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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Hi I'm wondering why this script doesn't work.
on *:kick:#:{
if ($wildsite == $address($me,2)) { return }
if ($me == $nick) {
var %x = $ialchan($address($knick,2),#,0)
while (%x) {
if ($wildsite == $ibl(#,%x)) {
kick $chan $ialchan($address($knick,2),#,%x).nick You are banned
dec %x
} As soon as I kick someone and his banmask (*!*@host.com) is already banned, the script should kick all the other clones from nick (if they exist).
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The problem is with your first if statement. When you kick someone, then $wildsite would return your address, which is checked in the first if statement, and when true does a return. Therefore, your second if statement (and the rest of the code) never gets touched.
Do you want this code to work only when you kick, or when anyone kicks? Do you want it to work if you are kicked?
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Hi RusselB
I actually want it to work only when I kick someone and it also shouldn't work if I get kicked.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Hi I have not tested this but this should work. or something along those lines
alias specialkick { who # VAR %i = 1 mode $1 +b $2 WHILE ($nick($$1,%i) != $null) { IF ($2 iswm $ial($nick($$1,%i))) && ($nick != $me) { kick $chan $nick($$1,%i) } INC %i } }
/specialkick (channel) (mask)
Last edited by HaleyJ; 16/08/06 07:28 PM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Thx HaleyJ for the code. But isn't there another way not to use /who # ? I'm in a big channel and sometimes I kick 2 or 3 users at the same time. So if everytime I use /who # I'll get flooded. Btw. the script shouldn't ban the user as soon as he get kicked. I think you missunderstood sumth. It should only kick all the clones of the User, as soon as his banmask is already banned in the following format: e.g *!*@host.com ($address($nick,2))
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Its needed to fill your IAL list up otherwise it may not work on some nicks, You can take out the who # and make another script that will who the channel whenever you join it.
ON *:JOIN:#: { if ($nick == $me) { who # } }
or use user levels to make that one line of code
ON +1000:JOIN:#: /who #
i am not sure on your last statement. Do you want to kick and not ban?
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I think he means he wants to kick them IF they are already banned.
Perhaps you could use the isban operator? Or maybe the On BAN event?
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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@Haley I'm already using: ON *:JOIN:#: { if ($nick == $me) { who # } } @Ezdo 1. SHE! 2. u right ... it should kick the clones IF they're already banned. 3. Does there really exist a "isban" operator? I just thought it would also work like this: if ($address($knick,2) == $ibl(#,%i)) { kick the clones }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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alias specialkick { who # VAR %i = 1 WHILE ($nick($$1,%i) != $null) { if ($2 iswm $ibl(#,%i)) { kick $chan $nick($$1,%i) } INC %i } }
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry I didn't post sooner, had trouble with my phone line and DSL service. Anyhow, I think this should work for what you're wanting on me:*:kick:#:{
if $knick != $me {
var %x = $ialchan($address($knick,2),#,0)
while (%x) {
if ($wildsite == $ibl(#,%x)) {
ban -k $chan $ialchan($address($knick,2),#,%x).nick You are banned
dec %x
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Thank you very much RusselB!