there are several ways depending on the network and if it has chanserv (channel services)
the most common way is by doing: /mode #channel -o <insert_nick>
that should remove thier ops status unless there is somekinda of bot in the channel from the network. i know the network I go to, has an additional chan/user mode that protects certain people like the channel owner and sops. try the way i showed ya and you should be just fine.
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
/chanserv vop #channel add <nick> will remove the person from aop and re-add them to the autovoice list if that helps. Different networks might have slightly different commands though, so it might be worth asking in one of the help channels.
Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.