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#130395 17/09/05 08:23 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
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Iljan Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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I have the controll + F? and the shift + F? an the normail F buttons all in use, are there more options? Like Alt? and what is the command in the aliases?

Last edited by Iljan; 17/09/05 08:24 AM.
#130396 17/09/05 08:40 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I doubt the Alt button along with a F-key can be reprogrammed, as some of them are already preset,
eg: You can also use Alt+F1 to show/hide buttons.
eg: Alt+F4 is a Windows command to close that application

#130397 18/09/05 09:46 AM
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Iljan Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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and ctrl + shift + F1 would that work?

#130398 18/09/05 04:30 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Function Key support
You can redefine function keys to perform certain commands, just like aliases. For example:

/F1 /say Hello!
/sF2 /query $1
/cF3 "commands"

The s and c prefixes for Shift key and Control key respectively.

Note: A function key will behave differently depending on the window in which it is used. For example, when using it in a query window the $1 parameter refers to the selected users nickname. If you're on a channel and the nickname listbox is active then the function key will work on the selected nicknames. If the listbox is not active, the function key will just work on the channel.
Shows the help file and is context sensitive, so you can press it in a dialog and it will bring up the help file section describing that dialog. Remember that if this key is redefined as an alias it will no longer work as a help key.

Displays the Keyword search dialog for the help file. If this is redefined as an alias it will no longer work as a help key.

#130399 18/09/05 05:08 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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controll + F?

They aleady said they're using the control key one dude.. smile


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