ok it was realy just an example of how to get the actual text from a list menu ... but in my example it had to remove the @ % + from the nick beforehand cause it was from a nicklist dialog ..... it also have to remove other set variables from the nick in the nicklist that contained a icon code ...... for u id say u wouldnt have to use the remove set maybe something alil more simple like
on *:DIALOG:DIALOGNAME:dclick:*: {
set %variablename $did($dname,LISTIDNUMBER,$did($dname,LISTIDNUMBER).sel).text
lol ur replying to someone who doesnt have a problem with the one hes using right now ..... i know what mine does ... i just posted an example from mine to show him what i did to return the text and not the number of the line of selected text in a listbox