ctcp *:ping*:*:{
if (!$window(@Info)) window -kwz @Info
aline @info $nick pinged you.
ctcp *:version*:*:{
if (!$window(@Info)) window -kwz @Info
aline @info $nick versioned you.
I dont know what's the idea to open a window for 10 seconds... when it's not sure u can see it for so small piece of time but.... if u want timers.... just add this line.... uh.... just to be like this...
ctcp *:ping*:*:{
if (!$window(@Info)) window -kwz @Info
aline @info $nick pinged you.
if (!$timer(info)) .timerInfo 1 10 window -c @info
ctcp *:version*:*:{
if (!$window(@Info)) window -kwz @Info
aline @info $nick versioned you.
if (!$timer(info)) .timerInfo 1 10 window -c @info
But i think it's better not to use the timer.... 'cause when the timer is activated ..... u can have only 1 second left and there to be an action to be printed.... and u wont see it.....
P.S. I hope the 3 lines code to work 'cause i haven't tested it....
Respect !!!