I'm running a bot on a channel, but there's a problem. Scripts that start with on 1: don't work anymore, and neither does on 2:. on3: works, and all levels above, and on *: works fine, but on 1: doesn't work. The default level is 1, so that's not the problem. To show what's the problem, this simple script doesn't work:
on 1:text:!lol test:#: {
msg $chan lol test 2?
This, however, does:
on 3:text:!lol test:#: {
msg $chan lol test 2?
I've had problems before, where a script that was too long ignored commands below a certain line, but this isn't like that. If it matters, the script is 955 lines long, and the size is 33.7k.
They've worked before... they stopped recently, and I don't know the problem. I've added an if statement to some of the commands, but all commands starting with on 1: have been affected, and if I change the level, they work anyway, even those with the if statement.
Last edited by paalvaa; 15/05/06 10:39 AM.