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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok im interested in tryint to create a nicklist ....... one where i can insert images instead of the standard @ + % and ! symbols .... anyhow .. ive been searching for dlls and stuff that is required to do this ive been reading thier help files and such ... and what im wondering is this ..... it appears it can be created under dialog or @window ... which is the most functional? and can i still add custom buttons in a docked dialog below this new nicklist and it still be set to work thru sline and such ??? any input would be alot fo help and i welcome any thoughts as to what would be the best way to go about this ..as i know its going to be probably the biggest undertaking ive done as of yet......
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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You cannot have a custom nicklist in a channel. When you join a channel, you could always get it to open a custom window with a side listbar (don't know how versitile they are - so whether or not you can have pictures in them, I don't know/think so) If you do use this, make sure ALL commands that should go to a channel now go to the custom window...including parts / quits / modes / topic changes / kicks / bans / exempts / invites ...etc... Also, if you have any events set, make sure the results of these are represented in the custom window. as a brief example:
[color:green];This alias is used to send data to any custom window[/color]
alias AC {
if (($left($1,1) == -) && ($2 ischan)) { aline -p $+(@,$2) $3- }
if ($1 ischan) { aline $+(@,$1) $2- }
[color:green];Now to send JOIN events to the custom window[/color]
on *:JOIN:#:{
if ($nick == $me) {
window -abel20k0S $+(@,$chan) verdana 12
AC -p $chan Joined $chan $asctime
AC -p $chan $timestamp $nick Joined $chan
AC -ln $2 $nick
[color:green];We need to fill the nicklist[/color]
raw 315:*:{
AC $2 [Ops: $opnick($2,0) $+ ] [Voices: $vnick($2,0) $+ ] [Non-Ops: $nopnick($2,0) $+ ] [Total: $nick($2,0) $+ ]
var %i = 1
while %i <= $nick($2,0) {
AC -ln $2 $nick($2,%i)
inc %i
[color:green];Now to send anything we type to the channel and the Custom Window[/color]
on *:INPUT:@:{
echo -s Saying : $1- to :$target
if ($right($active,-1) ischan) { PRIVMSG $right($active,-1) : $+ $1- }
[color:green];You would need to add something so when you type:[/color]
[color:green];/me <this that> or /msg <nick/chan> <this that> etc[/color]
if ($1 == /me) { PRIVMSG $right($active,-1) :ACTION $2- }
[color:green];and to send it to the custom window:[/color]
AC -p $active $1-
[color:green];Now to get the text other people send to the channel:[/color]
on *:TEXT:#:{
if ($window($+(@,$chan)) !== $null) { AC -p $chan $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1- }
[color:green];When you close a channel, the associated custom window should also be closed.[/color]
[color:green];When you close a custom window, the associated channel should also be closed.[/color]
on *:CLOSE:*:{
if ($target ischan) { /window -c $+(@,$target) }
if ($left($target,1) == @) { /part $right($target,-1) }
I know there will be errors in the code, I worte it and haven't had any time to go through and check it! Sorry!! I hope this is of some use to you
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok seriously i meant what i said when i wanted a custom nicklist with images beside the nick instead of @ + % and ! .. and what u sent me was nothing more that a $active channel redirect ... which i wasnt asking for anyones code ... just input from ppl who might know what is the more versitile way of doing this ... and YES it can be done ..... because of the use of mdx and nicklist .dlls u can manipulate dialogs and listboxes ..... and to prove it can be done ...... well i could simply show u what im starting out with ..... but i dont think ill spend all that much time as right now its not even close to complete as of right now all i have is the dialog box and the listbox filler with a while loo[p to loop thru all the nicks in the can and add em ...... and 8 buttons that do infact work just fine to op deop kick ban whois and so fourth a nick in the list box ...... so maybe to u ive done the impossible ...... but it surly can be done ...... ive seen several out there and i just want to make my own
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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you need a custom nicklist.dll, why dont you give me your email i will give you the code and everything... all you need is load the code in to remotes and you will get what you want.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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this is a screenshot of what im tryin to do and what ive actually got so far ..... everything there is working on the selected nick ...... but its not lined up right and thats my next thing im tryin to learn how to do ScreenShot
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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What can I say, Sorry? I misread the question...Hmmm...Never mind, least I tried...
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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do you mean u wanna do something like this?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i dont see ur image ... maybe u input the wrong url?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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SShot Again Something wrong we my webhost ... anyway this is the new upload i made =)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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exactly what im trying to make ..... with alil difference lol having trouble making it all work i do have icons as of right now and like i want em but having trouble refreshing the nicklist on active chan and mode changes and such ... still working on it tho
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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For the events this works just fine for me .. maybe some errors haven encounter much ... feel free to feedback to me .. now working on how to make the right click popup and for double click query ... gif me some ideas 
on *:join:#: {
if ($nick == $me) {
elseif ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) .timer 1 3 getnicks $chan
on *:part:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) && ($nick != $me) .timer 1 1 getnicks $chan }
on *:kick:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $chan }
on *:op:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $chan }
on *:deop:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $chan }
on *:voice:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $chan }
on *:devoice:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ $chan) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $chan }
on ^*:QUIT:{
var %i = 1
var %comchan $comchan($nick,0)
while (%i <= %comchan) {
if ($dialog(nick $+ $comchan($nick,%i)) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $comchan($nick,%i)
inc %i
on *:nick: {
var %samechan = 1
while (%samechan <= $comchan($newnick,0)) {
if ($dialog(nick $+ $comchan($newnick, %samechan)) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $comchan($newnick,%samechan)
inc %samechan
the getnicks method rethrives the nicklist and populate it into the dialog ... Hope this helps a little
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok im getting mine thru a while loop like this
%sn = 1
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isreg $chan($active) { did -ra $dname 1 0 + 1 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isop $chan($active) { did -ra $dname 1 0 + 2 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) ishop $chan($active) { did -ra $dname 1 0 + 3 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isvoice $chan($active) { did -ra $dname 1 0 + 4 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isowner $chan($active) { did -ra $dname 1 0 + 5 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
%sn = 2
while ( $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) != $null ) {
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isreg $chan($active) { did -a $dname 1 0 + 1 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isop $chan($active) { did -a $dname 1 0 + 2 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) ishop $chan($active) { did -a $dname 1 0 + 3 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isvoice $chan($active) { did -a $dname 1 0 + 4 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
if $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) isowner $chan($active) { did -a $dname 1 0 + 5 0 0 $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) }
inc %sn
i simply recall that while loop after every mode change and join and part quit and kick ... i got it all to work now perfectly ..... but the icons im using are just things ive found to test things with ... where did u find them other icons ur using??? ..... also yeah the popups are next ..... i was thinking of adding something like setting a variable on everytime i select a nick from the nick list then rewrite the popups to use the nick from the variable..... altho i dont think that would work for multiple users like im thinking ... nicklist.dll says u can run em on it but u have to rewrite em either way to support it their way ... still something im looking into tho ...... so that part is going to be a bit more challanging that thee actual creating the nicklist and populating it part .. which ive completed that already ...... its cool to have someone else doing the same thing to toss ideas around and see what each does too ..... ty for ur input also ....... thet getnicks thing ur using ..... where is that ..... cause thats not a normal command ...... did u create an alias to perform that while loop each time?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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no such need for variables juz use
$did(listid).seltext it will return the text of the selected... but if u are using the mdx it will have some other text related to the icons and so on ... juz use $left,$mid, or $right to retrieve the nick
and do a sline $active [nick] than dll $nickdll Popup $active
and i will work .. i almost finish mine juz need some cleanup on the bugs =)