; mIRC Calculator by Paul
; Start it with /calculator
; Initialization alias
alias calculator {
if ($dialog(calc)) { dialog -x calc }
if (!$hget(calc)) { hadd -m calc eq 0 }
dialog -dmr calc calc
hadd calc mode deg
; Dialog elements
dialog calc {
title "mIRC Calculator"
size -1 -1 255 470
menu "Options",100
item "",101
item "Clear Equations",102
edit "",50,10 12 230 20,right autohs
edit "0",51,10 35 230 20,right read
button "x!",58,10 65 35 25
button "C(n,r)",42,50 65 35 25
button "P(n,r)",43,90 65 35 25
button "norm",17,130 65 35 25
button ",",18,170 65 35 25
button "Off",54,210 65 35 25,ok
button "log",2,10 100 35 25
button "ln",3,50 100 35 25
button "e",19,90 100 35 25
button "sin",4,130 100 35 25
button "cos",5,170 100 35 25
button "tan",6,210 100 35 25
button "1/x",44,10 135 35 25
button "^",20,50 135 35 25
button "root",7,90 135 35 25
button "asin",8,130 135 35 25
button "acos",9,170 135 35 25
button "atan",10,210 135 35 25
button "(",21,10 170 35 25
button ")",22,50 170 35 25
button "M",45,90 170 35 25
button "M-",46,130 170 35 25
button "MR",47,170 170 35 25
button "M+",48,210 170 35 25
button "sinh",11,10 205 35 25
button "cosh",12,50 205 35 25
button "tanh",13,90 205 35 25
button "asinh",14,130 205 35 25
button "acosh",15,170 205 35 25
button "atanh",16,210 205 35 25
button "7",23,10 285 45 40
button "8",24,60 285 45 40
button "9",25,110 285 45 40
button "4",26,10 330 45 40
button "5",27,60 330 45 40
button "6",28,110 330 45 40
button "1",29,10 375 45 40
button "2",30,60 375 45 40
button "3",31,110 375 45 40
button "AC",1,205 285 40 40
button "*",32,160 330 40 40
button "/",33,205 330 40 40
button "+",34,160 375 40 40
button "-",35,205 375 40 40
button "0",36,10 420 45 40
button ".",37,60 420 45 40
button "Pi",38,110 420 45 40
button "=",49,205 420 40 40,default
button "Phi",39,160 285 40 40
button "<-",55,32.5 245 60 35
button "Del",57,97.5 245 60 35
button "->",56,162.5 245 60 35
button "Ans",41,160 420 40 40
button "<",59,215 0 10 12
button ">",60,230 0 10 12
text "",61,160 0 50 12
text "",52,125 0 10 12
; Evaluate an expression
alias parse_exp {
if ($count($1,$chr(40)) != $count($1,$chr(41))) {
.echo -q $input(Parentheses mismatch,diou,Error)
var %e = $remove($1,$cr),%s,%r,%re /(?<=\))([^()+\-/^*])/g
.echo -q $regsub(%e,/(?<=\d)([a-z])/gi,* \1,%e) $regsub(%e,%re,* \1,%e) $regsub(%e,/(Pi|Phi|e)(?=[a-z])/gi,\1 *,%e)
%e = $replace(%e,log,lg,e,$e,phi,1.6180339887498948482,pi,$pi,ans,$iif($hget(calc,ans),$ifmatch,0))
while $regex(%e,/(([a-z]+)\(([^()]*?)\))/gi) {
%r = $regml(1)
%s = $($+($,$regml(2),$chr(40),$iif($chr(44) isin $regml(3),$regml(3),$calc($regml(3))),$chr(41),$iif($regex($regml(2), $+ $&
/a?(?:sin|cos|tan)h?/i) && $hget(calc,mode) = deg,.deg)),2)
if (%s = $null) {
.echo -q $input(Invalid expression,diou,Error)
%e = $replace(%e,%r,%s)
return $iif($regex(%e,[*\-/+^]),$calc(%e),%e)
; Factorial
alias -l fact {
var %i = $1,%n = 1
if ($1 < 0) || ($2 < 0) { return }
while (%i && (($2 && %i > $2) || !$2)) {
%n = $calc(%i *%n)
dec %i
return %n
; Permutations
alias -l p return $iif($1 <= $2,$fact($1,$calc($1 -$2)))
; Combinations
alias -l c {
if ($2 > $1) return
var %1 = $iif($calc($1 -$2) > $2,1)
return $calc($fact($1,$iif(%1,$calc($1 -$2),$2))/$fact($iif(%1,$2,$calc($1 -$2))))
; Nth root of x
alias -l root return $calc($1 ^(1/$iif($2,$2,2)))
; Log (base 10)
alias -l lg return $calc($log($1)/$log(10))
; Natural Log (base e)
alias -l ln return $log($1)
; Euclid's number
alias -l e return 2.71828182845904523536
; Hyperbolic functions
alias -l sinh return $calc(($e ^$1 -$e ^-$1)/2)
alias -l cosh return $calc(($e ^$1 +$e ^-$1)/2)
alias -l tanh return $calc($sinh($1)/$cosh($1))
alias -l asinh return $log($calc($sqrt($calc($1 ^2+1))+$1))
alias -l acosh return $iif($1 >= 1,$log($calc($sqrt($calc($1 ^2-1))+$1)))
alias -l atanh return $iif($abs($1) < 1,$log($sqrt($calc((1+$1)/(1-$1)))))
; Approximate to cummulative normal distribution function
; Absolute value of error is never greater than 0.00025
alias -l norm return $round($calc(1-(1/(1+0.196854*$1 +0.115194*$1 ^2+0.000344*$1 ^3+0.019527*$1 ^4)^4)/2),4)
; Dialog initialize
on *:dialog:calc:init:*:{
did -o calc 101 Switch to $iif($hget(calc,mode) = rad,degrees,radians)
eq /
; Event for buttons
on *:dialog:calc:sclick:*:{
tokenize 32 $did(50).selstart $did(50).selend
if ($did = 1) {
did -r calc 50,51
did -a calc 51 0
elseif ($did isnum 2-41) { add $did($did) $+ $iif($did isnum 2-17,$chr(40)) $1-2 }
elseif ($did = 58) { add fact( $1-2 }
elseif ($did isnum 42-43) { add $left($did($did),1) $+ ( $1-2 }
elseif ($did = 44) { add ^-1 $1-2 }
elseif ($did = 45) && ($hget(calc,mem) != $null) { add $ifmatch $1-2 }
elseif ($did = 46) {
hdel calc mem
did -r calc 52
elseif ($did = 47) { did -ar calc 51 $iif($hget(calc,mem),$ifmatch,0) }
elseif ($did = 48) {
hadd calc mem $iif($did(51),$ifmatch,0)
did -ra calc 52 M
elseif ($did = 49) {
var %x = $$parse_exp($did(50))
did -ar calc 51 %x
hadd calc ans %x
.echo -q $eq($did(50),%x)
hadd calc tmp 1
did -f calc 50
if ($did = 55) && ($1) {
did -c calc 50 $1 $1
elseif ($did = 56) {
did -c calc 50 $calc(2+$2) $calc(2+$2)
elseif ($did = 57) {
var %d = $did(50),%c = did -c calc 50,%m = did -ar calc 50
if (!$1) || (!$2) {
%m $mid(%d,$calc(1+$iif(!$2,1)+$2))
%c 1 1
elseif ($1 = $2) && ($1) {
%m $left(%d,$calc($1 -1)) $+ $mid(%d,$calc(1+$1))
%c $1 $1
else {
%m $left(%d,$1) $+ $mid(%d,$calc(1+$2))
%c $calc(1+$1) $calc(1+$1)
elseif ($did = 59) { eq - }
elseif ($did = 60) { eq + }
; Add text to editbox
alias -l add {
var %t = $did(calc,50),%d = did -ar calc 50,%c did -c calc 50
if ($hget(calc,tmp)) && ($2 = $len(%t)) {
hdel calc tmp
if ($regex($1,[*+\-/^])) { %d Ans $+ $1 }
else { %d $1 }
did -f calc 50
if (!$3) || (!$2) {
%d $1 $+ $iif(!$3,%t,$mid(%t,$calc(1+$3)))
%c $calc(1+$len($1)) $calc(1+$len($1))
else {
%d $+($mid(%t,1,$2),$1,$mid(%t,$calc(1+$3)))
%c $calc(1+$len($1)+$2) $calc(1+$len($1)+$2)
; Handle previous equations
alias -l eq {
var %1 = $iif($isid,$3,$1),%q = $hget(calc,eq),%t = $hfind(calc,eq?*,0,w),%b = did -b calc,%e = did -e calc,%r = did -ar calc
tokenize 32 $remove($did(calc,61),/) $calc(1+%t) $1- hadd calc eq
if ($isid) {
$6- $+ $3 $+($4,$cr,$5)
$6- $3
inc %t
%q = %t
else {
if (%1 isin +-) { h $+ $iif(%1 = +,inc,dec) calc eq }
%q = $calc(%q %1 1)
tokenize 13 $hget(calc,eq $+ %q)
%r 50 $1
%r 51 $2
%r 61 %q / %t
if (%q < 2) { %b 59 }
elseif (%q = 2) && ((%1 = +) || ($isid)) { %e 59 }
if (%q = %t) { %b 60 }
elseif ($calc(1+%q) = %t) && (%1 = -) { %e 60 }
; Option menu
on *:dialog:calc:menu:*:{
if ($did = 101) {
hadd calc mode $iif($hget(calc,mode) = deg,rad,deg)
did -o calc 101 Switch to $iif($hget(calc,mode) = rad,degrees,radians)
else {
hdel -w calc eq?*
hadd calc eq 0
eq /