FiberOptics method produces the dual (or more spaces), slades Doesnt but thats due to how mirc deals with spaces, not his code If he had put
aline -i @list $replace($findfile($1-,*.*,%x),$chr(32),$chr(32) $+ )
It would have looked right, but had hidden characters in it, so you would have needed to $strip() the value, and still there a problem to deal with (see below)
One thing you need to be aware of sometimes is when you echo something if it has two consecutive spaces in it it well only echo one, but the value well still have two.
//set -s %x A $+ $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) D
* Set %x to A D
//echo -a %x
//echo -a $len(%x)
//echo -a $replace(%x,$chr(32),^)
As you can see the spaces are there just not visable.
I do however find there is alot of times you might have problems writing to the file with commands like /WRITE /FOPEN /FILTER etc as the filename well have the consecutive spaces made into one, unless you use $shortfn(%filenamevar)
This commands is a bit dodgy on non existing filenames, but how often well you event need to make a dual spaced filename.
To anyone out there, anyone got a clean method of making a filename with two consecutive spaces (im letting myself in for ridicule here theres bound to be a simple way i missed)
Mine is such a kludge I dont want to mention it.