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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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is there any good info on those ?
i never made them bt for me new script i would like some edit field to insert some info or to enable / disable some options
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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dialog dialogbox { title "New dialogbox for u" ;title of dialogbox size -1 -1 120 50 ;size of dialog box option dbu
edit "Type Text here...", 21, 20 12 69 10 ;this is how a edit box looks when its enabled ready for you to type edit "This is a disabled version", 22, 20 22 69 10, disabled ;this is how a edit box looks when disabled button "Ok", 29, 24 34 27 9, OK ;create an ok button button "Cancel", 30, 60 34 27 9, Cancel ;create a cancel button }
on *:DIALOG:dialogbox:sclick:29: { echo -a Congrat's you've made the button ok perform a command } ; basically here on this script your opening a new script on dialog.. the name of your dialog is dialogbox ; you want a sclick event because your gonna be clicking on the button and we need to assign it its id ; Notice how it says button "Ok", 29, 24 34 27 9, OK we assigned it ID 29 so now ; When the button ok is pressed it will echo back to you Congrat's you've made the button ok perform a command
; Heres a simple script that when you enter something in the dialog box it will display lets assign it to the cancel button
On *:dialog:dialogbox:sclick:30: { echo -a Congrat's you've typed $did($dname,21).text in the editbox } } ; What we basically did here is take the cancel button which is item 30 and have it echo'd when pressed ; What it echos is whatever is typed in the editbox thats enabled which is item 21 ; so we used the script command $did($dname,21).text to display the text
here you go have fun
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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cool is there also a simpel on / off check box ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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look into the dialog help /help did also look at $input /help $input sample
on *:connect:{
var %loginQ = $input(Do You Want To Login with NickServ?,y)
if (%loginQ) { nickserv identify $?*="Enter Your Password" }
dialog optionstest {
title "Options Test"
size -1 -1 199 69
option dbu
edit "Enter Something Here", 100, 1 1 197 10
combo 200, 1 15 160 10, drop
button "Enter", 300, 165 15 30 10
radio "Option 1", 400, 1 30 30 10, group
radio "Option 2", 401, 1 40 30 10
radio "Option 3", 402, 1 50 30 10
radio "Option 1", 403, 100 30 30 10, group
radio "Option 2", 404, 100 40 30 10
radio "Option 3", 405, 100 50 30 10
on *:dialog:optionstest:init:0:{
if ($isfile(testing.ini) == $false) { write -c testing.ini }
var %group1 = $readini(testing.ini,options,group1,id)
echo -a %group1
$iif(%group1, did -c optionstest %group1 ,did -c optionstest 400 )
var %group2 = $readini(testing.ini,options,group2,id)
$iif(%group2, did -c $dname %group2, did -c optionstest 404)
on *:dialog:optionstest:sclick:300:{
if ($did(optionstest,400).state ==
1) { did -a optionstest 200 $did(optionstest,100) }
if ($did(optionstest,400).state != 1) { Echo -a 4WhOoP12 wHoOp!! }
if ($did(optionstest,403).state == 1) { did -c optionstest 200 $did(optionstest,200).lines }
on *:dialog:optionstest:sclick:400,401,402:{
writeini testing.ini group1 id $did
on *:dialog:optionstest:sclick:403,404,405:{
writeini testing.ini group2 id $did
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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oke i have read tru i and i fonud ome type of menu do not work on remote scripts sadly mine is remvoe all i want is a dialogbox that opens when some1 does the command ingameirc i got that as an alias but now how do i open a dialog whit it
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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what is the alias, and what exactly do you want the dialog to do?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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English? just kidding really though.. what is your alias? we dont know what happend when someone presses that command your not giving us details, post us your alias script and someone will implement it in the dialog box
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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yeh well the alias is ingameirc im trying to implent this into a dialog box ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;config part
;main settings
;the game u want to use whit irc (allowed values: RTCW ET Q3 COD CODUO ALL)
;,nummerofchannels is the nummer of channel u want to send to (allowed values: nummers bigger then 0)
;list of channels to send to ingame
;nummer of the channel u wana set this must be inside the nummerofchannels (allowed values: nummers)
;,channel name including the # (allowed values: text)
;,flags used to decide wut messages to send and witch not to send (allowed values: text only cnatijqpkbm)
;allowed values:
;c = normal chats
;n = notice
;a = action
;t = toipc
;i = nick
;j = join
;q = quit
;p = part
;k = kick
;b = ban
;m = channel modes
;if u use UPPERCASE flags that message will be private messaged to u in ingame chat (useing /msg %ingameirc_nickname messsage)(only ET:ETPRO / RTCW:BANIMOD)(allowed values: text CNATIJQPKBM)
;your ingame nickname (used to msg yourself ingame)(allowed values: text)
%ingameirc_nickname = =FF=Im2good4u
;ingame prefix added to your messages (allowed values: text)
%ingameirc_prefix = (ingame)
;send query messages (allowed values: 1 0)
%ingameirc_sendquery = 1
;send DCC chats (allowed values: 1 0)
%ingameirc_senddcc = 1
;reading interval delay (allowed values: nummers bigger then 10)
%ingameirc_readingdelay 1000
;scriptmode 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 2 = enabled whit reading console (allowed values: 0 1 2)
%ingameirc_script = 2
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; now that not much use atm i but the options in a simpel right mouse bottun menu menu channel {
Ingame Irc
..Menu: ingameirc
..$iif(%ingameirc_script > 0,$style(1)) Run/Stop
...$iif(%ingameirc_script > 0,$style(2)) Start (mirc>console): ingameirc_start 1
...$iif(%ingameirc_script > 1,$style(2)) Start (mirc><console): ingameirc_start 2
...$iif(%ingameirc_script == 0,$style(2)) Stop: ingameirc_stop
...$iif(%ingameirc_game == RTCW,$style(1)) RTCW: ingameirc_setgame RTCW
...$iif(%ingameirc_game == ET,$style(1)) ET: ingameirc_setgame ET
...$iif(%ingameirc_game == Q3,$style(1)) Q3: ingameirc_setgame Q3
...$iif(%ingameirc_game == COD,$style(1)) COD: ingameirc_setgame COD
...$iif(%ingameirc_game == CODUO,$style(1)) CODUO: ingameirc_setgame CODUO
...$iif(%ingameirc_game == ALL,$style(1)) All: ingameirc_setgame ALL
..Ingame Nick: %ingameirc_nickname = $?="Ingame Nicknam:"
..Ingame Prefix: %ingameirc_prefix = $?="Ingame Prefix:"
..$iif(%ingameirc_sendquery == 1,$style(1)) Send Querys: %ingameirc_sendquery = $ingameirc_switch(%ingameirc_sendquery)
..$iif(%ingameirc_senddcc == 1,$style(1)) Send DCCs: %ingameirc_senddcc = $ingameirc_switch(%ingameirc_senddcc)
..$iif($ingameirc_checkchan($chan) >= 0,$style(1)) Add/Remove
...$iif($ingameirc_checkchan($chan) >= 0,$style(2)) Add (chat): $ingameirc_addchan(%ingameirc_chanptr,$chan,c)
...$iif($ingameirc_checkchan($chan) >= 0,$style(2)) Add (chat+notic+action): $ingameirc_addchan(%ingameirc_chanptr,$chan,cna)
...$iif($ingameirc_checkchan($chan) >= 0,$style(2)) Add (full): $ingameirc_addchan(%ingameirc_chanptr,$chan,ctnaijqpkbm)
...$iif($ingameirc_checkchan($chan) >= 0,,$style(2)) Remove: $ingameirc_removechan($chan)
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(c),$style(1)) Chat:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(n),$style(1)) Notice:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(a),$style(1)) Action:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(t),$style(1)) Topic:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(i),$style(1)) nIck:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(j),$style(1)) Join:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(q),$style(1)) Quit:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(p),$style(1)) Part:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(k),$style(1)) Kick:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(b),$style(1)) Ban:
...$iif($ingameirc_checkflags(m),$style(1)) Modes:
.Send to Ingame: ingameirc_sendtoconsole $?="Command:"
} i need soem ediboxes some check boxes but that not the real prob i first ned it to laod the dialogbox
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you might try this sample
alias ingameD { dialog -dm ingameD ingameD }
dialog ingameD {
title "In Game Dialog"
size -1 -1 199 69
option dbu
edit "Send to Ingame", 100, 1 1 165 10
button "Enter", 300, 167 1 30 10
radio "Start 1", 400, 1 12 30 10, group
radio "Start 2", 401, 1 24 30 10
radio "Stop", 402, 1 36 30 10
radio "RTCW", 403, 33 12 30 10, group
radio "ET", 404, 33 24 30 10
radio "Q3", 405, 33 36 30 10
radio "COD", 406, 66 12 30 10
radio "CODUO", 407, 66 24 30 10
radio "ALL", 408, 66 36 30 10
on *:dialog:ingameD:init:0:{
if ($isfile(ingameD.ini) == $false) { write -c ingameD.ini }
did -c ingameD 402
Stop: ingameirc_stop
var %group2 = $readini(ingameD.ini,options,group2,id)
$iif(%group2, did -c $dname %group2, did -c ingameD 408)
if ($did(ingameD,408).state == 1) { writeini ingameD.ini group2 id 408 }
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:300:{
ingameirc_sendtoconsole $did(ingameD,100)
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:400:{
Start (mirc>console): ingameirc_start 1
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:401:{
Start (mirc>console): ingameirc_start 2
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:402:{
Stop: ingameirc_stop
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:403:{
ingameirc_setgame RTCW
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:404:{
ingameirc_setgame ET
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:405:{
ingameirc_setgame Q3
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:406:{
ingameirc_setgame COD
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:407:{
ingameirc_setgame CODUO
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:408:{
ingameirc_setgame ALL
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
just type /ingameD
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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made a couple of changes
alias ingameD { dialog -dm ingameD ingameD }
dialog ingameD {
title "In Game Dialog"
size -1 -1 199 60
option dbu
edit "Send to Ingame", 100, 1 1 165 10
button "Enter", 300, 167 1 30 10
radio "Start 1", 400, 1 22 30 10, group
radio "Start 2", 401, 1 34 30 10
radio "Stop", 402, 1 46 30 10
radio "RTCW", 403, 38 22 30 10, group
radio "ET", 404, 38 34 30 10
radio "Q3", 405, 38 46 30 10
radio "COD", 406, 76 22 30 10
radio "CODUO", 407, 76 34 30 10
radio "ALL", 408, 76 46 30 10
box "Run/Stop", 200, 0 11 34 47
box "Game Selection", 201, 36 11 75 47
on *:dialog:ingameD:init:0:{
if ($isfile(ingameD.ini) == $false) { write -c ingameD.ini }
did -c ingameD 402
Stop: ingameirc_stop
var %group2 = $readini(ingameD.ini,options,group2,id)
$iif(%group2, did -c $dname %group2, did -c ingameD 408)
if ($did(ingameD,408).state == 1) { writeini ingameD.ini group2 id 408 }
ingameirc_setgame $readini(ingameD.ini,options,group2,id)
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:300:{
ingameirc_sendtoconsole $did(ingameD,100)
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:400:{
Start (mirc>console): ingameirc_start 1
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:401:{
Start (mirc>console): ingameirc_start 2
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:402:{
Stop: ingameirc_stop
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:403:{
ingameirc_setgame RTCW
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:404:{
ingameirc_setgame ET
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:405:{
ingameirc_setgame Q3
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:406:{
ingameirc_setgame COD
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:407:{
ingameirc_setgame CODUO
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
on *:dialog:ingameD:sclick:408:{
ingameirc_setgame ALL
writeini ingameD.ini group2 id $did
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Nice 1 mike cheers lol i was in the middle of writting it then i came back to mirc to just check someone he wanted then i saw your post.
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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