That command must be limited to certain versions of OperServ. OperServ on my network doesn't have that feature.
Thats quite possible, I just did a search and that webpage was displayed. It looked kinda old but then when I checked the availability on the network i'm on I got this:
[12:07] -> *operserv* help
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] OperServ commands:
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] GLOBAL Send a message to all users
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] STATS Show status of Services and network
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] OPER Modify the Services operator list
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] ADMIN Modify the Services admin list
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] STAFF Display Services staff and online status
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] MODE Change a channel's modes
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] KICK Kick a user from a channel
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] CLEARMODES Clear modes of a channel
[12:07] • [Notice] [From: OperServ] KILLCLONES Kill all users that have a certain host BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH MORE COMMANDS BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
So i guess it varies. But normally after a few tries of connecting clones, and receiving kills, the person normally stops, unless they have too much time on their hands and are persistant.

No biggie
I just thought this bit may be useful in some way or another.