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Joined: Apr 2005
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Valo Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 31
here are some things id really like that my bot could do if i send him priv messege:

/msg mybotname kick name (msg)
/msg mybotname kb name (msg)
/msg mybotname say (msg)
/msg mybotname /hop

and some more because im usually not at home but at office or somewhere else can u help me with this thingy? plz? i know i is kinda hard but please i really need it (if u could make these then id could make the rest ones) wink

Last edited by Valo; 01/06/05 09:20 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 612
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 612
on *:text:*:?:{
if $nick == yournick {

this is fairly basic and takes no regards for the safety of the identification(i.e is it actually you or not telling it to do things)

the format of the command would be
/msg botname command

for example

/msg botname kick #mychannel nickname reason

please note that if someone else has your nick while you are away they could potentially execute damaging code on your home computer. More checks would be necessary, like a password for example.

on *:text:*:?:{
if $nick == yournick {
if $1 == PASSWORD {
$2- }
else msg nick WRONG PASSWORD

the format would now be

/msg botname PASSWORD command


Joined: May 2005
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 106
that script didn't work for me
heres the code i have
on *:text:*:?:{
  if $nick == yournick {
    if $1 == PASSWORD {
    $2- }
    else msg nick WRONG PASSWORD

on *:text:*:?: { 
  if $nick == yournick {

and thats the way the scout leader burns
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 612
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 612
that script should work, have you changed yournick to the nickname messaging the bot?

How are you testing it? On text events cannot be called by yourself you would need to make another connection to the server with the "yournick" nickname and msg the bot from there.

I see nothing in it that doesnt work.

also you cant have two on text events in the one script handling the same match (*), remove the second code and just use the one with the password.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
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It would be better if he just used this.

on *:text:PASSWORD *:?:{ if ($nick == yournick) { $2- } }

Bold sections need to be changed to specific password and nick to use

The original had him messaging "nick" with the password failed message. but really it would be safer if he simply didnt reply if it was wrong.

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