Okay, I've been using mIRC for a long time.. but this has stumpted me!
All of a sudden, when I scroll up on windows (normally with a lot of text), sometimes the scrollbar makes itself larger (as in to say there's not as much to scroll up for) and the top line appears like 'half a line'. I've not changed anything, but it only seems to have happened since I started hosting a trivia bot on a seperate client. I've tried closing that, making sure that it /clears the buffer every so often, but I can't work it out.
I'm gonna play with my window buffer, currently set at 4000 - but I've known the buffer to remove it as it adds to the buffer, rather than when I want to scroll up - also the length seems to be very random, sometimes halving.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Edit: Reading
here, it might be the same problem, if so I'll wait, although it's not a custom window, and just a standard channel window - server windows seem to be okay, but I dont look at them *too* often, or often enough to check this.