when i part channel with or without message using /part
it shows normal
Part: razor (id@my.domain) has left #channel
Part: razor (id@my.domain) has left #channel (blabla)
BUT when i close channel (right click on switchbar channel button) i get this: (EXACTLY)
Part: razor (address) has left #channel (10)
so why does it say "address" and why do i get "10" as part msg ?
for PART code i have this:
on ^1:PART:#: {
if ( $nick == $me ) { /part # %partm $+ $colour(part text) $+ | if (%sounds == On) && (%sdpart != $null) { .splay %sdpart } }
if ( $1- == $null ) { echo $chan $timestamps $theme(part,$nick,$address,$chan) }
if ( $1- != $null ) { echo $chan $timestamps $theme(partreason,$nick,address,$chan,$1-) }
where it reads from theme.ini this:
theme {
tokenize 32 $1-
goto $1
:part | return 10Part:0 $2 10(15 $+ $replace($3,@,10@15 $+ ) $+ 10)15 has left $4
:partreason | return 10Part:0 $2 10(15 $+ $replace($3,@,10@15 $+ ) $+ 10)15 has left $4 10(15 $+ $5- $+ 10)