconds you want between getting new data. 3600 == 1 hour. I didn't bother making some setup screen for just that one thing. It is also set up to handle !who and !cpwho from other users and also from the bot (only in the specified channel(s) ). I didn't put a way to look it up by the name instead of the number. If you really think that would be used, let me know and I can throw in that part for you using $hfind. Any questions, just ask. You'll want to restart mIRC after loading the script to get the timer started. If you don't want to restart, you can just type the timer line (with a / in front of it) into your edit box and hit enter and then type /gamedata and hit enter to load in the data. (That /gamedata part is not needed if you restart mIRC).
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thank you so much,
So far it works great, waiting for the timer to countdown to get the new data.
If it isn't much more to do it by name too, that would be great.
Again thank you very much
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try this one for allowing searches with names instead of just numbers. I could have shortened it by putting things into aliases, but this way it can easily be adjusted.
on *:start: {
if (!$hget(NewGameData)) {
hmake NewGameData 100
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh"))) { hload NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") }
if (!$hget(OldGameData)) {
hmake OldGameData 100
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh"))) { hload OldGameData $+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh") }
.timerGameData 0 3600 GameData
; Socket Stuff
alias GameData {
if ($hget(OldGameData)) { hfree OldGameData }
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh"))) { .remove $+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh") }
if ($hget(NewGameData)) {
hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh")
hfree NewGameData
hmake NewGameData 100
hmake OldGameData 100
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh"))) {
hload OldGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh")
hsave OldGameData $+(",$scriptdir\OldGameData.hsh")
sockopen GameData a.swirve.com 80
on *:sockopen:GameData: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /data/ranks.txt HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: a.swirve.com
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Language: en-us
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */* $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | halt }
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) 03§ $1 03§ $2 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4 03§ $5,03§ $3 03§ $4)
; Trigger Stuff
on *:text:!who *:#yourchannel: {
if ($2 isnum && !$3) {
if ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan $2 $+ : $v1
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
else {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 0) {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 1) {
msg $chan Too many results for $2- $+ . Be more specific, or use the number instead of the name.
else {
var %data = $hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,1,w).data
msg $chan %data $+ : $hget(NewGameData,%data)
else msg $chan No data for $2- $+ .
on *:text:!cpwho *:#yourchannel: {
if ($2 isnum && !$3) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) || $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) && $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
elseif ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : N/A
else {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : N/A
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
else {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 0) {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 1) {
msg $chan Too many results for $2- $+ . Be more specific, or use the number instead of the name.
else {
var %data = $hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,1,w).data
if ($hget(OldGameData,%data) || $hget(NewGameData,%data)) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,%data) && $hget(NewGameData,%data)) {
msg $chan New Data for %data $+ : $hget(NewGameData,%data)
msg $chan Old Data for %data $+ : $hget(OldGameData,%data)
elseif ($hget(NewGameData,%data)) {
msg $chan New Data for %data $+ : $hget(NewGameData,%data)
msg $chan Old Data for %data $+ : N/A
else {
msg $chan New Data for %data $+ : N/A
msg $chan Old Data for %data $+ : $hget(OldGameData,%data)
else msg $chan No data for $2- $+ .
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
on *:input:#yourchannel: {
if ($1 == !who && $2) {
if ($2 isnum && !$3) {
if ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan $2 $+ : $v1
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
else {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 0) {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 1) {
msg $chan Too many results for $2- $+ . Be more specific, or use the number instead of the name.
else {
var %data = $hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,1,w).data
msg $chan %data $+ : $hget(NewGameData,%data)
else msg $chan No data for $2- $+ .
elseif ($1 == !cpwho && $2) {
if ($2 isnum && !$3) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) || $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,$2) && $hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
elseif ($hget(NewGameData,$2)) {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : $hget(NewGameData,$2)
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : N/A
else {
msg $chan New Data for $2 $+ : N/A
msg $chan Old Data for $2 $+ : $hget(OldGameData,$2)
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
else {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 0) {
if ($hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,0,w).data > 1) {
msg $chan Too many results for $2- $+ . Be more specific, or use the number instead of the name.
else {
var %data = $hfind(NewGameData,$2- $+ *,1,w).data
if ($hget(OldGameData,%data) || $hget(NewGameData,%data)) {
if ($hget(OldGameData,%data) && $hget(NewGameData,%data)) {
msg $chan New Data for %data $+ : $hget(NewGameData,%data)
msg $chan Old Data for %data $+ : $hget(OldGameData,%data)
elseif ($hget(NewGameData,%data)) {
msg $chan New Data for %data $+ : $hget(NewGameData,%data)
msg $chan Old Data for %data $+ : N/A
else {
msg $chan New Data for %data $+ : N/A
msg $chan Old Data for %data $+ : $hget(OldGameData,%data)
else msg $chan No data for $2- $+ .
else msg $chan No data on $2 $+ .
To test, try: !who Cirrus Minor !who Cirrus !who C !who 76 You can try those with !cpwho as well. All except the third will result in the data being displayed. You don't need to enter the entire name, but you need to enter enough of it so that only one name matches. That's why "C" won't work, but "Cirrus" will. Note that it searches in the form of $2* (not *$2*). So you can't search for "!who Minor". This was done purposely to allow you to search with the fewest letters possible. In this case, you can use "!who Cir" and you'll get your results.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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everything is working just great.  someone had a thought though, would it be possible to make the triggers, trigger the timer to download the txt file and say something like, Getting current info, then spit out the result. I guess it would also need a way to keep it from getting the txt file if someone had just searched in say the last 5-10 minutes. Without having to change a bunch of the script you did? Thanks
Last edited by danzigrules; 06/02/07 06:08 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To have it display "Getting Data," just add a line below this: After that line, insert:
msg #yourchannel Getting Data...
If you want it to also say "Done," then edit this line:
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | halt }
Make it like this:
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | msg #yourchannel Done. | halt }
Just replace #yourchannel with the channel name. As for having it download based on the triggers, that will affect your !cpwho command. If people are using it regularly, then that will make the data be the same for both old and new almost all of the time unless the data is changing every few minutes on the site. Also, you can make it download more often than once and hour if you think that's an issue. Personally, I wouldn't make the triggers cause it to download something. If I were you, I'd find out how often the data on the site changes (if it's a regular interval) or else find out the average amount of time between changes (if it's not a regular interval). Then I would have it download data a little bit after that change. For example, if the site updated every 30 minutes (every time the minute hand is on the 6 and the 12), then I'd have your script update every 30 minutes (every time the minute hand is on the 7 and 1). That would keep it updated regularly with the site for you. To do that would mean starting the timer at the right time and setting it to the right interval, of course.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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sorry for the delay in responding, waterlines freezing is not any fun  Got the Getting data to work, which is nice. I see your point about the trigger pulling the info. This is working wonderfully. Few more things to ask of you. Is there a way to add commas to the Networth output? So it doesn't all run together. 888: country name 03§ Land: 17220 03§ NetWorth: 46996633 03§ removed 03§ H 03§ 1 Can I just move the parts of this line: hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) 03§ Land: $1 03§ NetWorth: $2 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4 03§ $5,03§ $3 03§ $4) } To make the output more like: 0Oh My Gosh (#212) Communism Rank: 21 Networth: 637,594 Land: 3191 Tag: GDI: 0 Can the Rank be added to the script you wrote? The Rank is what ever line that country is on. 1 top - whatever at the bottom. Thank you
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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For now, here's the change to the SOCKREAD event:
on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
inc %rank.cnt
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4 03§ $5,03§ $3 03§ $4) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt
I did't reorder it because I'm not sure what goes where.  Can you display the output as it is right now for one of them and then display how you want it to look for the same one? That way I know what numbers are going where.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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how it is now:
212: 0Test (#212) 03§ Land: 16,661 03§ NetWorth: 4,466,503 03§ 03§ Clan 03§ R 03§ Rank: 908
how I would like it:
Test (#212) 03§ Rank: 908 03§ Networth: 4,466,503 03§ Land: 16,661 03§ Clan 03§ Republic 03§ GDI: 0
would it be possible to make it turn the R into repulic like is the second example? The letter break down is:
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
Thank You
Last edited by danzigrules; 08/02/07 05:00 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, here's the new SOCKREAD:
on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
inc %rank.cnt
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
var %Government = $replace($iif($5,$5,$4),M,Monarchy,D,Democracy,R,Republic,H,Theocracy,C,Communism,I,Dictatorship,T,Tyranny,F,Fascism)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4,03§ $3) 03§ %Government
I'm not sure what the GDI is. See what you think.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Ok, here's the new SOCKREAD:
on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
inc %rank.cnt
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
var %Government = $replace($iif($5,$5,$4),M,Monarchy,D,Democracy,R,Republic,H,Theocracy,C,Communism,I,Dictatorship,T,Tyranny,F,Fascism)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§ $4,03§ $3) 03§ %Government
I'm not sure what the GDI is. See what you think. Close  212: 0Test(#212) 03§ Rank: 911 03§ NetWorth: 4,445,201 03§ Land: 16,661 03§ 03§ Clan 03§ RepublDicTyrannyaTyrannyorshipCommunDicTyrannyaTyrannyorshipsm and yes I am changing the Clan part  GDI is just a Y or N , 1 = Y , 0 = N
Last edited by danzigrules; 08/02/07 07:58 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 8,330 |
Ok, this may be it. (can't test right now)
on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
inc %rank.cnt
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
var %Government = $replacex($iif($5,$4,$3),M,Monarchy,D,Democracy,R,Republic,H,Theocracy,C,Communism,I,Dictatorship,T,Tyranny,F,Fascism)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ $iif($5,$3 03§,03§) 03§ %Government 03§ GDI: $iif($5,$5,$4)
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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212: 0I Hate This Game (#212) 03§ Rank: 909 03§ NetWorth: 4,445,201 03§ Land: 16,661 03§ 03§ 03§ RepublicDictatorshipval 03§ GDI: R  Thanks for working on this so much 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:sockread:GameData: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error.
else {
var %temptext
sockread %temptext
if (!%temptext) { hsave NewGameData $+(",$scriptdir\NewGameData.hsh") | unset %rank.cnt | halt }
inc %rank.cnt
tokenize 32 $gettok(%temptext,2-,41)
var %Government = $replacex($iif($5 != $null,$4,$3),M,Monarchy,D,Democracy,R,Republic,H,Theocracy,C,Communism,I,Dictatorship,T,Tyranny,F,Fascism)
hadd NewGameData $gettok(%temptext,1,32) 0 $+ $gettok($gettok(%temptext,2-,32),1,40) (# $+ $gettok(%temptext,1,32) $+ $chr(41) 03§ Rank: %rank.cnt 03§ NetWorth: $bytes($2,b) 03§ Land: $bytes($1,b) 03§ $iif($5 != $null,$3 03§,03§) %Government 03§ GDI: $iif($5 != $null,$5,$4)
Firgured it out. It was because the check for $5 failed to work properly if the last item (GDI) was 0. It should be fine now. (I hope) 
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thanks, That works now, but search by name doesn't work anymore.
Did the changes in the code affect that?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 8,330 |
That was because of the "0" that you wanted at the beginning of the line. If you don't need that, then just remove "0 $+" from the hadd line.
If you do want it, then we'll need to make some changes. Just let me know if you want it or not.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net