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#150446 03/06/06 06:49 AM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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$prefix is underdefined for me, only showing the symbols and not their associated (oahv) mode letters. I figure in http://www.eggfaq.com/docs/raw.html which raw catches PREFIX as sent by the server.

So, umm, anyone mind telling me which raw it is?

#150447 03/06/06 07:05 AM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I use 352 to catch channel ops status

Raw Numeric 352 (index)

This is returned by a WHO request, one line for each user that is matched.
352 channel username address server nick flags :hops info
channel A channel the user is on, or * for none visible.
username The username (identd) of the user.
address The IP or resolved address (host) of the user.
server The server the user is connected to.
nick The nickname of the user.
flags Flags for a user regarding IRCop status, away status, channel op status, etc.
hops The number of hops from your server the the user's server.
info The user's "real name" info.

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#150448 03/06/06 07:14 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can use $nickmode to see the letters rather than prefixes.

#150449 03/06/06 03:52 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To find out the raw numeric for any RAW event, just add this code to its own remotes file:

raw *:*:{ echo -s $numeric $+ : $1- | haltdef }

Then perform whatever action necessary to get the RAW response you are looking for. The number in front of each line is the numeric. Any other raw events that you add in the same remotes file above the code I gave will cause that remote to not be caught by my code.


#150450 03/06/06 04:00 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can also use /debug

#150451 03/06/06 06:25 PM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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As best I can tell, it's RAW 005, but I'd like some confirmation that this is the standard.

#150452 03/06/06 07:26 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If it appears as 005 on one server, it will be that way on all servers.


Raw 001
Format : 001 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network <nickname>
Example: 001 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network Gemini
Network: All

<nickname> Your nickname.

Sent to all clients once a connection has been established and the user has successfully registered.

This is the first point where a script or client can be sure that the user's connection has been accepted without errors or problems.

This reply is sent once upon connection automatically, and never again during an IRC session.

On many networks (such as DALnet) the user's full address will be given instead of just a nickname, for example-

001 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network Gemini!zodiac@port123.stupid.com

Also, many networks change the message itself to include the network's name in the message, for example-

001 :Welcome to the DALnet IRC Network pai!goddess@

You cannot be guaranteed that the network name or user's nickname/address will always be in the same position.

See Also
The following are sent in sequence on connection-

001, 002, 003, 004


Raw 002
Format : 002 :Your host is <server>, running version <ver>
Example: 002 :Your host is StLouis.MO.US.UnderNet.org, running version u2.10.04
Network: All

<server> The name of the server you have connected to.
<ver> The version of IRCd the server is running.

Sent to all clients once a connection has been established and the user has successfully registered.

The version code is one way to determine what special 'features' a server supports. Some common version codes- (* can match anything)

* u2.10.* - Undernet
* dal4.* - DALnet
* 2.8* - EFnet
* 2.9.* - Ircnet

Note that other nets may use the same IRCd as a popular net listed above- Just because a version matches the list above does not mean you are on that particular network.

If you want to get the server version while you are connected, you can use VERSION.

This reply is sent once upon connection automatically, and never again during an IRC session.

See Also
The following are sent in sequence on connection-

001, 002, 003, 004


Raw 003
Format : 003 :This server was created <datetime>
Example: 003 :This server was created Thu May 21 1998 at 18:27:08 CDT
Network: All

<datetime> The date and time the server was created or last restarted.

Sent to all clients once a connection has been established and the user has successfully registered.

You should not rely on these dates and times being in any specific format.

This reply is sent once upon connection automatically, and never again during an IRC session.

See Also
The following are sent in sequence on connection-

001, 002, 003, 004


Raw 004
Format : 004 <server> <ver> <usermode> <chanmode>
Example: 004 StLouis.MO.US.UnderNet.org u2.10.04 dioswkg biklmnopstv
Network: All

<server> The name of the server you have connected to.
<ver> The version of IRCd the server is running.
<usermode> The various user modes the server supports
<chanmode> The various channel modes the server supports

Sent to all clients once a connection has been established and the user has successfully registered.

All user modes and channel modes (including o for IRC operator, etc.) are listed, however not all may be accessable to a given user.

The version code is one way to determine what special 'features' a server supports. Some common version codes- (* can match anything)

* u2.10.* - Undernet
* dal4.* - DALnet
* 2.8* - EFnet
* 2.9.* - Ircnet

Note that other nets may use the same IRCd as a popular net listed above- Just because a version matches the list above does not mean you are on that particular network.

If you want to get the server version while you are connected, you can use VERSION.

This reply is sent once upon connection automatically, and never again during an IRC session.

See Also
The following are sent in sequence on connection-

001, 002, 003, 004


Raw 005 - Protocol string
Format : 005 <protocols> :are available on this server
Example: 005 NOQUIT TOKEN WATCH=128 SAFELIST :are available on this server
Network: Some (Undernet, DALnet)

<protocols> A list of special features ("protocols") that the server supports.

This is sent when you connect to many servers, after the 004 reply. You may receive more than one 005 reply.

Protocols are separated with spaces- no protocol token will contain a space. Not all servers support all protocols. Some protocols that may appear here-

* NOQUIT - Reduces server-to-server bandwidth during splits. (no effect on users)
* TOKEN - Uses tokens to reduce server-to-server bandwidth. (no effect on users)
* WATCH=128 - Supports the WATCH command, with a 128 user limit.
* SAFELIST - Channel LISTs will be sent in chunks to reduce the chance of being disconnected.
* SILENCE=15 - Supports the SILENCE command, with a 15 entry limit.
* WHOX - Supports an extended syntax for the WHO command. (Undernet)
* WALLCHOPS - Supports the WALLCHOPS command, to send channel op notices.
* USERIP - Supports the USERIP command.
* CPRIVMSG - Supports the CPRIVMSG command.
* CNOTICE - Supports the CNOTICE command.
* MODES=6 - Up to 6 channel mode changes can be performed in a single line. This only applies to user-based modes such as op, voice, etc.
* MAXCHANNELS=10 - A user can be in up to 10 channels simultaneously.
* MAXBANS=30 - A channel banlist can contain up to 30 bans.
* NICKLEN=9 - Nicknames can be up to 9 characters long.
* TOPICLEN=160 - Channel topics can be up to 160 characters long.
* KICKLEN=160 - Kick messages can be up to 160 characters long.
* CHANTYPES=+#& - Server supports channels starting with the listed characters. For example, this server allows +channel, #channel, and &channel.
* PREFIX=(ov)@+ - Server supports the listed channel user modes. The characters for the modes are in parenthesis; the resulting symbols are afterwards. For example, this server supports o (op) and v (voice) which will use characters @ and +.
* PREFIX=@+ - Server supports the listed channel user modes. Only the symbols are listed with this format. For example, this server supports @ for op and + for voice.
* CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpst - Server supports the listed channel modes. This contains four sets of modes, separated by commas. The first set lists modes that affect a list, such as bans. The second lists modes that take a parameter, such as setting a key. The third lists modes that only take a parameter when being set, such as channel limit. The fourth lists modes that never take a parameter, such as invite-only.
* CHARSET=rfc1459 - The character set that the server uses to communicate. "rfc1459" is the normal IRC character set.
* NETWORK=DALnet - The name of the network is listed.

Other protocols not listed above may exist on some servers. Additional protocols may be added to a server at any time.

See Also
The following are sent in sequence on connection to servers supporting this reply-

001, 002, 003, 004, 005

NOTE: See alternate 005 numeric below


Raw 005 - MAP reply
Format : 005 :<map>
Example: 005 : | `-Baltimore.MD.US.Undernet.Org
Network: Some (Undernet)

<map> A string showing the relative position of one server

Sent to a user in reply to a MAP command. When a user requests a MAP, one line is sent for each server, and displaying all of the lines in a fixed width font will show a 'map' of how the servers are connected.

The string is intended for user viewing- Although the format is consistent, you should probably not rely on it being in any given format.

See Also
The following are sent in reply to a MAP-

005 (one or more), 007

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#150453 04/06/06 02:12 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I perfer to use Jeepster's Numeric Parser
it will list all raw parses thats triggered by your network and give you the refference # of each charitor.
it makes it allot easier to build a script without counting identifiers

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....
#150454 05/06/06 02:55 AM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Thanks, that helped. laugh

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