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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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do you use popups in REMOTES as separate remote.ini/mrc with menu { }
or you use mirc's default chan, nick, status popups in POPUP section
and which one is more recomended ?
Last edited by raZOR; 10/11/06 01:51 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually as far as flexibility in scripting I suggest to remote code your popups for example
Menu Channel { Slaps .SlapHard:/describe $chan hits everyone in the channel with a large trout }
sometimes you might need to have an alias called or a loop done in the actuall slap but come to think of it its rare occasion so therefore its whatever you use.
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'd recommend using remotes. But then again, I don't use popups in my script. :P
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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may i ask why? coz popup section is also remote just ini file with more sections :P
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I always use remotes so that I can keep a script in a single file. I also usually put my aliases in the remote file as well, unless I have enough that it makes sense to use an alias file.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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may i ask why? coz popup section is also remote just ini file with more sections :P The popup section is not the same as the remote section. It's specifically for popups just as the alias tab is specifically for aliases, although clearly the syntax in those respective tabs is a little different than the same coding in the remote tab. I would guess that the reason people tend to use the remote section is because that's also where the rest of their coding is and so you they only need to use 1 tab instead of 3. In other words, they like to keep things together.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The Aliases and popups tabs are redundant really i rather see them replaced with a hash tables tab :P
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I agree there
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I use a menu command inside the script if it's for release or part of the script.
I use the popups tab if it's for my own use or a quick thing like Clear:/clear
Likewise I use the aliases tab for all my own aliases.
All my scripts use alias -l prefixes and menu channel etc. popup menus just to keep everything together in the one file...
If I were theming a full scripted mIRC then I would probably use the tabs more.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I would like to see the Alias tab scrapped all together, thats unlikely to happen of course, not that it would take much to make aliases files compatable to remotes tab, just a "alias" added to each command line.
The reason i say this is, alias tab files get checked for command names first, and u cant enable and disable groups in that area, this causes huge problems if your trying to inhance features of internal commands, as you cant say trap /ECHO in a remote with alias echo { ... } if another script has done a alias section echo { ... }, even if u force yours script to being first in the aliass section you still cant get the other scripts /echo to run then (due to no groups in that section)
Maybe at least, have the option to decided what section is first remotes or aliases.
As for the orginal posteres question, i dont think i have ever put something into the popups tab, as everythying i have ever wrtten has been in a script file, so appeared in the resulting popup as per my menu directives.
I very very very very very (hope thats enough very's... maybe not) very very very much would like to see a hash tables tab You should post it as a seperate thread.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I tend to use popups and aliases in their respective section for one MAIN reason: When you go to the top you can view them in alphabetical order as well as jump to the exact alias/popup menu. If it wasnt for that, I'd prolly use the Remotes section. Also, if the remotes section would show those menus (alias an popups) by interpreting the MENU and ALIAS prefixes, I'd use the remotes section. I made a suggestion not long ago about using the Treebar (or a listbox as an alternative) for the script editor and getting rid of the tabs completely by putting them in a listbox/treeview format. I'd love to see it happen AND maintain the Menu selectable status from the popups/alias sections
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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bleh... not to spam new thread about same...
i got lil problem:
menu nicklist { $iif($snick(#,0) == 1, $snick) .submenu1 .submenu2 }
etc... crap is that i dont get popup of selected nick unless i use $iif($snick(#,0) == 1, $snicks, $snicks) instead... but i dont want multiple nicks, just one (selected one) so anyone knows what should be remade there?
also thanks for return info, i chosed to use remotes too :P
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use this instead menu nicklist {