if person is oped on #bla - check if oped, if not: ban (HALT?) - if not, /notice. If person in on #bla - if he is, ban - if he is not, /notice.
on *:TEXT:!kick*:#bla.crew:{
if ($2 !isop #bla) { ban #bla $2 3 | kick #bla $2 You've been very naughty. | notice $nick Done. }
else { notice $nick User is oped. }
elseif ($2 !ison #bla) { ban #bla $2 3 | kick #bla $2 You've been very naughty. | notice $nick Done. }
else { notice $nick user not found. }
As you can see, I'm a total newb at mirc scripting and I would appreciate any help figuring this out and I've tried a dozen possibilities and tried looking it up on google.