i cant figure out how to make it so each person can fire more (BOOM) than once

on *:text:*:#:{
if ($1) {
if ($1 == !Roulette) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, start, $chan) == on) {
msg $chan Game is already started in $chan
else {
msg $chan The game is now starting. Please type !join to join.
writeini Games.ini Start $chan on
writeini Games.ini $chan join on
if ($1 == !join) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, start, $chan) == on) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, $chan $+ , join) == on) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, $chan $+ , $nick) == joined) {
notice $nick You are already joined $nick Now stop that.
else {
notice $nick Thank you for joining. Now give me a momment to let others join. Thx you. once they have type !Fire to begin. or u can kill someone with !kill :Warning: This takes u out of the game if u dont hit.
writeini Games.ini $chan $nick joined
else {
notice $nick U can not join Game has already begun.
else {
Notice $nick The game has not started. Type !Roulette to start game.
if ($1 == !Fire) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, start, $chan) == on) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, $chan $+ , $nick) == joined) {
remini Games.ini $chan join
if ($rand(1,6) != 3) {
msg $chan Click!
if ($ini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick) == 0) {
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick 1/0/0
else {
set %ScoreRecord $readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick)
set %ScoreWins $calc($gettok(%ScoreRecord,1,47) + 1)
set %ScoreLoses $gettok(%ScoreRecord,2,47)
set %ScoreKills $Gettok(%ScoreRecord,3,47)
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick %ScoreWins $+ / $+ %ScoreLoses $+ / $+ %ScoreKills }
else {
if ($me !isop $chan) {
msg # BOOM!
remini Games.ini $chan $nick
if ($ini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick) == 0) {
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick 0/1/0
else {
set %ScoreRecord $readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick)
set %ScoreWins $calc($gettok(%ScoreRecord,1,47) + 1)
set %ScoreLoses $gettok(%ScoreRecord,2,47)
set %ScoreKills $Gettok(%ScoreRecord,3,47)
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick %ScoreWins $+ / $+ %ScoreLoses $+ / $+ %ScoreKills
else {
kick # $nick BOOM!
remini Games.ini $chan $nick
if ($ini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick) == 0) {
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick 0/1/0
else {
set %ScoreRecord $readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick)
set %ScoreWins $gettok(%ScoreRecord,1,47)
set %ScoreLoses $calc($gettok(%ScoreRecord,2,47) + 1)
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick %ScoreWins $+ / $+ %ScoreLoses
else {
notice $nick You have already died, wait till its over.
else {
Notice $nick The game has not started. Type !Roulette to start game.
if ($1 == !endgame) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, start, $chan) == on) {
remini Games.ini Start $chan
remini Games.ini $chan
Msg # Roulette is now off.
unset %ScoreRecords
unset %ScoreWins
unset %ScoreLoses
if ($1 == !stats) {
if ($ini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick) == 0) {
msg # I do not have that nick in record sorry.
else {
var %Stats = $readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick)
msg # $nick you have Wins: $gettok(%Stats,1,47) Loses: $gettok(%Stats,2,47) Kills: $gettok(%Stats,3,47)
if ($1 == !help) {
notice $nick Do !roulette and follow the Commands listed afterwards.
if ($1 == !kill) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, start, $chan) == on) {
if ($readini(Games.ini, $chan $+ , $nick) == joined) {
if ($2 ison #) {
if ($rand(1,5) != 3) {
msg # Click!
remini Games.ini $chan $nick
else {
if ($me !isop $chan) {
msg $chan BOOM! $2 killed by $Nick
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick $readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick) $+ / $iif($gettok($readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick),3,47) == $null,1,$calc($gettok($readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick),3,47) + 1))

else {
kick # $2 BOOM! killed by $Nick
writeini Games.ini Roulette-Scores $nick $readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick) $+ / $iif($gettok($readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick),3,47) == $null,1,$calc($gettok($readini(Games.ini,Roulette-Scores, $nick),3,47) + 1))