I created a dialog and in the init event I put this command to set the focus to the 2nd tab: did -f $dname 62
The dialog loads but the focus is on the first tab which shows that the did -f command doesn't work
I am using Mirc 6.16
This is code that can be used to duplicate the problem. After pasting it in remotes do /dialog -m Test Test. The echo command in init confirms that the init is in fact executing.
dialog Test {
title Test Dialog
size -1 -1 200 175
option dbu
button "Ok", 5, 65 160 30 12, ok
button "Cancel", 6, 102 160 30 12, default cancel
tab "Tab 1" ,60,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 2" ,61,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 3" ,62,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 4" ,63,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 5" ,64,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 6" ,65,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 7" ,66,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 8" ,67,5 5 190 145
tab "Tab 9" ,68,5 5 190 145
on *:dialog:Test:init:0: {
echo -a in init
did -f $dname 62