I sent a 102MB file (test.rar) to another machine on my lan.
Machine 1 (
WinXP Pro SP2
1 x Intel Celeron D 2.93GHz - 1GB RAM
mIRC v6.17
Machine 2 (
WinXP Pro SP2
1 x AMD Athlon 500MHz - 512MB RAM
mIRC v6.16
[09:02] DCC Send of test.rar
to Machine2 complete (00:02:03 849 KB/Sec)
Peaked at 936KB/Sec[09:07] DCC Get of test.rar
from Machine2 complete (00:01:57 893 KB/Sec)
Peaked at 0.98MB/Sec (1,003.52KB)So I guess I cannot confirm this bug.
~ Edit ~
The DCC protocol is far from the greatest protocol to be used for uploading or downloading files.
The test file (test.rar) came out perfect on both sides, it looks
like DCC is just as perfect (or imperfect) for sending/receiving
files as about anything else eh?