/load -rs Uno\Uno.mrc
on 1:TEXT:!*:#avatarrp:{
if (%mad == 20) {
msg $chan * RAAR. ADZBot is mad. No more commands!
k $nick Arg...Don't order me around that much
msg $chan Ahh...that feels better
set %mad 0
if (%mad == 15) {
msg $chan ADZBot is getting angry...He dosn't like that many commands per day.
if ($1- == !order*for ADZBot) {
/msg $chan Thank you $nick All I want is a little respect now or then! Now I feel SILLY :P
/set %mood 1
if $1 == !order {
if (%mood == 3) {
msg $chan * ADZ's Robot is too tired (Yeah ROBOTS GET TIRED TOO!)...No ordering today!
else {
if (* for * iswm $2-) {
msg $chan * ADZ's Robot brings $gettok($2-,1- $calc($gettok($2-,0,32) - 2),32) for $gettok($2-,$gettok($2-,0,32),32) from $nick $+ . | /inc %mad 1
else {
msg $chan * ADZ's Robot brings $nick $2- $+ . | /inc %mad 1
if ($1 == !Tell) {
/msg #avatarrp * ADZBot tells $2 $3- on behalf of $nick | /inc %mad 1 }
if ($1 == !Dance) {
/set %dance $rand(1,4)
if %dance == 1 /msg $chan ADZ's Robot dances. MARIACHI! MARIACHI! | /inc %mad 1
if %dance == 2 /msg $chan ADZ's Robot dances the cabbage patch dance! | /inc %mad 1
if %dance == 3 /msg $chan ADZ's Robot dances the moonwalk dance | /inc %mad 1
if %dance == 4 /msg $chan ADZ's Robot dances a ballete with $nick | /inc %mad 1
if ($1 == !Lotto) {
if $nick isin %lottoplay {
msg $chan Sorry $nick You can only play once per day :P
else {
set %lotto $rand(1,100) {
if (%lotto == 1) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You are now an op for a day! | /mode #avatarrp +o $nick }
if (%lotto == 2) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You are now an op for a day! | /mode #avatarrp +o $nick }
if (%lotto == 3) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You are now a halfop for a day! | /mode #avatarrp +h $nick }
if (%lotto == 4) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You are now a halfop for a day! | /mode #avatarrp +h $nick }
if (%lotto == 5) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You are now a halfop for a day! | /mode #avatarrp +h $nick }
if (%lotto == 6) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You are now a halfop for a day! | /mode #avatarrp +h $nick }
if (%lotto == 49) { /msg $chan CONGRADULATIONS $nick You win the GRAND PRIZE and are now an ADMINISTRATOR for a day! /mode #avatarrp +a $nick }
else /msg $chan SORRY $nick...better luck next time :) | set %lottoplay %lottoplay $nick
if ($1 == !Sing) {
/set %song $rand(1,2)
if %song == 1 /msg $chan London Bridge is falling down. Falling down. Falling down! London bridge is falling down. On my harddrive. *STATIC*
if %song == 2 /msg $chan There's a hero. If you look into your RAM. You don't have to be afraid if you have 32 Megs :P Actually you do!
if ($1 == !8ball) {
/set %8ball $rand(1,11) | /inc %mad 1
/msg $chan * ADZ's Bot is shaking up the 8ball for your question.
if ($2- == *hate*) msg $chan The answer is: Sorry...ADZBot dosn't answer questions about hate.
if (%8ball == 1) msg $chan The answer is: Yes.
if (%8ball == 2) msg $chan The answer is: No.
if (%8ball == 3) msg $chan The answer is: Doubt it.
if (%8ball == 4) msg $chan The answer is: All fingers point to yes.
if (%8ball == 5) msg $chan The answer is: I don't know...I'm just a bot!
if (%8ball == 6) msg $chan The answer is: It's likely.
if (%8ball == 7) msg $chan The answer is: Hmm...Tricky question. Try another one
if (%8ball == 8) msg $chan The answer is: Maybe.
if (%8ball == 9) msg $chan The answer is: Do you have the BRAINWORMS! Heck no.
if (%8ball == 11) msg $chan The answer is: Err...ask ADZ. He is smarter than me
if (%8ball == 10) msg $chan The answer is: ADZ!!! ADZ is number 1!
if ($1 == !mood) {
if ($nick == ADZ) {
/set %mood $rand(1,4)
if (%day == Monday) msg $chan ANGRY! I HATE Mondays!
if (%day == Friday) msg $chan Relaxed. Weekends HERE I COME!
if (%mood == 1) msg $chan Silly. For jokes type !joke (Still in BETA)
if (%mood == 2) msg $chan Sad. I don't wanna talk about it...
if (%mood == 3) msg $chan Tired. I don't feel like dancing today
if (%mood == 4) msg $chan Random...Cats like to eat waffles.
else {
if (%day == Friday) msg $chan Relaxed. Weekends HERE I COME! | set %mood 5
if (%day == Monday) msg $chan ANGRY! I HATE Mondays! | set %mood 6
if (%mood == 1) msg $chan Silly. For jokes type !joke (Still in BETA)
if (%mood == 2) msg $chan Sad. I don't wanna talk about it...
if (%mood == 3) msg $chan Tired. I don't feel like dancing today
if (%mood == 4) msg $chan Random...Cats like to eat waffles.
if (%mood == 5) msg $chan msg $chan Relaxed. Weekends HERE I COME!
if (%mood == 6) msg $chan msg $chan ANGRY! I HATE Mondays!
| /inc %mad 1
if ($1 == !website) {
/msg $chan Go to http://adzempire.awardspace.com That is ADZ's Website. It's the best!
if ($1 == !rules) {
/msg $chan Go to http://adzempire.awardspace.com/av_rules.html for the rules for this channel.
if ($1 == !info) {
/msg $chan No info here :P
if ($1 == !ShutDown) {
if ($nick == ADZ) {
/msg $chan YES Master...Shutting Down NOW. | /quit $chan Now Shut Down
else {
msg $chan YOU DARE TRY TO SHUT ME DOWN! | /k $nick No shutting me down :D
if ($1 == !killcomp) {
msg #avatarrp ADZ's computer drops an axe on $nick 's computer from 50 feet up. It is now rubble ;P
if ($1 == !Please) {
describe #avatarrp Now ADZBot is happy! Taking all orders | set %mood 1
if ($1 == !joke) {
/set %joke $rand(1,6)
if %joke == 1 msg #avatarrp A highway patrolman pulled up alongside a speeding car on the freeway. As the officer peered through the driver's window, he was astounded to find that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting. The trooper cranked down his window and yelled to the driver, "Pull over!" at the top of his lungs. "No!" the blonde yelled back, "Scarf!"
if %joke == 2 msg #avatarrp A brunette says to a blonde "Look! A dead bird!" and the blonde looks up and says "Where?"
if %joke == 3 msg #avatarrp A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license. She replied in a huff, "I wish you guys could get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you."
if %joke == 4 msg #avatarrp A young blind boy is being tucked into bed by his mother. The mom says "Now Billy, pray really hard tonight and tomorrow, your wish will come true!". Billy says, "Ok mommy." and goes to sleep. The next morning, Billy wakes up and screams "MOMMY! I'm still blind, my wish didn't come true!", the mom answered, "I know - April Fools!"
if %joke == 5 msg #avatarrp A young couple gets married, and the groom asks his bride if he can have a dresser drawer of his own that she will never open. The bride agrees. After 30 years of marriage, she notices that his drawer has been left open. She peeks inside and sees 3 golf balls and $1,000. She confronts her husband and asks for an explanation. He explains "Every time I was unfaithful to you, I put a golf ball in the drawer." She figures 3 times in 30 years isn't bad and asks "But what about the $1,000?" He replied "Whenever I got a dozen golf balls, I sold them"
if %joke == 6 msg #avatarrp During their silver anniversary, a chatty wife reminded her husband: Do you remember when you proposed to me, I was so overwhelmed that I didn't talk for an hour?" The hubby replied: "Yes, honey, that was the happiest hour of my life."
if ($1 == !punch*) {
/msg #avattarrp ADZ's Robot creates a virual $2 and let's $nick punch it all s/he wants...and kill it.
if ($1- == !help me*) {
/msg #avattarrp ADZ's Robot helps $nick $3-
if ($1- == !help *'s) {
/msg #avattarrp ADZ's Robot helps $2 's $3-
if ($1 == !help & $2 == $null) {
/msg #avattarrp Sorry, but ADZBot dosn't have a help command. YET...
if ($1 == !food) {
msg #avatarrp FOOOOD! I LOVE FOOD! munches on computer chips
if ($1 == !random) {
set %random %rand(1,6)
if (%random == 1) msg #avatarrp Did you know that two Viking women named Gerlög and Inga documented their tragic and dramatic family saga on a series of runestones during the civil wars of 11th century Sweden?
if (%random == 2) msg #avatarrp Did you know that I like mooses?
if (%random == 3) msg #avatarrp Did you know that Zuko's ship gets smashed up every episode it appears in!
if (%random == 4) msg #avatarrp Did you know that Aang is a vegetarian?
if (%random == 5) msg #avatarrp Did you know that Sokka's main weapon is a boomerang? He has a harpoon only in the beginning of the first episode. He always carries the boomerang around. The boomerang was given to him by his father.
if (%random == 6) msg #avatarrp I give up...Ask Sparky. He is the MASTER OF RANDOM!
if ($1 == !vote) {
msg $chan the current votes are...What kinds of commands should ADZBot get? (Type !votecommand [the new command])
if ($1 == !votecommand) {
set %newcom %newcom $2- | msg $chan Your vote has been cast $nick Hope ADZ programs that into me :P
on 1:JOIN:#avatarrp,#avatarrpandtalkcenter:{
if ($nick isin %list || $nick == $mynick) {
/mode $chan +h $nick
else {
msg $chan Welcome to $chan. This is the place for avatar role playing and chat. Have fun! And remember to come back!
on 1:TEXT:*ADZ*:#avatarrp:{
if (%status == Away) {
on 1:NOTICE:This nickname is registered*:?:{ if ($nick === NickServ) { msg NickServ identify avatar } }
on 1:TEXT:*lol*:#avatarrp:{ if (mood == Silly) /msg $chan Haha! You guys are FUNNY }
on 1:TEXT:Thanks ADZBot*:#avatarrp:/msg $chan Your very welcome $nick. I am glad I could be of service to you.
on 1:TEXT:Thank you ADZBot*:#avatarrp:/msg $chan Your very welcome $nick. I am glad I could be of service to you.
on 1:TEXT:*ADZBot*kick*:#avatarrp:/msg $chan If you have any complains $nick take them to ADZ. He's the smartest.
on 1:TEXT:*ADZBot*can you*:#avatarrp:/msg $chan Nope...sorry I can only follow ! commands. That's becuase I like !s :D. Btw, to see a list of commands go to my page http://adzempire.awardspace.com/adzbot.html
on 1:TEXT:*where is ADZ*:#avatarrp:/msg $chan If ADZ is not responding...HE IS NOT HERE!
on 1:TEXT:*bored*:#avatarrp: {
if %bored == 5 msg #avatarrp When bored, there is always the !Joke command to cheer you up! and also the !Random command...But they have a limited supply of jokes though. :(
else inc %bored 1
on 1:TEXT:*:#avatarrp: {
if ($time == 20:0*) {
/msg $chan ADZBot remembers that just in 4 more hours it's Friday (ADZBot LOVES Friday). Since ADZBot is in a good mood, he is again open for questions. | set %mad 0
on 1:TEXT:*:?:/msg $nick I'm sorry but I can't talk to you without ADZ's permission :)
on 1:TEXT:hi*:#avatarrp:{
if (mood == 1 || mood == 6) /msg $chan ADZBot is too sad to say hi :(
else { /msg $chan ADZBot says hi too!!! }
raw 307:*: {
if ($2 ison #channel/raw $registered) { msg $nick $registered Thanks for registering }
else msg #avatarrp $nick REGISTER YOUR NICK!
on 1:TEXT:*AAA*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*BBB*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*CCC*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*DDD*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*EEE*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*FFF*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*GGG*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*HHH*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*III*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*JJJ*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*KKK*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*LLL*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*MMM*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*NNN*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*OOO*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*PPP*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*QQQ*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*RRR*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*SSS*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*TTT*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*UUU*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*VVV*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*WWW*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*XXX*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*YYY*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters
on 1:TEXT:*ZZZ*:#avatarrp:/k $nick Please don't repeat letters