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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I'm not gonna moan about people using colors on rooms I am gonna talk about people who tell people off for using color text on rooms.
On my own chat room I let people use there own color script to identify them selves and it acts as a good way too see who is who, I myself use a color script program for my color dark blue.
When I go into other people's rooms I always turn them them off out of respect, but the other night I forgot, here is what happened ....
I logged into a room to wait for someone ...Anyway, time passed and an hour later after no one has said anything I typed "wow chatty bunch tonight huh " straight after that I had
and no this was not a bot this was a real person I later had a talk with.
I think this thing of not using colors in rooms has got out of hand, It's one thing to not want people to use colors on your rooms, it's another to treat it like a crime against nature. Especially when no one has talked for over an hour ffs.
Now that was just plane rude in my eyes but on the topic in general why do people ask for the colors to get turned off??
From what I have herd it's because, and I quote from a few people here "Most people/ops use diff color backgrounds and its hard when you have colored text on, and very much so when you have a black background set" Now I understand this , but my argument is who is actually in the wrong here? I use the mirc slandered of a plan white background so I can see all or most colors well, is it my fault that some guy who wants to mod his mirc to have a black background on, but cant see my text? I am the one using a normal back with the standered colors allowed in mirc via the use of Ctrl and K or via a script, he is the one that has changed his background and finds it difficult to see my text.
I just find it amazing how this has become the norm now to immediately stamp people down who come in with colors on, it's completely daft.
Now there ARE very good reasons NOT to have colors in some rooms (such as some bots that don't respond to them etc etc) which I am sure people will point out, but it's the **altitude** I get from people which I am really on about. Not to mention the fact you can get scripts to change the incoming text so it doesn't conflict with your color scheme if that is the reason for you asking people to turn it off.
I will leave on this note. If it's not the case of your using a black background or even if it IS the lest you can do is this... Rather than bite someone's head off, why don't you say "hey look im sorry but, do you mind turning the colors of in this room cos ....."
It makes you look like a complete power freak, dosn't show the chatroom in a good light, and basicly makes you look like a bit of an idiot.
Last edited by IRCNUT; 11/02/06 06:58 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think you'll find it's partly to do with being fed up with having to tell people. Generally it's bad etiquette to go using colours in a channel before properly establishing that they are allowed. IRC is so full of people who don't follow etiquette now that I just get pretty tired of having to tell people nicely every single time they break a rule.
Whoever was rude to you isn't psychic and, from what I can tell, doesn't know you from Adam? So immediately they probably just assumed you were some lamer who has no idea about IRC and couldn't be bothered with you. There are so many people like that on IRC that I kinda understand...there are so many scripts made predominantly by non-English speaking users which seem to relish in their ability to use as many colour combinations as possible, spam as much as possible, and generally be annoying.
Personally I don't see why you need to use CTRL+K to change your colours. If you want colours to appear differenly on your screen you can use ALT+K and change your 'Own text' colour.
My 2 cents (:
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I understand what you are saying, I should explain I run a radio station and the chat room is fast, I mean really fast, you can make the bot give shout outs to the DJ and text moves up very quick. Hence the need for using colors to watch out for certain people.
Like I said I don't use them in normal rooms I try and turn them off, it's just a pity that people have such a bad attitude towards this. There are so many idiots around I can understand people not liking multi colored rainbow text that you cant read on even a white back, but for text like bold black or dark blue, it's not exactully offensive, and I still go back to the point of 90% of the people don't like it cos they have some crappy black background on.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Do u actually know this person typed in "PLEASE DO NOT USE COLORS ON THIS CHANNEL!!!! TURN YOUR TEXT OFF!!!!!" didnt you say it appeared almost instantly, just becuase the person starts talking to you doesnt mean the message wasnt an automated one in responce to color.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Yeah it was a real person not a bot, I even asked her if that was a bot, and she no it was her and she hates colors in her chat room.
This is my point, I wouldnt mind if it was a bot, but for a person to say that when the chat has been dead for an hour is stupid :s
Last edited by IRCNUT; 11/02/06 08:03 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I tend to agree, there are some people that can't accept other people want to use colour, and instead of investigating what options to strip incoming colour most non-ancient clients should have, they want to vent at each and every person using colour.
The 'solutions' many people impose to deal with this are usually more obnoxious than the problem itself.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Maybe it is just me but I really dont see the problem here, the magic words are "her chat room". Try to get over it and use another chat room. Her chat room her rules and her attitude = her problem just my 2 cents worth
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I think you missed the point of the post, that was an example.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'd have to disagree with the original poster, and agree with Firestarter.
The point is that it is not your channel, it belongs to someone else. If they want to make certain rules for their channel, then it's their choice. What would you say if the channel required that you type ONLY in yellow or white? When you enter an unknown channel, it's good ettiquite to not type in color until you know that it is allowed.
You could compare this to taking your shoes off before you walk around in someone else's house. That person may have no problem with you walking around tracking dirt on their carpet, but you don't know that for sure, so most people would start taking off their shoes or at least ask if they need to remove their shoes BEFORE they walk through the house. The same applies to color in new channel. You said that this person was rude because they yelled at you for using color in their channel, but I would put forth that YOU were the rude one for using colors without their permission.
You said that it wasn't your problem if someone changed their background color to something that blended with your text. Changing background color is a built-in feature of mIRC that any person can use. Your colored-text script is the non-standard element, so why should others who are using default mIRC with a different color theme have to find a script/etc to remove the colors that you have added? Going back to the shoes analogy, this would be like forcing the home owner to provide paper for you to walk on just because you have glued your shoes to your feet. If you chose to do something non-standard (gluing your shoes to your feet), then it IS your problem because they aren't going to bend over backwards to accomodate you, more likely they are just going to tell you that you can't come into their house (or their channel) until you get rid of your shoes (colors).
Personally, I consider it very distracting to have one person talking in bright colors while everyone else in the channel is talking in default colored text. I run a trivia channel, and the trivia bot uses bright colors to indicate that it is the most important member of the channel. Everyone should be focused on the trivia bot, so it tries to attract as much attention as possible. That is usually not the case in a regular channel. If the channel is moving too quickly, and you are missing messages from the person you are having a conversation with, then you and your conversation buddies should try this simple command to silence the other users:
/join #MyQuietChannel
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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The point is that it is not your channel, it belongs to someone else. If they want to make certain rules for their channel, then it's their choice. What would you say if the channel required that you type ONLY in yellow or white? When you enter an unknown channel, it's good ettiquite to not type in color until you know that it is allowed.
I agree 100% If I can quote myself .... When I go into other people's rooms I always turn them them off out of respect Again the point has been missed, my main argument is the way people are spoken to and the attitude behind the non color rule. If a room doesn't want colors or like you said just yellow or something then fine, and the person coming into that room should respect that. It's the general attitude from people telling others not to use colors, if someone comes in and spams the room with bright text all over the place then fair enough, they should be told off. Ive seen it so many times, Ive seen people who are not using color scripts, been talking in a certain room for a few hours in normal text, and they for fun just do a quick line in color using Ctrl K, and then get shouted at, and have people WAY overreacting cos your USING COLORS!!!! It's gotten stupid, in some rooms you would almost think the way they talk about it it's illegal. Now as for my side argument about the background, I wasn't just refering to scripts, I'm also talking about people who use Ctrl K for the odd color here and there. Like the example above, I don't think anything is wrong with that, ctrl k is a feature like changing the background, and again it's the elitist attitude from people shouting people down for using it. What is wrong is for then an OP to go complelty bananas at the person who has for the entire time in chat been respectful. You guys who don't agree with me are probably very sensible and adult about telling people not to use colors in your room, I think this why you don't quite understand me. I'm talking about the elitist basterds, who over react and are just out right rude to others in chat. So again to reapet myself I'm not talking about people who conduct themselves in a adult manner to tell others not to use colors, I'm talking about people who act like it is a crime against nature and shout people down in chat, it's over the top and rude. Skip said it best ... "The 'solutions' many people impose to deal with this are usually more obnoxious than the problem itself"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I dont see why people dont like color =) (couldnt be stuffed doing he rest colored)
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Well if were gonna end it like that ...... I don't see why people don't go to Tools-Optiions-Messages and Strip color. Just an idea 
Last edited by IRCNUT; 14/02/06 06:26 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I agree with Firestarter as well. Different people run different rooms for different reasons and will run them in different ways to how other people do. That creates variety and therefore there will be something for everyone.
Personally I don't care if people use colour, allcaps, bold or other formatting. Such insignificant matters mean very little to me but that is just how I see things. Some people hate everything except all-lowercase black text on a white background.
Best thing here is to either accept the rules in the room you are in or join another.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I don't think anyone is questioning the owners rights to not have colors in thier own room.
Again completely missed the point of the thread.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think you missed the point of the replies as well.
Say you own a pub/bar, someone comes in, and the first thing they are seen to do is lean over the bar and poor them selfs a beer. Do you (A) call the bouncer and have them removed (instant kick ban) (B) yell at them to not do that sh!t (all caps warning) (C) politely ask them to refrain from such behavour becuase your girlfriend has you whipped so hard she might see it and beat you down for that as well. (polite request to not do it)
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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lol good lord, you have just proved my point on how OTT this color thing is viewed. It's nothing like walking in a pub and stealing/pouring your self a beer, it's not a crime, it's not anti social (If used in the correct way) and it shouldn't be treated as such.
As I said before, people should turn it off as a matter of respect, but irc is a huge community, there are lots new to it. If someone comes into a room with a color (again not rainbow) and start talking, they deserve a bit more than to be shouted at!
I even see non ops in the room yelling at people and calling them "nOObs" for using colors and to turn them off "NOW"
And again im not talking of people abusing the colors im talking about people who have single tone colors how have just come in the room. Now it's one thing for an owner to say turn of the colors it's another for other people in the room "some which have only arrived like our color guest" It's rude, let the owner explain if the room allows colors not everyone in chat shout at the guest, cos they cant be arsed to strip colors in the options in mirc.
The bottom line is if a room owner doesn't want to use colors then what he/she says goes.
What stinks is the attitude towards it and the way it's told to the person not to use colors. That's my point, but the most of the replys are telling me what the room owner says goes, I know that, that's not in question here.
Its the "shout at nOOb" attitude of the Internet again, no wonder half of them end up wanting to learn how to hack.
Anyway I've had my rant lol, and as thought gone in one ear and out the other but hopefully someone will read this and learn either how to strip colors so its not a prob or at lest have the common courtesy how to treat others in chat.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I never said the person was going to steal the beer, just that they were pouring it themselfs, something not allowed. You want everyone to agree with you, but i doubt that well happen. And as a responce your write real big posts that are honestly quite boring to read (if that wasnt a hint that i didnt read it all i dont know what is). I assume u do this in some effort to validate your point, but i personally thik it shows that you just dont like others having contry opions. This is not uncommon amoung people, and it would also be the cause of room owners coming down hard on people breaching room rules, becuase if they came down light, the person well start argueing away in an attempt to validate there reasons for doing so.
My my its almost tea time, im going to the pub now to pour some beers (into me)
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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if that wasnt a hint that i didnt read it all i dont know what is Well that explains why your responses have nothing to do with what I'm talking about then. And as a responce your write real big posts that are honestly quite boring to read Sorry it bored you Dave. I try and spice them up for you in the future mate.
Last edited by IRCNUT; 15/02/06 09:40 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't mind colours when they're not abused (I DO consider a multicoloured <><><> on each side of the message abuse.) Even just auto colouring messages is abusing colours a little bit because you could change the local options (Alt+K) instead of making someone who has a <insert colour> background either strip colours (losing a feature that's handy when used properly) or change his background colour, which isn't really fair when you're trying to force everyone else to see what you see instead of changing your local colours.
Sometimes colours can be useful, for example, If I help somebody fix a script I use colours to highlight the changes I've made.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I wonder if this is the point. Your are concerned about the attitude of some folks who "shout" at others who use colours yes? Ok lets take the average n00b, They probably just got their client so chances are they havent discovered how to use the colours. So ok what if they have? Fine IRC isnt real life they wont die from being shouted at, they could however leave this nasty person (who shouted at them) alone and join another channel/network. (there are literally hundreds of thousands out there ya know). So my question is this why are you so concerned about 1 channel and 1 channel owner/operator who "shouted" at you? Are you a part owner or have a say in how this channel is run? no? then get over it and keep your opinions about some other chanowner/chanops running of their own channel to yourself, it is none of your business in my opinion. I do agree on a debate about things but come on IRCNUT this is so trivial. let it go dude. longshanks home