You guys must be kidding, the new treebar hardly compares to what I got! As anyone would see if they would read the manual that came with BarControl... You try setting a 16 point font in mIRC's Treebar, use the treeeview horizontally, or display it as a desktop window, etc.... And of course it also adds a statusbar (soon any MDI child will be able to have a statusbar as well)...
Although yes, I'm a little ticked that this was added now (after 3 years of asking for it)....

I guess it's a race now, I'm not wasting a year of my life... So I promise (no matter what!) my treeview switchbar will ALWAYS have more featues than "treebar".

It would be nice to know what is being developed in future versions of mIRC to prevent such matters.
Note: becuase of the changes in mIRC 6.2, BarControl is broke in that version (will fix soon)