because i'm not too familiar with regular expressions yet, i don't know of a perfect solution using regex's and $regsub.
the ideas in the post above look fine to me though.
so here's just a fairly stupid workaround to test i thought of.
especially stupid, because $eval hasn't any parameter like the regex ()+ so evaluating a 200 times is as good (or bad) as 5 or 5000 here, not knowing what's exactly in $1-, and i don't see another manual (non-regex) way to have the returned "$calc($1-)" evaluated.
k, anyways..
alias hCheckpoint { return $iif(($chr(44) isin $1-),$1-,$eval($+($chr(36),calc,$chr(40),$1-,$chr(41)),200)) }
alias testRS {
echo -at -- 12testrs on --
echo -at $hCheckpoint($1-)
;-- echo -at $eval($+($1,$chr(40),$hCheckpoint($2-),$chr(41)),200)
;-- line above adds for sth like "testRS $sin 2+3", but obviously doesn't check if there're functions like $sin (where $1) used
;--which wouldn't support the commas, in case any of them are in $2-
echo -at -- 04testrs end --
use /testRS
i also don't know if something like that can be combined with a regex effectively without adding to it, then again getting too intricate.