[code]#tabcomp.p.catcher on
on *:tabcomp:#:{
var %tabcompword = $gettok($1-,$numtok($left($editbox($target),$editbox($target).selstart),32),32)
if (%tabcompword == P) { sendkeys {tab} | .disable #tabcomp.p.catcher }
#tabcomp.p.catcher end
on *:tabcomp:#:{ .enable #tabcomp.p.catcher }
alias sendkeys {
if ($1-) {
var %i = SendKeys $+ $ctime
.comopen %i WScript.Shell
if (!$comerr) {
var %x = $com(%i,SendKeys,3,bstr,$1-)
.comclose %i
return %x
return 0
else { echo -ac info * /sendkeys: insufficient parameters }
* this code breaks down if your using dual editboxs, as it uses the first editbox only to locate what words being tabcomped, (i dont know of an easy way to ensure which one is being tabcomped but 99% of people i think dont use the second one anyway)
* the group disabling and enabling is to protect against a runaway loop, if "P" is the only P* nick in channel.