I currently have a script which displays server notices (IRCop notices) to a custom window. The script uses the /echo command to display the notice in the custom window.
I am attempting to modify the script so that each server notice only occupies one line in the custom window, (ie: no wrapping), but I also need to be able to scroll horizontally in order to view the entire messages as necessary.
I have looked at /help /echo, but it doesn't appear to have a 'no wrap' switch. The /aline command seems to have a wrap switch (so it no-wraps by default); however, I can't get the horizontal scroll bar to update (/window -b) unless I use a listbox window (/window -l). I have no problem using a listbox window, but I am unsure as to whether there are limits to the number of lines that can be added to the listbox. I receive several hundred server notices per day, and I want to be able to scroll all the way back to the beginning if necessary.
So, if anyone knows of a way to make a regular window with horizontal scroll bars, or if anyone has information regarding the pros/cons/limits of listbox windows, please point me towards the appropriate information (website/helpfile/etc).