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#136200 23/11/05 06:03 PM
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whoami Offline OP
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Babel fish
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hi ppl,
am new at regex and am havin' a big problem.

i got this html code (August 15<SUP>th</SUP> 2005)
and i want it to be like this (August 15th 2005)

anyone could help? confused

#136201 23/11/05 06:08 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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//var %a = (August 15<SUP>th</SUP> 2005) | echo -a $(,,$regsub(%a,/<.+?>/g,,%a)) %a

#136202 23/11/05 06:13 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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could just use replace/remove for something easy like that.
//var %text = (August 15<SUP>th</SUP> 2005) | $replace(%text,<SUP>,,</SUP>,)

//var %text = (August 15<SUP>th</SUP> 2005) | $remove(%text,<SUP>,</SUP>)

or you can use this:
alias htmlstrip { .echo -q $regsub($1-,/(&lt;.*?&gt;).*?(&lt;*?&gt;)/g,,%x) | return %x } 

To remove html tags from a string i.e $htmlstrip(%text)

EDIT: Beat to it by FO as always *sighs* :P

#136203 24/11/05 06:34 AM
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sorry ppl but i know how to do it with regsub grin

alias htmlstrip { .echo -q $regsub($1-,/<[^<>]+>/g,,%x) | return %x }

but i want to know if there is a way by usin' $regex

#136204 24/11/05 10:50 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here's a way without $regsub, but it suffers from the standard problems with spaces, so you should really put a $replace($1-,$chr(32),ΓΈ) at the first /var and the reverse on the return...

alias reremove {
  var %t = $1-
  while ($regex(%t,(^[^&lt;]*)&lt;[^&gt;]+&gt;(.*+)$)) var %t = $regml(1) $+ $regml(2)
  return %t

echo -s $reremove(August 15&lt;SUP&gt;th&lt;/SUP&gt; 2005)

#136205 24/11/05 02:00 PM
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whoami Offline OP
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regex in ur blood Kelder cool
thanks for helpin' me out i've made a small socket thingy shows u latest mirc.com news usin' regular expression grin

alias news sockclose news | sockopen mirc mirc.com 80
on *:sockopen:mirc:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET / HTTP/1.0 | sockwrite -n $sockname Host: mirc.com $+ $str($crlf,2) | echo -a * mIRC News: }
on *:sockread:mirc:{
sockread %temp
if ($regex(mirc,%temp,/<B>(.+)</B>\C+">(\Q(\E.+\Q)\E)/)) { var %a = $regml(mirc,1) $regml(mirc,2), %b = $regsub(%a,/<[^<>]+>/g,$null,%a) | echo -a %a }

#136206 24/11/05 03:15 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You should always add error checking when working with sockets, especially in the sockopen event. The sockopen event will trigger, even if the connection failed, so you should check for $sockerr there.

That regex is very excessive and not necessary, the following will do fine, if you change your get to:

GET /get.html HTTP/1.0

if ($regex(mirc,%temp,/Download mIRC (\S+) or/)) {
echo -a Version: $regml(mirc,1)
sockclose $sockname

As you can see, I do a socklose after a match has been found, as it's no longer necessary to retrieve the rest of the data.

Btw, why not use a local variable %temp instead of a global one? Right now your script leaves a trailing %temp global var.

Furthermore, it would be a very good idea to create a while loop checking for $sockbr, and to read more from the buffer in the same event, than letting the on sockread even trigger. Letting the event trigger is slower.

#136207 24/11/05 06:24 PM
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Babel fish
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thanks for ur advices fop it really helped me alot blush
oh btw the socket snippet u just saw isnt completed yet.
and it searchs for mirc.com latest news.

anything ends with a date between brackets (August 15th 2005)

Last edited by whoami; 24/11/05 06:27 PM.

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