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#164719 15/11/06 05:43 PM
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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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I have seen some of my IRC Buddies have a script where it tells u the information that the computer has and uptime,

I wonder how I get this ?

I really would like it smile

#164720 15/11/06 07:01 PM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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try this for the uptime of pc: //echo -a $uptime(system,1)

Suchorski @ FreeNode
#164721 15/11/06 11:30 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There are a number of System Information scripts available. Most (if not all) use one or more 3rd party dll's. Try using Google to search for the term "System Information" +script +mIRC

#164722 15/11/06 11:40 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There is a great one out there called Stats. Basic stats can be done right from the script. For the more advanced stats, you need to also get CPU-Z (free download) that can check all stats for motherboard and cpu and stuff.

I'm not at home, so can't get the link right now and googling isn't helping me to find it (the name is too common). When I get home, I can check for you.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#164723 16/11/06 03:34 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, it's Stat 1.95b: http://www.abe2k.net/mirc/stat/

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#164724 16/11/06 04:09 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can try the beta of my MooLite script. It's an overhaul of the popular moostats script. My script has a full dialog for adjusting options.

Cap 1
Cap 2
Cap 3
Cap 4
Cap 5
Cap 6

Download MooLite v2.00.07b

If you use this script, please report any bugs to me here (via PM). Thanks.


Last edited by genius_at_work; 16/11/06 04:17 AM.
#164725 16/11/06 04:26 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I thought I'd test it even though I like the one I have. The very first thing I found was that McAfee warned me about MotherboardMon when I extracted it. I set it to trusted and then went to load the script. I had extracted the script into its own folder so I could keep it separate... the script wouldn't load because it couldn't find registry.dll because it wasn't in mIRC's main folder. Setting up the ZIP file so that it puts the DLL(s) that need to be in mIRC's main folder in there and the rest in a separate folder would be good, or make those DLL(s) work from a separate folder.

Ok, all sorted... I decide to try the first thing... full stats... and I get flooded off the server. I assume this can be fixed in the settings, but I'd definitely set the default value high enough to prevent this from happening.

Just a few things for you to work on. I'll still stick to what I have, but I wish you luck with yours. smile

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#164726 16/11/06 02:23 PM
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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Thanks Riamus2

I didn't understand how it was first, but I got it eventually laugh

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