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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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how would i delete 1 word out of a txt document, in the same line
like blah.txt
aaa aaa2 aaa3 aaa4
and it deletes aaa2 or aaa3 when procedure is called for
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This will remove every instance of the word from every line in the file, assuming your format is as described. If the word also contains punctuation then it won't be removed. Change what's in red. Useage: /removeword <word> alias removeword {
var %file = [color:red]yourfile.txt[/color]
window -h @removeword
loadbuf @removeword %file
var %i = 1, %c, %f, %r, %r2
while (%i <= $line(@removeword,0)) {
%c = $line(@removeword,%i)
if ($istok(%c,$1,32)) {
if ($findtok(%c,$1,0,32) > 1) {
%f = 1
while (%f <= $numtok(%c,32)) {
if ($gettok(%c,%f,32) != $1) { %r = %r $+ $chr(32) $+ $gettok(%c,%f,32) }
inc %f
write $+(-l,%i) %file %r
else {
%r2 = $deltok(%c,$findtok(%c,$1,1,32),32)
write $+(-l,%i) %file %r2
inc %i
window -c @removeword
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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sorry didnt work, its for a bot im making that uses a nickname system it has like users=blah blah blah blah in a txt document
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Give this a try alias removeword {
var %line = 1, %file = [color:red] file.txt [/color] , %lines = $lines(%file), %read
while %a <= %b {
%read = $read(%file,ntw,$+(*, ,$1, ,*),%a)
%a = $readn
%read = $remove(%read,$1)
.write -l $+ %a %file %read
inc %a
Again, replace the file.txt with the name of your actual file. You might be smart to make a backup of the file, just in case.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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sorry didnt work, its for a bot im making that uses a nickname system it has like users=blah blah blah blah in a txt document If it's for a bot and in a different format than what you gave in the first post then don't expect a working code. There's no way I could have known that since you didn't give any real details. Also to RusselB, you never gave %a or %b a value  I chose not to do it that way due to the original post. If you issue "removeword ccc" and there is a line with "ccc ccc2 ccc3 ccc4" the line results in "2 3 4" when it should really be "ccc2 ccc3 ccc4". Of course that's just a silly example, but "ccc" could be part of another word in which case it shouldn't be removed.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I plead lack of sleep for my defense of not switching all of the variables (I'd just finished a 10 hour work shift)
As to your second point...yeah...didn't think about that...I'll give this problem some more thought when I'm awake and post unless someone else beats me to it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You still dont really explain yourself.
So the file has multiple lines with user1=nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4 etc user2=nicka nickb nickc nickd etc etc
it has one line with users=name1 name2 name3 name4
since you asked to be able to remove A word from A line, and now we know the line is started with a "<field>=", here it is.
;$1 = file ;$2 = line ;$3 = word remove.word { var %line = $read($1,nt,$2) if (*=* iswm %line) { write -l $+ $2 $left(%line,$pos(%line,=,1)) $+ $remtok( $mid(%line,$calc($pos(%line,=,1) + 1)) ,$3,1,32) } }
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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ok this is the format, when someone types `entered it will read from entered.txt when they type `enter it enters them and adds them to the .txt and when they type `leave it removes them from the txt heres the code
alias addenter { writeini entered.txt entered enter $readini(entered.txt,entered,enter) $nick }
on *:TEXT:`leave*:#:{ if ($readini(wars.ini,$nick,entrd) = no) { halt } else { msg # $skz($aura Has Left The Battle Field) writeini wars.ini $nick entrd no mode # -v $nick } }
on *:TEXT:`enter*:#:{ if ($readini(wars.ini,$nick,dead) = yes) { notice $nick 00You `heal first halt } if ($readini(wars.ini,$nick,entrd) = yes) { halt } else { msg # $skz($aura Has Entered The Battle Field) addenter writeini wars.ini $nick entrd yes mode # +v $nick } }