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#141755 13/02/06 12:25 AM
Joined: Feb 2006
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Sayaka Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
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I'm having this problem with mirc right now. Whenever I try to join a certain channel, it tells me that I need a registered nickname. But I already registered. Can anyone help me out?


#141756 13/02/06 12:30 AM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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channel modes depend on the network you're connecting to... if you have a problem identifying with your nick, then you should go to the network #help channel... do remember that you have to register a nickname (done once) and IDENTIFY with that nick (done everytime you connect to the network)

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
#141757 13/02/06 01:13 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Further to what Maconda has said, some people confuse registering mIRC with registering their nick. The two are not the same.

#141758 13/02/06 04:08 AM
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Sayaka Offline OP
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Bowl of petunias
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I see. It's odd that I was able to join that channel before. Just recently, mirc kept saying I need a registered nickname.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it ^^

#141759 13/02/06 08:00 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually, it's not mIRC saying it, it's the network server saying it via the IRC protocols, which are interpreted by mIRC so that you can understand them.

What's probably happened, is that the owner/founder and/or an op has noticed people joining and not following the rules, so they've made the channel so that you need a registered nick to join, probably figuring that those with registered nicks will follow the rules better.

#141760 19/02/06 05:11 PM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Yes, actually more and more servers support the +r flag in channelmodes to prevent users from joining the channel unless they are registered on that network.
For example on irc.gamesurge.net you must goto their site www.gamesnet.net and register an account and then in irc auth to authserv before you are allowed into +r channels.
(Most irc servers have sites with information and help btw, just replace the irc in irc.xxxx.xx with www and open it in a webbrowser).
The most common reason for this on gamesurge is that they suffer from a lot of kids that get angry and use botnets to attack channels, a botnet is a large number of fake users that join the channel and spam it etc., obviously when a channel is +r the fake users who did not register cannot join the channel and so these attacks are prevented.

It would be nice incidentally if mirc supported the many modern channelmodes that have come around in the channel central window, at least the common ones like +r and +c (no colorcodes) etcetera.
And it would be even more convenient if mirc had a warning/explanation on rejection of entering when a channel is +r, many many people get confused by this channelmode in my experience, and I'm given to understand that it's the clients like mirc who must handle errorreporting.

#141761 23/02/06 08:39 AM
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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it's +R actually wink

but if you don't sign into your nickname, it doesn't appear as registered.

for most servers(that I've visited) it's /msg nickserv identify <password>

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