not meaning to be critical, but if i was asked what i thought it was, id say "since it doesnt seem to appear almost ever in all the users of mirc, i would put it down to something odd on the pc it appeared on" thats not to say its a fault on the pc, but rather im sure mirc makes alot of calls to the language it was written in, and they make calls to the OS, and check things etc etc etc, and womewhere down that chain, something is different from most, which occasionally causes this. So what i mean to say is, its more likely to be bug in the substructure that supports mirc, than a bug in khaled's code itself. Something you cant find becuase it doesnt exist in your code.
ex (not ment to represent what happened here)
//echo * line one | echo * line two
* line one
* line two
but one day for some reaosn it went
* line one* line two
And no matter how hard you look you wont ever find what caused it, cause its not in the code your looking at.