I need a script made. If anyone is able to make it for me, I would be grateful, for a lifetime.
Heres what I need it to do:
AuthServ@Services.GameSurge.net AUTH NEL|Quiceno
/nick NEL|Quiceno
//mode $me +x
/j #NEL
/j #nel.support
/j #nel.staff
/j #NEL.Scrim
/j #NEL.arena
/j #NEL.cs
/j #nel.css
/server -m irc.blackcobalt.net
/nick JPQuiceno
/msg nickserv IDENTIFY
/j #SFN
/j #IDF
/server -m irc.freenode.net
/msg nickserv identify
/nick JPQuiceno
/j #LUGMiami
/j #Linux
/j #Unix
/j #Debian
/msg nickserv identify
/j #FreeBSD
/server irc.gamesurge.net
AuthServ@Services.GameSurge.net AUTH JPQuiceno
/nick PhiLANthropy|euph0riK
/j #PhiLANthropy
/j #Esportsea
/j #Gotfrag
/j #Florida
/j #FL.Club
/j #Miami
The script should connect to gamesurge 2 times, as listed above, for I have 2 different nicks and auth accounts, and I need them to be separate.
Thank you so much, in advance.