on *:text:!comp5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
if (%5050comp != $null) { msg $chan 50/50 Competition already started. To join, type !join5050 | return }
set %5050comp 1
msg $chan 50/50 Competition started. To join, type !join5050. [color:red]2[/color] player minimum required to play. Competition will start in [color:red]30[/color] seconds. You must be joined by then to play.
.timer5050compstart 1 [color:red]30[/color] 5050compstart
on *:text:!join5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if (%5050comp == 1) {
.notice $nick You have joined the 50/50 Competition.
hinc Game Competition.players
hadd Game Competition.nicks $hget(Game,Competition.nicks) $nick
hadd Game $+(Competition.,$nick) 20 0
elseif (%5050comp == $null) {
.notice $nick No competition has been started. To start a competition, type !comp5050.
else {
.notice $nick The 50/50 Competition has already started. You cannot join a competition that has already started.
on *:text:!leave:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if (%5050comp != null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)) != $null) {
.notice $nick You have left the 50/50 Competition before finishing.
hdec Game Competition.players
hdel Game $+(Competition.,$nick)
hadd Game Competition.nicks $remtok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),$nick,32)
if ($hget(Competition.players) == 0 && %5050comp == 2) {
else { .notice $nick You aren't in the competition. }
else {
.notice $nick No competition has been started, so you cannot leave one. To start a competition, type !comp5050.
alias 5050compstart {
if ($hget(Game,Competition.players) >= [color:red]2[/color]) {
msg $chan 50/50 Competition has begun. Type !5050 to guess.
set %5050comp 2
.timer5050comp 1 [color:red]120[/color] 5050CompTimeOut
else {
msg $chan Not enough players for the competition -- Competition closed.
unset %5050comp
hdel -w Game Competition*
on *:text:!5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
[color:green]; Create the table for scores and set it to load/save automatically so no data loss will occur.[/color]
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
[color:green]; If competition isn't started, proceed normally. Else, go to the Else and run the competition part.[/color]
if (%5050comp != 2) {
[color:green]; Check the random number 1 or 2. If it's a 1, kick or kick/ban them.[/color]
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
[color:green]; Count the number of kicks and add them to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.kicks) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) + 1)
[color:green]; If the number of kicks is divisible by 5, ban and kick the person for 5 minutes.[/color]
if ($calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) % 5) == 0) {
if ($me isop $chan) {
ban -ku300 $chan $nick You have lost the 50/50 and suffer a 5 minute ban.
else {
msg $chan You have lost the 50/50 and would have suffered a 5 minute ban if I was an op.
[color:green]; If the number of kicks isn't divisible by 5, just kick the person.[/color]
elseif ($me isop $chan) {
kick $chan $nick You lost the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You lost the 50/50 and would have been kicked if I was an op.
[color:green]; If the random number is 2, give points.[/color]
else {
[color:green]; Add points to the hash table.[/color]
hinc Game $+($nick,.points)
msg $chan You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points.
[color:green]; Competition section[/color]
else {
[color:red]if (%compdelay. $+ $nick != $null) { return }
set -u5 %compdelay. $+ $nick 1[/color]
if ($istok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),$nick,32) {
if ($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) > 0) {
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
msg $chan $nick lost a life -- $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) lives remaining.
hadd Game $+(Competition.,$nick) $calc($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) - 1) $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),2,32)
if ($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) == 0) {
msg $chan $nick has no more lives.
hdec Game Competition.players
if ($hget(Game,Competition.players) == 0) {
else {
hadd Game $+(Competition.,$nick) $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) $calc($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) + 1)
msg $chan $nick has won a point for a total of $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),2,32) points.
else {
.notice $nick You don't have any more lives. Wait until the competition finishes.
else {
.notice $nick You aren't in the competition. Try again after the competition is over.
[color:green]; Allow viewing scores with !won (to see your own) or !won nick (to see a nick's points).[/color]
on *:text:!won*:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($2 != $null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan $2 has won $hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan $2 has not won any points in the 50/50.
else {
if ($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan You have won $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You have not won any points in the 50/50.
alias Complete5050Comp {
var %winner.nick = None
var %winner.points = 0
var %c = 1
var %i = $gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),0,32)
while (%c <= %i) {
if ($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),%c,32))),2,32) > %winner.points) {
var %winner.points = $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),%c,32))),2,32)
var %winner.nick = $gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),%c,32)
inc %c
msg $chan 50/50 Competition Ended.
msg $chan 50/50 Competition Winner: %winner.nick with %winner.points points!
if (%winner.nick != None) {
hinc Game $+(%winner.nick,.points) 20
unset %5050comp
hdel -w Game Competition.*
.timer5050comp off
alias 5050CompTimeOut {
msg $chan Time's Up!