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#144681 13/03/06 02:57 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
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RusselB Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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I'm working on a dialog for someone else, and one of the items they want is an edit box that contains their current nick.

I thought, no problem, make an edit box then in the dialog initialization have a line did -ra $dname <id> $nick

Only thing is, for some reason I don't seem to be able to get the nick to display in the ID.

here's the relative lines from the actual dialog
 dialog away {
  title "Away System"
  size -1 -1 455 300
  option pixels
  tab "Main", 1, 5 5 440 260
  tab "Custom", 2
  tab "Away Stats", 3
  tab "About", 4
  box "Auto Away", 5, 12 32 160 80, tab 1
  check "Enable/Disable Auto Away", 6, 17 47 150 17, tab 1 flat
  text "Auto Away Time", 7, 17 67 150 15, tab 1 nowrap center
  edit "60", 8, 17 87 50 20, tab 1 center
  text "Minutes", 9, 72 87 95 17, tab 1 nowrap center
  box "Away Reason", 10, 177 32 260 220, tab 1
  button "Sleep", 11, 182 47 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Food", 12, 182 72 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Work", 13, 182 97 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Movies", 14, 182 122 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Shopping", 15, 182 147 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Blow Job", 16, 182 172 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Sex", 17, 182 197 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Abducted", 18, 182 222 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "AFK", 19, 312 47 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Shower", 20, 312 72 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Phone", 21, 312 97 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Company", 22, 312 122 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Getting Drunk", 23, 312 147 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Football", 24, 312 172 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Baseball", 25, 312 197 120 20, tab 1 flat
  button "Basketball", 26, 312 222 120 20, tab 1 flat
  box "Custom Away Message", 27, 12 32 425 40, tab 2
  edit "", 28, 17 47 415 20, tab 2 center
  box "Custom Nickname", 29, 12 77 150 175, tab 2
  text "Normal Nick", 30, 17 92 140 15, tab 2 nowrap center
  edit "", 31, 17 112 140 20, tab 2 center
  text "Seperator", 32, 17 137 140 15, tab 2 nowrap center
  edit "-", 33, 17 157 140 20, tab 2 center
  text "Suffix", 34, 17 182 140 15, tab 2 nowrap center
  edit "AwAy", 35, 17 202 140 20, tab 2 center
  button "Set Away", 36, 17 227 140 20, tab 2
  box "Announce To Rooms", 37, 12 117 160 80, tab 1
  check "Enable Room Announce", 38, 17 132 150 15, tab 1 flat
  text "How Often?", 39, 17 152 150 15, tab 1 nowrap center
  edit "30", 40, 58 172 50 20, tab 1 center
  text "Minutes", 41, 112 172 54 15, tab 1 nowrap center
  text "Every", 42, 17 172 39 17, tab 1 center
  box "Logging", 43, 12 197 160 55, tab 1
  check "Enable Away Logger", 44, 17 212 150 15, tab 1
  check "Enable Stats Keeping", 45, 17 232 150 15, tab 1
  ;  icon 46, 167 82 270 170, $mircdirSystem\Graph-x\Away.png, 0 noborder tab 2
  text "Sleep ---------------&gt;", 47, 15 35 100 17, tab 3
  text "Food ---------------&gt;", 48, 15 55 100 17, tab 3
  text "Work ---------------&gt;", 49, 15 75 100 17, tab 3
  text "Movies -------------&gt;", 50, 15 95 100 17, tab 3
  text "Shopping ----------&gt;", 51, 15 115 100 17, tab 3
  text "Blow Jobs ---------&gt;", 52, 15 135 100 17, tab 3
  text "Got Laid -----------&gt;", 53, 15 155 100 17, tab 3
  text "Been Abducted --&gt;", 54, 15 175 100 17, tab 3
  edit "", 55, 120 35 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 56, 120 55 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 57, 120 75 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 58, 120 95 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 59, 120 115 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 60, 120 135 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 61, 120 155 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 62, 120 175 100 20, tab 3 read
  text "AFK ----------------&gt;", 71, 225 35 100 17, tab 3
  text "Shower ------------&gt;", 72, 225 55 100 17, tab 3
  text "Phone --------------&gt;", 73, 225 75 100 17, tab 3
  text "Company ----------&gt;", 74, 225 95 100 17, tab 3
  text "Drunk --------------&gt;", 75, 225 115 100 17, tab 3
  text "Football -----------&gt;", 76, 225 135 100 17, tab 3
  text "Baseball -----------&gt;", 77, 225 155 100 17, tab 3
  text "Basketball ---------&gt;", 78, 225 175 100 17, tab 3
  edit "", 63, 330 35 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 64, 330 55 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 65, 330 75 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 66, 330 95 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 67, 330 115 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 68, 330 135 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 69, 330 155 100 20, tab 3 read
  edit "", 70, 330 175 100 20, tab 3 read
  text "Times Auto Away -&gt;", 79, 15 195 100 17, tab 3
  edit "", 80, 120 195 100 20, tab 3 read
  text "Total Times Away -&gt;", 81, 225 195 100 17, tab 3
  edit "", 82, 330 195 100 20, tab 3 read
  text "Total Away Time", 83, 15 215 100 17, tab 3
  edit "", 84, 120 215 100 20, tab 3 read
  text "Avg Away Time", 85, 15 235 100 17, tab 3
  edit "", 86, 120 235 100 20, tab 3 read
  button "Message Stats To Current Channel", 87, 225 215 205 20, tab 3 flat
  button "Reset All Stats", 88, 225 235 205 20, tab 3 flat
  button "&amp;Cancel", 89, 380 270 65 20, cancel flat
  button "&amp;OK", 90, 310 270 65 20, ok flat
  button "&amp;Back", 91, 240 270 65 20, flat
on *:dialog:xaway:init:{
  did -u $dname 6,38,44,45
  did -ra $dname 31 $nick

Personally I can't see why that isn't working

#144682 13/03/06 03:53 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
RusselB Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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Posts: 7,252
Solution found. No replies required

#144683 13/03/06 03:56 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 420
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 420
I was about to post that it's the event format. Good that you found it.

If you have a plastic floor runner over your tiles, then you're one Hella Pinoy!

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