I'm trying to create a code that prevent mass join clones with the same host!
Something like this

ON *:JOIN:#channel:{
  inc -u1 %c.ad. [ $+ [ $mask($fulladdress,2) ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
  if ( %c.ad. [ $+ [ $mask($fulladdress,2) ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $chan ] ] >= 3) {
    .raw samode # +Rjm
    if ( %c.kicked. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1) {
      kill $nick 2Mass Join with clones are not aloud!

But this has a problem...when clones join the channel..my script does /samode #channel +Rjm a lot of time and kills only some clones not all of them!
How can i make it kills all clones and does samode comand only one time?
Please help me...& sorry for my english!