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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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does someone has a script whit almost al protechtions that i can have -deop -devoice -mode change -advertising -flood -bad words -channel name change -clone scan -banmask -some nicks/ip adress get op -kick that only some nicks/ip adress can kick -ban that only some nicks/ip adress can ban if somone has ascript like this plz give it to me i need it in one script
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm working on a protection dialog, but due to the fact that I've been ill, it hasn't been going as quickly as I would've liked. Hopefully I'll be able to have it completed and fully tested by the end of the week.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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A couple of things I'm not sure about !) How can someone change the name of the channel? To my knowledge this is only something an IRCop might be able to do. 2) Please clarify what you mean by banmask.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't even think ircops can change channel names.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I didn't really think so either, but that was the only possibility (aside from maybe the founder) that might be able to do so.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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IRCOPS dont neccessary have service rights. Even server Administrators dont have service rights by default. That said i dont think it's possible, no matter what rights you hold on the server (owner,admin,ircop,founder whatever)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don;t know a single IRCd where you can change channel names really... only user nicks (by services roots, raw messages (SVSNICK))
If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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OK...I think we've managed to establish that the only way to change a room name, would be for the founder to close the current room and open another under the new name. Now, technically this isn't renaming the room, but from the sounds of things it's probably going to be the closest that someone could actually manage. My original response was based on the line in the original query that reads
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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omg not the #room the other name that you can set what /topic #roomname text
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ah, you mean the channel topic :-]
that does make it clear ;-]
If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Ban Protection... on @*:ban:#: {
if ( $nick == $me ) { return }
if ($banmask iswm $ial($me)) {
mode # -b $banmask
kick $chan $nick Don't Ban Me Please.
echo -at 11 ·09 · 6 $nick Tried Banning $banmask On $chan @ $asctime
} Topic Change Protection... on *:TOPIC:#: {
if ($nick == $me) { set $+(%,topic.of.,$chan) $chan($chan).topic }
else {
echo -a 11·09 · 4 $nick Changed The Topic In $chan
kick $chan $nick Don't Try To Change The TOPIC Only I Can Set It
topic $chan $($+(%,topic.of.,$chan),2)
} Kick Lock Down... on !*:kick:#: {
if ( $nick == $me ) { return }
kick $chan $nick Did I give you permission to kick?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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ty now i only need the other protechtions
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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For a clone Attack, ie mass clone join the channel... ON @*:JOIN:#:{
inc -u1 %c.ad. [ $+ [ $mask($fulladdress,2) ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
if ( %c.ad. [ $+ [ $mask($fulladdress,2) ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] ] >= 2) {
.raw mode # dimb $mask($fulladdress,2)
.timerunban [ $+ [ $fulladdress ] ] 1 60 mode # -b $mask($fulladdress,2)
.timerunim 1 10 mode # -dim
if ( %c.kicked. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1) {
.raw kick # $nick Mass Join Clones From $address($nick,2)
set -u5 %c.kicked. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
} For a limit on clones, ie 2, after that, for example the 3rd clone joins then it will kick them out... alias clone {
if ($ial == $false) {
.ial on
if ($chan($chan).ial == $false) {
who $chan
if ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0) >= 3) {
kick $chan $nick Clone nicks exceeded.
On @*:Join:#: {
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I will add the Clone scanner and Swear kicker later, as they are Large dialogs. but see how u get on with those above for now Enjoy -= Added =- Some of the above code you might reckonise from other sections on the forum, so most of the credit for coding them go those people.
Last edited by Skeletor; 21/02/06 09:55 AM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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For a clone Attack, ie mass clone join the channel...
Code: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ON @*:JOIN:#:{ inc -u1 %c.ad. [ $+ [ $mask($fulladdress,2) ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] ] if ( %c.ad. [ $+ [ $mask($fulladdress,2) ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] ] >= 2) { .raw mode # dimb $mask($fulladdress,2) .timerunban [ $+ [ $fulladdress ] ] 1 60 mode # -b $mask($fulladdress,2) .timerunim 1 10 mode # -dim if ( %c.kicked. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1) { .raw kick # $nick Mass Join Clones From $address($nick,2) set -u5 %c.kicked. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 } }}
is this for mass clone join on a channel or to kick clones
ty for the clone kick
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Give Complete Protection Pro by Amit a try. It should provide you with most the protections you're looking for. If not, do a quick search for protection on any miRC related site, and you'll find more than you need.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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i need it in the scripts that i can post in my remote