Okay, I just realized there's a small bug in mIRC's Regex. (for all of the $reg* functions)
As an example:
(mirc code)
alias regextest {
var %text = Just a test. Bust my test.
echo -ag $regsubex(%text,/(?<=[^J])ust/g,usssst)
That will not change "Bust" to "Busssst" as it should. Inserting a space between the ^ and the J seems to "fix" the problem (it apparently just needs TWO characters in it to fix it, one character doesn't seem to make it trigger). I had almost thought, at first, that this was an error somewhere on my behalf, but I made a .pl file (perl script) and put this in it just to double check:
(perl code)
my $text = "Just a test. Bust my test.";
print "$text\n";
print "Modifying the contents of \$text\n\n";
$text =~ s/(?<=[^J])ust/usssssssst/g;
print "$text\n";
Which outputs:
Just a test. Bust my test.
Modifying the contents of $text
Just a test. Busssssssst my test.