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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hi everyone,
The problem I have is I want to echo text from one channel to another channel in another network. For example, I wish to echo whatever a trivia bot is announcing in #channel1 through my nick to #channel2 so there is no need to bring the bot into another network//channel. If anyone knows how I would really appreciate it, thanks!
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I made a simple rotine who say what you type in one channel and said that to another channel! Its very basic but works fine, all you need to do is copy/past the folowing rotine in your Remote section:
menu Channel {
Chan2 Menu
.Turn on system:.set %Loged_Chan2 On | .echo -a *** Chan2 System On
.Turn Off system:.set %Loged_Chan2 Off | .echo -a *** Chan2 System Off
.Set Chan1:.set %Chan1 $input(Please input the 1 Channel to replay your message:,129)
.Set Chan2:.set %Chan2 $input(Please input the 2 Channel to be replayed:,129)
on *:INPUT:#:{
if (%Loged_Chan2 == On) {
if ($window($active) == %Chan1) {
var %msg = $1-
if (%Chan2 == $null) {
echo -a *** Please set the Channel to be replayed!
else {
.echo %Chan2 %msg
.msg %Chan2 %msg
else {
echo -a *** Chan2 System halted, please turn on the system!
Explanation: What the code does is simple, 1. first you need set up the Chan1 (the channel who its gonna be listened), we can assume that Channel calls #Chat. 2. you need set up the Chan2 (Channel who its gonna be replayed by the first channel), it can be #OtherRoom. 3. you need start the engine, just right-Click on any Channel window and push Chan2 menu>Turn on system, then the engine gonna be started! All what you say in Chan1 (#chat) its gonna be replayed in Chan2 (#OtherRoom); You also can turn off the engine! Its simple but works fine to me, any bug or dont, feel free to change it to your way! Thats all *
The practice do the Master...
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thanks for the script Crash_N_Burn. It echoes what I say perfectly without any problem, however I think I misunderstood the meaning of echo in mirc. For example,
if <TriviaBot> says "Bonus point" in #chan1, what I would like for mirc to do is immediately take what <Triviabot> said in #chan1 and say it in #chan2.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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If you dont get it i explain to you, the rotine i give you, do exacly what you wanted, but first of all you need set up for the channel and what channel to echoe the messeges! Say to another Channel what you sayed in #chan1, in my rotine you need expecify what chan you wanna echoe!
If you wanna i can make ir more simple without any popup for you see!
Thats all
The practice do the Master...
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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The problem I have is not following your instructions. The system you setup works perfectly as I've said. The problem is your script only echoes what I say from one channel to the other channel. 3. you need start the engine, just right-Click on any Channel window and push Chan2 menu>Turn on system, then the engine gonna be started! All what you say in Chan1 (#chat) its gonna be replayed in Chan2 (#OtherRoom); You also can turn off the engine! What I need is to echo what the bot says, not what I say. I hope that's clearer, regards.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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lo0lo0... You just need put that rotine on Remotes in your bot, its simple!Not in you, in your bot, open Remotes and then past the code to there, its gonna work for your bot as like work with you! If you wanna i can remove the popups and put the rotine more explicit and easy to use, without turn On/Off etc!
Any problem, say here!
Thats all
Last edited by Crash_N_Burn; 25/03/06 09:30 PM.
The practice do the Master...
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I don't have access to the bot, if I did I wouldn't be making this request for an echo script, and again your script is simple enough, it works to exactly what you said, but what you said is not what I want as I've tested it out on many channels....
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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he referes to YOUR bot, not the trivia bot, your bot is the mirc thats going to be in the tyrivia bots channel and the other network channel.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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here is your basic copy cat kinda script it doesnt do multiserver
alias copycat $iif(!$dialog(copycat),dialog -dm copycat copycat,dialog -v copycat)
dialog copycat {
title "CopyCat"
size -1 -1 100 75
option dbu
edit "" 101, 5 10 90 10
edit "" 102, 5 30 90 10
edit "" 103, 5 50 90 10
text "Source Channel", 201, 5 0 90 10
text "Source Nick", 202, 5 20 90 10
text "Destination Channel", 203, 5 40 90 10
button "On", 901, 5 62 40 10
button "Off", 902, 55 62 40 10
button "", 999, 0 0 0 0, cancel
on *:dialog:copycat:sclick:901:{
set %copychan $did(copycat,101).text
set %copynick $did(copycat,102).text
set %copytoo $did(copycat,103).text
.enable #copycat
echo -a Copy Cat Script is now 4,2ARMED
;dialog -x copycat
on *:dialog:copycat:sclick:902:{
.disable #copycat
echo -a Copy Cat Script is now 1,9DISARMED
on *:dialog:copycat:sclick:999:{
unset %copy*
.disable #copycat
echo -a Copy Cat Script is now 1,9DISARMED
#copycat off
on *:text:*:#:{
if ($chan == %copychan) {
if ($nick == %copynick) {
var %copytext = $1-
.msg %copytoo %copynick -> %copytext
#copycat end give it a test
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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The copycat script works fine, thanks. The problem with the first script is that it only echoes what the "bot" or where ever the script was installed said, and nothing else from the channel is transmitted over.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The problem I have is I want to echo text from one channel to another channel in another network. For example, I wish to echo whatever a trivia bot is announcing in #channel1 through my nick to #channel2 so there is no need to bring the bot into another network//channel. If anyone knows how I would really appreciate it, thanks!
the copycat will do that, just what you asked, except I did not include multiserver scripting. You didnt say you wanted to spy on everything said in one channel and msg that to another channel.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Now i see whta you want, i dont get it at first time! I assume that your bot is runing from a mIRC Bot, and you have access to them. Yah its quite impossible turn On/Off your bot by popups were you do not have phisicall access to them.
Thats all
The practice do the Master...
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thanks to both of you for helping though.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Sorry, if my chan name was #1 and 2 was #2 can you re show that text so I can copy it exact as I am having problems, also I cant seem to find where you start this script
Can you echo to another network and chan? I have posted this just but it seemed to get deleted for some unknown reason.
Thanks Rob