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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Hi there, First of all, I hope you can help me. I'm making a new bot for a friend of me, he want some userlevels: ; 1 (Normal user)
; 10 (Channel admin)
; 100 (Channel master)
; 1000 (Bot master) I have this code to add userlevels to the userlist: on 1000:text:.adduser * *:#: {
if ($3 == 1000) { auser 1000 $address($2,1)
notice $nick --» Done. }
elseif ($3 == 100) { auser 100 $+ $chan $address($2,1)
notice $nick --» Done. }
elseif ($3 == 10) { auser 10 $+ $chan $address($2,1)
notice $nick --» Done. }
else notice $nick --» Unknown Userlevel.
} And yes, it works, so far. After adding a useron level 100, you will get this in the userlist: 100#chan:*!*Identd@hostname.ext But, when that user joins #lol, the bots says that user is a channelmaster. But he's only a channelmaster of #chan, so he may not have the permissions for #lol. I've this code to detect a user with userlevel 100 on 100$chan:join:#: {
msg $chan --» Channel master (Level 100) $nick joined $chan $+ ! (Typ .op)
on 100$chan:text:.op:#: {
mode $chan +o $nick
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Unless i seriously overlooked something, im pretty sure #channel names cant be used in user levels. Only the level can. However, you can specify the channel on the remote event, such as your on text event. The only thing i can think of is using seperate user levels for different chans. Level 10 could be #chan1 and level 15 #chan2. I suppose you could use hash tables to make a more detailed user list, involving sperate channels. If that's the route you'd like to take, let me know and ill help you set it up. ---------------------------------- DOH! Ok, forget all that [censored] i just said. I didnt read your post too carefully. Now i see how you have it. In your on text event, in the 'on 100$chan' $chan isnt being evaluated. It's being treated as plain text. So you need to use wildcard at the userlevel, then check later on in the script using $level. Try this: on *:text:!op*:#channel: {
;simple !op command. You want it limited to level 10...
var %x = $gettok($level($address($nick,2)),1,35)
; ^^ This is the numerical user level saved in %x (10,100,etc)
if ($+($chr(35),$gettok($level($address($nick,2)),2,35)) == $chan) {
;Checks if the channel on that nick's user level the same as this channel
if (%x == 10) {
mode $chan +o $2
; If their level is 10, do op command
else {
msg $chan No access for $nick
} With this, you should be able to keep your user lists as they are. You just need a seperate on text event for each channel, at least in this example. There is a way to combine it into 1. If you're interested in thatl let me know. Good luck.
Last edited by HAMM3R; 22/12/05 09:31 PM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I want a full automatical bot, so if I add a channel, I don't want to copy/paste or change anything in the code. I have 2 bots were I have to do that, but I know it's annoying if you don't have time enough. Second, this bot is for a person who don't know anything about irc scripting, so it would be handy if it's automatically. I've tried the following thing also: on 100 $+ $chan:join:#: {
msg $chan --» Channel master (Level 100) $nick joined $chan $+ ! (Typ .op)
} and this one: on 100 $+ $chan $+ :join:#: {
msg $chan --» Channel master (Level 100) $nick joined $chan $+ ! (Typ .op)
Last edited by Vinniej; 22/12/05 09:46 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if you have one bot running user levels in multiple channels you #1 need to have the channel as part of the userlevel and #2 should use the channel in the on join event on +lol100:join:#lol:{ mode $chan +o $nick } on +lol50:join:#lol:{ mode $chan +h $nick }
on +masters100:join:#masters:{ mode $chan +o $nick } on +masters50:join:#masters:{ mode $chan +h $nick }
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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So I always have to change or add some code if I add a channel?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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no you can use user levels differently than I showed. you are planning on having this bot in a lot of channels? if yes, look at hash tables.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I have space for 20 channels (Quakenet). So it will idle in 20 chans. Can someone make a example, because I don't know for 100% what you mean...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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try this
alias hashtest {
hfree authlist
hmake -s authlist 20
hadd authlist 100
hadd authlist 50
hadd authlist 20
;add a user #chan1 at 100
hadd authlist 100 #chan1 dave*!@123.com
; add another user to #chan1 100
var %temp = $hget(authlist,100)
hadd authlist 100 #chan1 elsie@milk.com %temp
;add same user to #chan2 50
var %temp2 = $hget(authlist,50)
hadd authlist 50 #chan2 elsie@milk.com %temp2
hsave authlist authlist.txt
run notepad authlist.txt
alias simjoin {
;var %joined = $+(*,$chan $address($nick,1),*)
var %joined = $+(*,#chan1 elsie@milk.com,*)
var %test100 = $hget(authlist,100)
if ($(%joined,2) iswm %test100) { echo -s mode $!chan +o $!nick | return }
var %test50 = $hget(authlist,50)
if ($(%joined,2) iswm %test50) { echo -s mode $!chan +h $!nick | return }
var %test20 = $hget(authlist,20)
if ($(%joined,2) iswm %test20) { echo -s mode $!chan +v $!nick | return }
else { echo -s Welcome to $!chan $!nick $+ $chr(44) enjoy your visit }
alias adduser {
var %channel = $?="Enter Channel Name"
var %Nickname = $?="Enter users ADDRESS $crlf in the form $crlf *!*user@host.com
var %Level = $?="Enter access level"
var %current = $hget(authlist,%level)
hadd authlist %level %channel %nickname %current
echo -s Added Level %level on Address %nickname fo Channelr %channel
see if it gives you any ideas