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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 5
Ok,in the previous mirc versions i have been able to use this snippet for operator services,in my admin client,I decided to upgrade to 6.21 and it doesnt work,any one have any ideas on how I can fix this? see script below...

menu channel,status {
.$iif(o isin $usermode,OperServ)
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Q Me): /SAMODE # +q $me 0
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Op Me): /SAMODE # +o $me 0
..$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-
..$iif(o isin $usermode,General Help): /os help
..$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Set Mode Channel)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,This Channel)
....$iif(o isin $usermode, Select Mode): /SAMODE mode # $$?="Enter Mode"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Clearmode): /SAMODE mode # clearmode
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Limit 1): /SAMODE mode # +l 1
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Moderate): /SAMODE mode # +m
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Invite)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /SAMODE mode # +i
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /SAMODE mode # -i
....$iif(o isin $usermode,IRCOps Only)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode # +O
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode # -O
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Amins Only)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode # +A
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode # -A
....$iif(o isin $usermode,No Invisble)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode # +H
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode # -H
....$iif(o isin $usermode,No Nickchange)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode # +N
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode # -N
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Any Channel)
....$iif(o isin $usermode, Select Mode): /SAMODE mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" $$?="Enter Mode"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Clearmode): /SAMODE mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" clearmode
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Limit 1): /SAMODE mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +l 1
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Moderate): /SAMODE mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +m
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Invite)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /SAMODE mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +i
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /SAMODE mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" -i
....$iif(o isin $usermode,IRCOps Only)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +O
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" -O
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Amins Only)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +A
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" -A
....$iif(o isin $usermode,No Invisble)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +H
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" -H
....$iif(o isin $usermode,No Nickchange)
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,On): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" +N
.....$iif(o isin $usermode,Off): /mode $$?="Enter Channelname:" -N
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Flood User): /flood $$?="Enter Nickname"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,CHG)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,NewUserHost): /chghost $$?="Enter Nick:" $$="Enter new host:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,NewUserIdent): /chgident $$?="Enter Nick:" $$="Enter new ident:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,NewUserRLName): /chgname $$?="Enter Nick:" $$="Enter new RealName:"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Kick/Ban)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Kick): /SAMODE kick # $$?="Enter Nick:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Ban): /SAMODE mode +b # $$?="Enter Nick:"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Kill): /SAMODE kill $$?="Enter Nick:" $$?="Enter Reason:"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Session):os session
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Kill Clones):os killclones $$?="Enter nick running the clones:"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,News):
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Oper News):os opernews $$?="What is the new Oper News?"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Logon News):os logonnews $$?="What is the new Logon News?"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Jupe a server):os jupe $$?="Enter the server name to Jupe:" $$?="Enter a Reason:"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Raw)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Raw String):os raw $$?="Enter raw string (press cancel if you dont know what this means!!)"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Reconnect Server): /raw connect $$?="Enter Server to reconnect:" $$?="Enter port:" $$?="Enter hub:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Rehash Server): /raw rehash
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Services)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Update):os update
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Quit Services):os quit
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Restart Services):os restart
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Session Control)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Session List):os session list $$?="Enter Threshold Number:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Sesstion View):os session view $$?="Enter Host:"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Exception Controls)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Exception Add):os exception add $$?="Enter Mask:" $$?="What limit?" $$?="Enter Reason:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Exception Remove):os exception del $$?="What mask?"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Exception List):os exception list
...$iif(a isin $usermode,AKill Control)
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Add Akill): /akill add $$?="Time limit? (+0 for never)" $$?="Enter Hostmask": $$?="Enter Reason:"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Remove Akill): /rakill $$?="Enter Mask/Entry number:"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,-)-
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Akill Clear List): /rakill all
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Kline (only local))
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Add): /kline $$?="Enter Hostmask:" $$?="Enter Reson:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Temp): /tkline $$?="Enter user@host:" $$?="Enter time:": $$="Enter Reason:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,-)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Del): /unkline $$?="Enter Hostmask:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Shun)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Add): /shun $$?="user@host" $$?="Enter Time": $$?="Enter Reason:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Del): /shun $$?="-user@host"
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Services Operators)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Opme in Channel): /SAMODE mode # +o $me
...$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Channelinfo): /cs info #
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Userinfo): /ns info $$?="Enter Nick:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-
...$iif(o isin $usermode, Edit Operators List)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Add Operator):os oper add $$?="What nick?"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Remove Operator):os oper del $$?="What nick?"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,List Operators):os oper list
..$iif(a isin $usermode,Services Admins)
...$iif(a isin $usermode,Admin Actions)
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Users)
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,NoExpire)
......$iif(a isin $usermode,On): /ns set $$?="Enter Nickname:" noexpire on
......$iif(a isin $usermode,Off): /ns set $$?="Enter Nickname:" noexpire off
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Status)
......$iif(a isin $usermode,Status): cs STATUS # $$?="Nickname"
......$iif(a isin $usermode,Help): /echo 0=User ist nicht online oder Nick nicht registriert - 1= User wird nicht als Eigentümer erkannt - 2= User wird als Eigentümer erkannt durch die Zugriffsliste - 3 = User wird als Eigentümer erkannt durch die Identifizierung mit Passwort
.....$iif(a isin $usermode, CList): cs CLIST $$?="Enter Nickname:"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,GList): ns GLIST $$1
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,AccessList): ns access list $$?="Enter Nickname:"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,-)-
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Getpass): /ns getpass $$?="Enter Nickname"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Drop Nick): /ns drop $$?="Enter Nickname"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Forbid Nick): /fw forbid add $$?="Enter Nickname"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,This Channel)
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,NoExpire)
......$iif(a isin $usermode,On): /cs set # noexpire on
......$iif(a isin $usermode,Off): /cs set # noexpire off
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Getpass): /cs getpass #
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Unassign Bot): /msg botserv unassign #
.....$iif(a Isin $usermode,Drop Channel): /cs drop #
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Forbid Channel): /cs forbid # $$?="Enter Reason:"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Any Channels)
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,NoExpire)
......$iif(a isin $usermode,On): /cs set $$?="Enter Channel:" noexpire on
......$iif(a isin $usermode,Off): /cs set $$?="Enter Channel:" noexpire off
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Getpass): /cs getpass # $$?="Enter Channel:"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Unassign Bot): /msg botserv unassign $$?="Which Channel?"
.....$iif(a Isin $usermode,Drop Channel): /cs drop $$?="Which Channel?"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Forbid Channel): /cs forbid $$?="Which Channel?" $$?="Enter Reason:"
...$iif(a isin $usermode, Edit Admin List)
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Add Admin):os admin add $$?="What nick?"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Remove Admin):os admin del $$?="What nick?"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,List Admins):os admin list
...$iif(a isin $usermode, Floodworld)
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Identify): /msg floodworld identify $$?="Enter Password"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Change Pw): /msg floodworld setpass $$?="Enter New Password"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,ChannelDataBase)
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Add this Channel): /msg floodworld addchan #
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Del this Channel): /msg floodworld delchan #
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,-)-
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Add any Channel): /msg floodworld addchan $$?="Which Channel?"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Del any Channel): /msg floodworld delchan $$?="Which Channel?"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,-)-
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Listchans): /msg floodworld listchans
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Status): /msg floodworld status
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Operator Info):/msg floodworld info $$?="Which Operator?"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Realname)
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Add Realname): /msg floodworld grname add $$?="Which Realname?"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Del Realname): /msg floodworld grname del $$?="Which Realname/Number of entry?"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode, List): /msg floodworld grname list
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Forbid)
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Add): /msg floodworld forbid add $$?="Enter Text:"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,Del): /msg floodworld forbid del $$?="Enter Text/Number of entry:"
.....$iif(a isin $usermode,List): /msg floodworld forbid list
....$iif(a isin $usermode,CTCPFlood): /msg floodworld ctcpflood $$?="On or Off?" $$?="Number of Times?" $$?="Number of Seconds?"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Shutdown): /msg floodworld shutdown $$?="Enter Reason"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,CHLevel): /msg floodworld chlevel $$?="Which Nickname?" $$?="Which Level?"
....$iif(a isin $usermode,Rehash): /msg floodworld rehash
..$iif(o isin $usermode,Server)
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Rehash)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Rehash): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,DCCDeny): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" dccdeny
....$iif(o isin $usermode,DynConf): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" dynconf
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Restrict): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" restrict
....$iif(o isin $usermode,VHost): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" vhost
....$iif(o isin $usermode,MOTD): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" motd
....$iif(o isin $usermode,OperMOTD): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" opermotd
....$iif(o isin $usermode,BotMOTD): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" botmotd
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Garbage): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" garbage
...$iif(o isin $usermode,BadWords): /rehash $$?="Enter Server:" badwords
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Restart): /restart $$?="Enter Server:" $$?="Enter Password:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Reconnect): /connect $$?="Enter missing server:" $$?="Enter port (7000):" $$?="Enter server to connect to:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-
...$iif(A isin $usermode,Die): /die $$?="Enter Password (!!!This will kill Services!!!):"
...$iif(A isin $usermode,Quit Server): /squit $$?="Enter Server:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode.-)-
...$iif(o isin $usermode,DccDeny)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Add): /dccdeny $$?="Enter Filemask:" $$?="Enter Reason:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Del): /undccdeny $$?="Enter Filemask:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Check Lag)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Lag): /lag $$?="Enter Server:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,RPing): /rping $$?="Enter Servermask:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Trace): /trace $$?="Enter Servermask:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,MOTD): /addmotd: $$?="Enter Text:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,OperMOTD): /addomotd: $$?="Enter Text:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,NewDescription): /sdesc $$?="Enter Text:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,Add Line): /addline $$?="Enter Text:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode,HighTrafficMode)
....$iif(o isin $usermode,HTM On): /htm on
....$iif(o isin $usermode,HTM Noisy): /htm noisy
....$iif(o isin $usermode,HTM Quite): /htm quite
....$iif(o isin $usermode,Traffic Rate): /htm to $$?="Valvue:"
....$iif(o isin $usermode,HTM Off): /htm off
..$iif(o isin $usermode,SA-Commands)
...$iif(a isin $usermode,Join): /sajoin $$?="Enter Nick:" $$?="Enter Channel:"
...$iif(a isin $usermode,Part): /sapart $$?="Enter Nick:" $$?="Enter Channel:"
...$iif(a isin $usermode,Mode): /samode $$?=Enter Channel:" $$?="Enter Mode:"
..$iif(A isin $usermode,Invisible):
...$iif(A isin $usermode,On): /mode $me +l
...$iif(A isin $usermode,Off): /mode $me -l

Sorry its a bit long..all it will say is this * Invalid parameters: $iif but works perfectly well in 6.20.

Last edited by Warrior1968; 27/01/07 12:30 AM.

Jack Daniels anyone?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
It means that somewhere in there, you're missing a closing ). smile

The best way to find it would be to put the entire thing into notepad temporarily, then insert sections of it back into your script file until you test it and get an error. That way you know where the error is in the script and don't need to check every single line.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,541
Well, for one thing, I see:

$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-

as well as:

$iif(o isin $usermode,-)

I wonder if the one with the SINGLE dash is causing the problem?

As for missing a closing ), I didnt SEE one, but dayum, that's a lot of coding lol Perhaps change the single entry of $iif(o isin $usermode,-) to be $iif(o isin $usermode,-)- and see how that goes?

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
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Posts: 80
Babel fish
Babel fish
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 80
I didnt see any missing parameters but I did see this...

...$iif(o isin $usermode,-)-
...$iif(A isin $usermode,Die): /die $$?="Enter Password (!!!This will kill Services!!!):"
...$iif(A isin $usermode,Quit Server): /squit $$?="Enter Server:"
...$iif(o isin $usermode.-)-
...$iif(o isin $usermode,DccDeny)

This line:
...$iif(o isin $usermode.-)- <~~~~~ has a period in it, instead of a comma. It won't evaluate $usermode with it like that. 


That doesn't seem to make a difference in my version, but im still using v6.12. It just simply doesnt return the seperator "-"

I get no error from it.

Question #1: Is this the only code in this file?

Question #2: Does it return the error when you simply view the popup, or do you click one of the choices, that makes the error show up?

Scripto ---- Life is about the relationships. The correct code being: $replace($them,$you,$me)
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Yes, that is the line with the error. mIRC 6.21 is more strict about having proper coding than older versions, so you're likely to get errors that you didn't used to get because you had coding errors that you didn't know about.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jan 2007
Posts: 1,156
$iif(a isin $usermode,-)- I dont understand what the point of this is. Also, from my experience, dont butt things up against an $iif statement. Treat it like an identifier. Use $+.

With $iif(A isin $usermode,Die): Ive always had to say
$iif(A isin $usermode,Die) $+ :/command

Also, $iif(a isin $usermode,-) is correct.

From the help file:
"$iif(C,T,F) - If you don't specify the F parameter, $iif returns a T value if the condition is true, and returns nothing if it's false."

Good eye Scripto, a common typo since the period is right next to the comma.

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