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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i have a lil problem in how mdx shows dialog: this is the code, code in RED should be vital, can anyone tell me how to fix it ? i have last mdx made
on *:dialog:Themes:init:0:{
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 2 ListView headerdrag report rowselect flatsb showsel nosortheader single > $views
did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 130:1 110:2 90:3 200:4
did -i $dname 2 1 headertext +l 0 Theme $chr(9) +l 0 Author $chr(9) +l 0 Background $chr(9) +l 0 Description
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 2 12 1 verdana
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 1 12 1 verdana
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 3 12 1 verdana
and should be look like: this is on mirc 6.16 (no longer using 6.03 )
Last edited by raZOR; 06/04/06 12:36 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Your problem might actually be that you are missing a $views aliases?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yes, you were right, i did missed it. thank you, very much apreciated.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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not to spam new thread, why not continue here ? i shortened problem as much as i could :P anyways, picture of dialog (the last one) is seen above so it is MDX list box, i have 5 objects to select on list while 6th object are those tabs(with names) problem i got is this: this alias:
alias _loadthmfile {
tokenize 32 $1-
.load -a themes\ $+ $1 $+ .dom
should READ from that listbox and according to 1st field (theme name), should load file with exact name so if it is clicked on BLACK theme, it should read from 1st field the name Black, and thru this alias load Black.dom now this code below should (i guess) mark the line on list box what is selected....
_loadthmfile $did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel)
so i ask anyone who knows MDX, is this last code (above) correct for last MDX version ? coz when i click on the selected line in dialog and try to load a file, instead names (Black, White, Asure etc... whatever name is) it wont load file of same name (Black.dom, White.dom) etc... but it tries to load based on OBJECT number, so in this case if Black is last on list, it would be object 6 and it tries to load 6.dom and not Black.dom (by name) .... long and confusing thread no? :P but i myself can't figure out this coz i dont know mdx well so i ask any hint possible.
Last edited by raZOR; 06/04/06 12:24 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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anyways, picture of dialog (the last one) is seen above so it is MDX list box, i have 5 objects to select on list while 6th object are those tabs(with names) problem i got is this:
alias _loadthmfile {
tokenize 32 $1-
.load -a themes\ $+ $1 $+ .dom
_loadthmfile $did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel)
coz when i click on the selected line in dialog and try to load a file, instead names (Black, White, Asure etc... whatever name is) it wont load file of same name (Black.dom, White.dom) etc... but it tries to load based on OBJECT number, so in this case if Black is last on list, it would be object 6 and it tries to load 6.dom and not Black.dom (by name) First change "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2,1).sel)" to "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2 ,1).sel) .text". The "1" I added is probably not needed but it is saying that you want the first selected item. When you use "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel).text" you are getting a text line that looks like a line from your first image. That's because when you create an MDX control it doesn't change the listbox (or host control), it simply use this control to determine how the MDX control should look. $did() can not directly access the MDX control. In the alias "_loadthmfile" try "tokenize 9 $1-" or "tokenize 9 $remove($1-, $chr(32))" instead of "tokenize 32 $1-". Then use $3 to get your color.
Last edited by NaquadaServ; 06/04/06 03:59 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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firstly, thank you for replying
if i use old "tokenize 32 $1-" i get * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\.dom (obviously it cant find any name)
when i use: tokenize 9 $1 i get error * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\.dom
when i use tokenize 9 $remove($1-, $chr(32)) * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\+fs000White.dom * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\+fs000LightBlue.dom
where white or LightBlue behind +fs000 are just named backgrounds(of theme, so not theme name but just background for some alias that uses it) on listbox
where this +fs000 i have NO idea what is nor do i find it in script at all...
any random ideas ?
Last edited by raZOR; 06/04/06 04:46 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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if i use old "tokenize 32 $1-" i get * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\.dom (obviously it cant find any name)
when i use: tokenize 9 $1 i get error * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\.dom
when i use tokenize 9 $remove($1-, $chr(32)) * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\+fs000White.dom * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\+fs000LightBlue.dom
where white or LightBlue behind +fs000 are just named backgrounds(of theme, so not theme name but just background for some alias that uses it) on listbox
where this +fs000 i have NO idea what is nor do i find it in script at all... No problem, glad to help. +fs000 is extra options that MDX adds. Try this using "tokenize 9 $1-", after the tokenize write an echo command like "echo -a $1 : $2 : $3 : $4 : $5 : $6 : $7", to see which argument is equal to the one you want. Then use that argument instead of $1. It's probably going to be $4 or higher.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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thanks again for reply =)
now i gots this
echo: 1 +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 pRonEtIvAgO : +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 Default theme of Domination : : :
error: * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\+fs'
now 2 things puzzles me:
1. i have set it to read $3, in error it says that it reads "+fs" but according to echo, +fs is $2
2. everything between $1and $5 (so 2-4) shows: * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\+fs
everything above $4 shows: * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\.dom
so again it cannot actually find anything (weird)
any ideas ?
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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echo: 1 +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 pRonEtIvAgO : +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 Default theme of Domination : : :
Try this... I use tokenize twice to get at the specific word you want...
alias _loadthmfile {
tokenize 9 $1-
tokenize 32 $3
.load -a themes\ $+ $5 $+ .dom
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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thanks for replying again ^^ very close Naquada but a bit far hehehe echo: 1 +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 pRonEtIvAgO : +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 Default theme of Domination : : : you took second black (which i colored here in red) and i need 1st one (colored in green here) if you ask how do i know, here is list of themes (notice greened words) echo: 1 +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 pRonEtIvAgO : +fs 0 0 0 Black : +fs 0 0 0 Default theme of Domination : : : echo: 1 +fs 0 0 0 Asure : +fs 0 0 0 Raptor : +fs 0 0 0 Light Blue : +fs 0 0 0 Asure theme of Domination : : : echo: 1 +fs 0 0 0 IceCap : +fs 0 0 0 Raptor : +fs 0 0 0 Teal : +fs 0 0 0 IceCap theme of Domination : : : so i get then this errors * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\Light.dom' - * /load: no such file 'C:\mirc\themes\Teal.dom' which script tries to load :P btw i tired with $1-5 still nothing and logically $5 SHOULD be correct one... but it doesnt do it ~edit~ on the other hand with just 1 echo (i used 2 echos previous) i get this +fs : 0 : 0 : 0 : Teal : : +fs : 0 : 0 : 0 : Light : Blue : which means he cant grab firs field with true names ?
Last edited by raZOR; 06/04/06 09:13 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Try this...
alias _loadthmfile {
tokenize 9 $1-
tokenize 32 $1
.load -a themes\ $+ $5 $+ .dom
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi ! it works (just with $6) hehe
omg, i dont know how to thank you, you really helped me much !
thank you Naquada i really really apreciate it !
~also this is a bit too much to ask now. but umm are you willing to help me with another problem regarding same dialog ?
if no its ok.. just asking =)
thanks again.
Last edited by raZOR; 07/04/06 11:28 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You're welcome. I might be able to help, what's the other problem???
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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reimaging if you look on right side, you see preview window, on some bizzarre irony it wont show any theme preview at all... now this code might be longish :P and clumzy (i didnt made it :tongue: just trying to make it work on new mirc)
dialog Themes {
title "Themes"
size -1 -1 263 120
icon $mircdirsystem\domin.icl, 10
option dbu
box "", 4, 4 12 256 91
box "", 9, 4 12 137 91
text "Current theme: ", 1, 4 4 40 6
text $theme(name), 3, 44 4 100 6
list 2, 5 16 134 86, size
button "&Load", 5, 205 107 27 10
button "&Close", 8, 232 107 27 10, cancel
button "&Hide", 99, 0 0 0 0, hide Ok
;text "- Preview Window -", 17, 175 8 54 6
icon 50, 142 17 116 84
on *:dialog:Themes:init:0:{
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 2 ListView headerdrag report rowselect flatsb showsel nosortheader single > $views
did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 130 110 90 200
did -i $dname 2 1 headertext Theme $chr(9) Author $chr(9) Background $chr(9) Description
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 2 12 1 verdana
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 1 12 1 verdana
dll $mircdirsystem\dlls\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 3 12 1 verdana
var %n = 0
While (%n < $findfile(themes,*.dom,0)) {
did -a $dname 2 $calc(%x +1) $readini($findfile(themes,*.dom,$calc(%n +1)),info,name) $chr(9) $readini($findfile(themes,*.dom,$calc(%n +1)),info,author) $chr(9) $readini($findfile(themes,*.dom,$calc(%n +1)),info,background) $chr(9) $readini($findfile(themes,*.dom,$calc(%n +1)),info,description)
inc %n
on 1:dialog:themes:sclick:5: { _loadthm }
on 1:dialog:themes:sclick:2: { previewtheme }
on 1:dialog:themes:dclick:2: { _loadthm }
rest is not important coz its more for LOADING themes
which you fixed
in this case this should matter:
alias previewtheme {
;you add here your new theme preview alias
;like i said above (just for background, black, teal, green atc...)
;from where window reads some values of font, background
;to display in this preview window
if ($gettok($did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel),7,32) == Black) { did -v themes 50 | preview-black }
elseif ($gettok($did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel),7,32) == White) { did -v themes 50 | preview-white }
elseif ($gettok($did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel),7,32) == Teal) { did -v themes 50 | preview-teal }
elseif ($gettok($did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel),7,32) == Blue) { did -v themes 50 | preview-light_blue }
else { did -v themes 50 | nopreview }
alias nopreview {
;this should be section where he cant get preview so
;as on image (above) shows "no preview aveliable"
window -c @themes
if ($window(@themes) == $null) {
window -ph +d @themes 300 200 229 165 verdana 11
drawfill @themes 0 0 0 0
var %. = drawtext -p @themes 1 verdana 10 x
%. 76 01,00 $str($chr(160),7) Preview not available!
drawsave @themes themes\thmprvw.bmp
if $dialog(themes) {
did -g themes 50 themes\thmprvw.bmp
.remove themes\thmprvw.bmp
window -c @themes
here comes main part, the preview alias of each theme based on background as stated above. Here is BLACK theme example:
alias preview-black {
var %temp = $theme(name) | If (%temp == $null) { .nopreview | halt }
did -v themes 50
var %thm.file $mircdirthemes\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom
.unload -a %thm.file
_loadthmfile $did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel)
var %rgb = 0 | while (%rgb < 16) { color -r %rgb | inc %rgb }
var %temp = $readini themes\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom colours rgb | if (%temp != $null) { _rgb $readini themes\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom colours rgb }
window -c @themes
if ($window(@themes) == $null) { window -ph +d @themes 300 200 229 165 verdana 11 | drawfill @themes 1 1 1 1 }
var %. = drawtext -pb @themes 0 1 verdana 10 x
%. 4 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(joinme,#domination) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 16 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(me,$me,is choosing a theme!) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 28 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(nick,$me,Guest376705) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 40 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(notice,Nickserv,Password accepted now you can [censored] off!) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 52 $str($chr(160),1) $timestamps $+ $theme(logo) $+ $gettok($readini(system\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom,colours,colours),12,44) $+ Can't change Nick while you're banned $str($chr(160),7)
%. 64 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(attention,TCP Alert in port 80 (http) from $IP) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 76 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(quit,rOlling,Quit: Ping timeout) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 88 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(echoaway,Off - away time: 17s) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 100 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(joins,Raptor,domi@raptor.tech.nu) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 112 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(part,$me,id@localhost) $str($chr(160),7)
%. 124 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(metext,$me,Hi! How are you?)
%. 136 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(wsl,pRonEtIvAgO)
%. 148 $str($chr(160),1) $theme(raw311name,pRonEtIvAgO,www.domination.pt.vu)
drawsave @themes themes\thmprvw.bmp
if $dialog(themes) { did -g themes 50 themes\thmprvw.bmp }
.remove themes\thmprvw.bmp
.unload -a themes\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom
.load -a %thm.file
var %rgb = 0 | while (%rgb < 16) { color -r %rgb | inc %rgb }
var %temp = $readini themes\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom colours rgb | if (%temp != $null) { _rgb $readini themes\ $+ $theme(name) $+ .dom colours rgb }
window -c @themes
any help would be greatly apreciated =)
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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alias preview-black {
_loadthmfile $did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel)
One thing I noticed is that you are using "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel)" here too... Remember the string $did returns is formated.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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sorry for being stupid i dont understand what you meant ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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umm if you meant to replace it with _loadthmfile $did(themes,2,$did(themes,2,1).sel).text as in previous case, i have and still nothing
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Not really sure what the problem is, your scripting style is confusing a bit... If you could be more specific as to the problem. Also totaly don't know what $theme is doing... Sorry for the delay, the web site's connectivity was crappy yesterday.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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dont apologyse i apreciate any help given, since not many people want to bug with this (i already asked few hehe) as for scripting style, it is not mine :P author of script abandoned script support ages ago, and i just want to make it compatible so it can run on mirc 6.16 and above using latest mdx... (which script didnt) if it was mine style i would probably fix it myself as for problem. i try to explain again: in image you see left side(list box): description of themes, name, author, background type on right side you see "preview window" when user clicks (only once) on list box name(theme) it should generate how theme should look (and it did worked on mirc 6.0x series with older mdx). so problem is now (when i added last mdx so it can run on winxp) that on click it wont generate any preview at all as for $theme, it is identifier that just reads some basic settings from theme.dom like you see in alias (up) of black theme:
it would read from theme file this:
:part | return 10Part:0 $2 10(15 $+ $replace($3,@,10@15 $+ ) $+ 10)15 has left $4
and such.. just coloring and some raw return info ---- offcourse if you are willing, and if you have time i can upload whole thing (just this theme things) for analisys if you think that would make it easier for tracking down something. i try on this board to narrow it down altho i might not be good at it :P
Last edited by raZOR; 08/04/06 01:21 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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These parts in preview theme would need to change...
$gettok($did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel),7,32) same way that _loadthm changed.