ok i have this now,but nothing seems to be working,is there some way to test it to see if it is actually doing something?i have it saved on a .txt file in my mirc directory,same as all my other remotes....but i have no idea if it is actually working......
on :*:join:#channel: {
set %scan.idle.time 900
$+(.,timerscan.idle.,$chan) 0 30 scanidle $chan
on :*:part:#channel: {
$+(.,timerscan.idle.,$chan) off
alias scanidle {
var %x = 1
while ( %x <= $nick($1,0) ) {
if ( $nick($1,%x,v).idle >= %scan.idle.time ) && ( $nick($1,%x,v) != $me ) {
kick $1 $nick($1,%x,v) Anti-idle-kick
inc %x
and also is the 900 is the amout of idle time before it kicks?sorry i am completely lost with this one..please help..thanks