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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Last edited by Xklark; 10/10/05 03:17 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well first type make a text file with 10 words like Miss Almost Close Shot Shoot Arrow Bullet Crossbow Pellot Knife then save to main mirc dir now $read(5050.txt) will randomize text so now on to the script
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($1 == !Shoot) {
%shot. $+ $nick = 1
if ($read(5050.txt,n) == Shoot) {
msg $chan $nick You have been shot!
inc %shot. $+ $nick
else {
msg $chan $nick Missed! You $nick
if (%shot.nick $+ $nick == 5) {
ban -u300 $address($nick,3)
kick # $nick Presto! Your dead!
yeah i know its cheasy
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:!5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
[color:green]; Create the table for scores and set it to load/save automatically so no data loss will occur.[/color]
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
[color:green]; Check the random number 1 or 2. If it's a 1, kick or kick/ban them.[/color]
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
[color:green]; Count the number of kicks and add them to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.kicks) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) + 1)
[color:green]; If the number of kicks is divisible by 5, ban and kick the person for 5 minutes.[/color]
if ($calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) % 5) == 0) {
ban -ku300 $chan $nick You have lost the 50/50 and suffer a 5 minute ban.
[color:green]; If the number of kicks isn't divisible by 5, just kick the person.[/color]
else {
kick $chan $nick You lost the 50/50.
[color:green]; If the random number is 2, give points.[/color]
else {
[color:green]; Add points to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.points) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) + 1)
msg $chan You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points.
[color:green]; Allow viewing scores with !won (to see your own) or !won nick (to see a nick's points).[/color]
on *:text:!won*:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($2 != $null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan $2 has won $hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan $2 has not won any points in the 50/50.
else {
if ($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan You have won $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You have not won any points in the 50/50.
This should do what you want. Change the red text to your channel name. You can keep or remove the green comments. Those are there to explain some of it.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Lpfix5, um... where'd you get shooting from? I don't think that's what he was looking for.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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oh i was just showing an example...
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah, I see.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sure thing. If you need anything added or changed with it, feel free to ask.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Is there a way I can change it so instead of being kicked, you get a 30 second mute or something? Like maybe have it devoice someone for 30 seconds if they loose, then voice them again on a moderated channel. If they loose 5 times, they get kicked. Is there anyway to do this?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This should work:
on *:text:!5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
[color:green]; Create the table for scores and set it to load/save automatically so no data loss will occur.[/color]
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
[color:green]; Check the random number 1 or 2. If it's a 1, devoice or devoice/kick them.[/color]
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
[color:green]; Count the number of devoices and add them to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.devoices) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.devoices)) + 1)
[color:green]; If the number of devoices is divisible by 5, kick the person.[/color]
if ($calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.devoices)) % 5) == 0 && $me isop $chan) {
kick $chan $nick You have lost the 50/50 and suffer a kick.
[color:green]; If the number of devoices isn't divisible by 5, just devoice the person for 30 seconds.[/color]
else {
msg You have lost the 50/50.
if ($me isop $chan) {
mode $chan -v $nick
.timer $+ $+($nick,.devoice) 1 30 mode $chan +v $nick
[color:green]; If the random number is 2, give points.[/color]
else {
[color:green]; Add points to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.points) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) + 1)
msg $chan You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points.
[color:green]; Allow viewing scores with !won (to see your own) or !won nick (to see a nick's points).[/color]
on *:text:!won*:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($2 != $null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan $2 has won $hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan $2 has not won any points in the 50/50.
else {
if ($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan You have won $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You have not won any points in the 50/50.
Note that after the person is kicked, they won't automatically be voiced when joining the channel again. You will need to include that if you don't already voice users when they join the channel. Also, note that a person devoiced could rejoin and be voiced again in less time. We could do some to avoid that if you want... just ask if it's important. And, remember that your channel needs to be +m to prevent users from talking when not voiced or this isn't much use. Also, the bot/person running the script needs to be an op for this to work for the voice/devoice. Personally, I think the ban way was nicer. It makes using !5050 more of a challenge. Users need to weigh the risks of getting banned.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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THANKS SO MUCH. But maybe i will stick to the ban. Its pretty fun.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Know what would be cool? Maybe a 5050 competition. Type !comp5050 and everyone would start with 20 lives. Everytime u loose the 50/50, you lose a life. At the end, the person with the most points when they get to 0 lives gets 20 points on there score. Would this be possible? If you dont want to do it, you dont have to. I just thought this might be cool.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No problem. Btw, I made a small change to prevent errors if the bot/person with the script isn't op'd. I put this into the devoice version. I improved it a bit more and added it here. I made it sound "funny" if the bot isn't an op. Feel free to change the text output that you use.
on *:text:!5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
[color:green]; Create the table for scores and set it to load/save automatically so no data loss will occur.[/color]
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
[color:green]; Check the random number 1 or 2. If it's a 1, kick or kick/ban them.[/color]
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
[color:green]; Count the number of kicks and add them to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.kicks) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) + 1)
[color:green]; If the number of kicks is divisible by 5, ban and kick the person for 5 minutes.[/color]
if ($calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) % 5) == 0) {
if ($me isop $chan) {
ban -ku300 $chan $nick You have lost the 50/50 and suffer a 5 minute ban.
else {
msg $chan You have lost the 50/50 and would have suffered a 5 minute ban if I was an op.
[color:green]; If the number of kicks isn't divisible by 5, just kick the person.[/color]
elseif ($me isop $chan) {
kick $chan $nick You lost the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You lost the 50/50 and would have been kicked if I was an op.
[color:green]; If the random number is 2, give points.[/color]
else {
[color:green]; Add points to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.points) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) + 1)
msg $chan You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points.
[color:green]; Allow viewing scores with !won (to see your own) or !won nick (to see a nick's points).[/color]
on *:text:!won*:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($2 != $null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan $2 has won $hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan $2 has not won any points in the 50/50.
else {
if ($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan You have won $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You have not won any points in the 50/50.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Know what would be cool? Maybe a 5050 competition. Type !comp5050 and everyone would start with 20 lives. Everytime u loose the 50/50, you lose a life. At the end, the person with the most points when they get to 0 lives gets 20 points on there score. Would this be possible? If you dont want to do it, you dont have to. I just thought this might be cool. That could be done. The problem is that if someone just doesn't play, they will still have 20 lives when it is over. Unless you want to automatically remove points from everyone if they don't answer in a certain amount of time. But even that can be problematic. Let me know how you want it to handle keeping everyone answering and I'll see what I can do. I may have an idea, but I'll wait to see what you think first. Also, will you use both scripts, or just one? And, if you will use both scripts, do you want the scores to be combined between the two scripts?
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I was thinking, !comp5050 would be a minigame. To join the game, you have to type !join when the comp starts. The competition would start 30 seconds after someone types !comp5050. !leave will take the person out of the game. So only the people who typed !join would be it. Once the game starts, they can start typing !5050. To avoide flood, the bot would /notice the person if they won or lost. During the competition, no one gets kicked or devoiced. At the end, the person who got the most points in 20 lives, would win and 20 points would be added to their overall score. (this is the score that is used on the regular !5050) What are your thoughts?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, that took awhile. Note that I can't guarantee this will work and that I didn't mess anything up because I can't test it where I am at right now. Try it out and see if it works or if there are problems. If you have a problem, please post the problem with as many details as possible (check active and status for error messages). Besides changing your channel names, you can change the red numbers... The 30 is the time to join. Change to whatever you want. (This is in 2 spots). The 2 is the number of minimum players required for the competition. You don't want 1 doing it or that person will always get 20 points. You may want a higher number than 2... it's up to you. (This is in 2 spots). The 120 is the time to complete the competition. After that time (2 minutes), the competition ends even if players still have points. The reason for that is because someone may stop playing and not !leave. Raise this if needed. 5 minutes (300) may be better... just try it out and see how well it works. The final red part is the delay for a person to answer a question when in the competition. Right now, they can only use !5050 once ever 5 seconds while in the competition. There is no error message if they try more quickly (that prevents flooding the bot off from the error message). This part is to help prevent flooding. Change it or remove it if you feel like it. -u5 is for 5 seconds. Change 5 if you want a different number.
on *:text:!comp5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
if (%5050comp != $null) { msg $chan 50/50 Competition already started. To join, type !join5050 | return }
set %5050comp 1
msg $chan 50/50 Competition started. To join, type !join5050. [color:red]2[/color] player minimum required to play. Competition will start in [color:red]30[/color] seconds. You must be joined by then to play.
.timer5050compstart 1 [color:red]30[/color] 5050compstart
on *:text:!join5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if (%5050comp == 1) {
.notice $nick You have joined the 50/50 Competition.
hinc Game Competition.players
hadd Game Competition.nicks $hget(Game,Competition.nicks) $nick
hadd Game $+(Competition.,$nick) 20 0
elseif (%5050comp == $null) {
.notice $nick No competition has been started. To start a competition, type !comp5050.
else {
.notice $nick The 50/50 Competition has already started. You cannot join a competition that has already started.
on *:text:!leave:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if (%5050comp != null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)) != $null) {
.notice $nick You have left the 50/50 Competition before finishing.
hdec Game Competition.players
hdel Game $+(Competition.,$nick)
hadd Game Competition.nicks $remtok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),$nick,32)
if ($hget(Competition.players) == 0 && %5050comp == 2) {
else { .notice $nick You aren't in the competition. }
else {
.notice $nick No competition has been started, so you cannot leave one. To start a competition, type !comp5050.
alias 5050compstart {
if ($hget(Game,Competition.players) >= [color:red]2[/color]) {
msg $chan 50/50 Competition has begun. Type !5050 to guess.
set %5050comp 2
.timer5050comp 1 [color:red]120[/color] 5050CompTimeOut
else {
msg $chan Not enough players for the competition -- Competition closed.
unset %5050comp
hdel -w Game Competition*
on *:text:!5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
[color:green]; Create the table for scores and set it to load/save automatically so no data loss will occur.[/color]
if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
hmake Game 50
hload Game 5050.txt
.timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
[color:green]; If competition isn't started, proceed normally. Else, go to the Else and run the competition part.[/color]
if (%5050comp != 2) {
[color:green]; Check the random number 1 or 2. If it's a 1, kick or kick/ban them.[/color]
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
[color:green]; Count the number of kicks and add them to the hash table.[/color]
hadd Game $+($nick,.kicks) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) + 1)
[color:green]; If the number of kicks is divisible by 5, ban and kick the person for 5 minutes.[/color]
if ($calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) % 5) == 0) {
if ($me isop $chan) {
ban -ku300 $chan $nick You have lost the 50/50 and suffer a 5 minute ban.
else {
msg $chan You have lost the 50/50 and would have suffered a 5 minute ban if I was an op.
[color:green]; If the number of kicks isn't divisible by 5, just kick the person.[/color]
elseif ($me isop $chan) {
kick $chan $nick You lost the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You lost the 50/50 and would have been kicked if I was an op.
[color:green]; If the random number is 2, give points.[/color]
else {
[color:green]; Add points to the hash table.[/color]
hinc Game $+($nick,.points)
msg $chan You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points.
[color:green]; Competition section[/color]
else {
[color:red]if (%compdelay. $+ $nick != $null) { return }
set -u5 %compdelay. $+ $nick 1[/color]
if ($istok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),$nick,32) {
if ($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) > 0) {
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
msg $chan $nick lost a life -- $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) lives remaining.
hadd Game $+(Competition.,$nick) $calc($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) - 1) $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),2,32)
if ($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) == 0) {
msg $chan $nick has no more lives.
hdec Game Competition.players
if ($hget(Game,Competition.players) == 0) {
else {
hadd Game $+(Competition.,$nick) $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) $calc($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),1,32) + 1)
msg $chan $nick has won a point for a total of $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$nick)),2,32) points.
else {
.notice $nick You don't have any more lives. Wait until the competition finishes.
else {
.notice $nick You aren't in the competition. Try again after the competition is over.
[color:green]; Allow viewing scores with !won (to see your own) or !won nick (to see a nick's points).[/color]
on *:text:!won*:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
if ($2 != $null) {
if ($hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan $2 has won $hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan $2 has not won any points in the 50/50.
else {
if ($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) != $null) {
msg $chan You have won $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points in the 50/50.
else {
msg $chan You have not won any points in the 50/50.
alias Complete5050Comp {
var %winner.nick = None
var %winner.points = 0
var %c = 1
var %i = $gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),0,32)
while (%c <= %i) {
if ($gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),%c,32))),2,32) > %winner.points) {
var %winner.points = $gettok($hget(Game,$+(Competition.,$gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),%c,32))),2,32)
var %winner.nick = $gettok($hget(Game,Competition.nicks),%c,32)
inc %c
msg $chan 50/50 Competition Ended.
msg $chan 50/50 Competition Winner: %winner.nick with %winner.points points!
if (%winner.nick != None) {
hinc Game $+(%winner.nick,.points) 20
unset %5050comp
hdel -w Game Competition.*
.timer5050comp off
alias 5050CompTimeOut {
msg $chan Time's Up!
Last edited by Riamus2; 10/10/05 06:12 PM.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Thank you SO MUCH! One error i found: <Xman> !comp5050 <X`bot> 50/50 Competition started. To join, type !join5050. 2 player minimum required to play. Competition will start in 30 seconds. You must be joined by then to play. <Xman> !join5050 <Xklark> !join5050 -X`bot- You have joined the 50/50 Competition. <Xklark> !5050 <X`bot> You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of 9 points. <X`bot> You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of 10 points. <X`bot> You have won 10 points in the 50/50. <X`bot> 50/50 Competition Ended. <X`bot> 50/50 Competition Winner: None with 0 points! <X`bot> Time's Up! Does this have to do with the regular 5050 game? I joined the game and it didnt say anything even past 30 seconds so i typed !5050 and it ended.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hm... Ok, I'll check into that. *** Ok, you should have at least received something about it starting... Let's do this... In this part of the script, add the red spots to it:
alias 5050compstart {
[color:red]echo -a Start[/color]
if ($hget(Game,Competition.players) >= 2) {
[color:red]echo -a Enough players.[/color]
msg $chan 50/50 Competition has begun. Type !5050 to guess.
set %5050comp 2
.timer5050comp 1 120 5050CompTimeOut
else {
[color:red]echo -a Not enough players.[/color]
msg $chan Not enough players for the competition -- Competition closed.
unset %5050comp
hdel -w Game Competition*
See what you get for echo's on the bot. Try with only 1 player joining and try with 2+ players joining. Also, note that I changed the line with the > 2 in it to >= 2. You should change that permanently for the script as it required 3 players before by accident.
Last edited by Riamus2; 10/10/05 06:18 PM.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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When you try that, let me know what is echoed on the bot's active window. You should see 2 of those 3 red lines echoed depending if you have under 2 players or 2+ players.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Error on start: <Xklark> !comp5050 <X`bot> 50/50 Competition started. To join, type !join5050. 2 player minimum required to play. Competition will start in 30 seconds. You must be joined by then to play. <Xklark> !join5050 -X`bot- You have joined the 50/50 Competition. <Jer99> !join5050 <Xklark> did it say u joined? <Jer99> yes <Xklark> !5050 <X`bot> You have not won any points in the 50/50. <X`bot> 50/50 Competition Ended. <X`bot> 50/50 Competition Winner: None with 0 points! <X`bot> Time's Up! And in the status window on the Bot: ON Unknown command - COMPLETE5050COMP Unknown command - -> *Not* enough players for the competition -- Competition closed. - Not No such nick/channel - KICK Xklark is a channel admin - ON Unknown command - COMPLETE5050COMP Unknown command You dont have to fix it. If you really want to you can, im just going to stick to the regular 5050. Thank you so much for using your time to help me. I really apreciate it. Thanks