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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on *:sockclose:socket_example:{ close -@ @Updating .unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc .timer 1 3 { ./load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc } } halt
I dont want it to ask me if it wants to load ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc, I want it to just do it. Isnt that code right?
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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is the script name the same all the time? like do you put the version in the filename? if NOT, then try .reload -rs scriptname.ext and take out the .unload line. This will reload the script but it WON'T run any on LOAD events. Thats the best I can come up with.
Last edited by keeker; 20/02/03 03:32 AM.
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i need the on load events, because it sets the new version info. Anybody else got any comments?
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Im not sure but how bout this
on *:sockclose:socket_example:/close -@ @updating | /unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc | /timer 1 3 /load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc | halt } Like i said im not sure im just wingin it here so if it works id be amazed LOL
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok strange thought but why unload and load the same script? if u just simple /load it it reloads it from file ..... atleast thats my understanding
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i could try it. But a clean unload and a clean load woulud be alot more safe then just loading on top of another one right?
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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just doing the load, it dosnt work the way i want it. I need it to unload, then reload shortly after, but not right after.
on *:sockclose:socket_example:{ close -@ @Updating .unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc .timer 1 3 { .load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc } }
that should by def. work.
Last edited by xrn0id; 20/02/03 04:19 AM.
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok i guess then i have no answer for u LoL anytime i use it it loads fine for me ...... but then again i dont know what exactly ur trying to do ... sorry cant be of anymore help to ya
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't know what he's doing either...I was just throwing my wrench into the gears to suggest something as well...I apologize as well for not being able to help any further...hopefully you will get it to work
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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what i am trying to do:
unload the script wait 3 secconds load the script again without mirc confirming it
that is what i am trying to do. forget about the code I posted. How can i do this?
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok one thing have u also tried the reload command to see if that worked the way u wanted it to??
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I dont want it to ask me if it wants to load ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc, I want it to just do it. Open the mIRC editor, from the Options menu, unselect "Initialization warning"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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have you tried an fkey?
in the aliases type
f1 /unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc | /timer 1 3 /load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc
maybe that will work...(just throwin in some possibilities here)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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omg i never even thought about that one ... good thing others are reading this too LoL
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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this is for an auto update script. This is spose to be done without any validation or knowing by the client. And about the reload command, that guy said that it ignores the on *:LOAD commands, which I need.
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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No matter how dumm it may seem, I'll ask you if you have any on LOAD commands asking the user to load a script. Anyway, i think you should have looked for such kinda things.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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hey, I do have on load commands to load a script, but they have the period (.) in front of them, and they work. If I just do:
.unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc .load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc
That *works* but I get a error that the dialog is still in use. But if I put it on a timer, it unload and loads fine, it just ask me if i wan tto do it.
So what I want to do (and if i could get a mod in here):
unload ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc wait 3 secconds load ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc without promp
Thats all I want to do, nothing more, nothing less. I cannot explain this any more clearer.
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok have u ever thought that the reason ur getting that dialog error would be ur tryin to remove a file that stores the contents of what ur dialog does??? and that could be why u are getting this error ...... ..... in essance there is NOTHING wrong with the help weve tried giving u yet the error is in your script?? there is nothing wrong i\with simply reloading a script file as opposed to unloading waiting and reloading ...... u get the same effect ...... what your asking for is fine ...... and will work ...... if your not runnign something thru that remote currently ...... as far as i know thats the way its designed
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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to the /reload: I need the on *:LOAD: to work so I can set the new version on the script.
to the code you guys have ben providing me: the code you told me DOES work, it only ask me if i want to load the script insted of doing it without prompt. I dont not want it to ask me if I want to load the script.
.unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc .timer 1 3 { .load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc }
that woks. But you guys are missreading the question. I DO NOT WANT IT TO ASK ME TO LOAD THE SCRIP OFF THE TIMER. The scripts you post work, but ask me to load the scrip. That is what I dont want. If I do the above code, it works fine, no errors, no problems, it just ask me if i want to load the script.
The script that unloads and loads ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc is named downloader.mrc. They are 2 different files.
;Check for Life if (%life == $null) { goto getlife }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok i tested this and i know it works without prompting the user for anything unless u have something ELSE in your scripts telling it to ......
with these things in your remotes options checked this works as ur asking check initialization warning, ask if file not saved, monitor file changes
create an alias like
alias updaterload { .unload -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc | .timer 1 3 .load -rs ftpxdcc-wolf.mrc }
create your socket stuff EXAMPLE:
on * :socketclose:socket_example: { close -@ @UPDATING updateloader } now i see no reason for the halt as what u had suggested to begin with the halt was outside of the actual script it would be run on ..... if that DOESNT work for u ..... u need to check the REST of your scripts as this works on a clean copy of mirc perfectly and as ur wanting it too